Avoid Him

Not A Passing Fancy
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No One’s POV:


Even though Sang Ki didn’t suffer from any fatal or major injuries, he was yet to recover consciousness which surprised even the doctors as it was an unusual case.


It’s been a few days since the accident and Sun Ah has totally disconnected herself from the outside world. She never stepped out of the hospital and she rarely spoke with her family members.


At times she even had suicidal thoughts but one look at her unconscious brother, made her realize that he’s in that condition trying to save her life. So she understood that it’s not the right thing to do and that she has to stay strong for the sake of her brother.


She ate only when Jin Kyong forced her to do so and she hardly moved out of the room except when the hospital staffs were strict on ‘After-visiting-hours’ rules. Even then she would sit in the common waiting area and wait for the next visiting hours to start.



One such evening, the person who came to do the usual check up on Sang Ki, looked out for the attendant. Sun Ah who just walked out of the bathroom, walked past the guy in white coat, not paying much attention to him.


“Are you Sang Ki-sshi’s attendant?” the guy called from behind her.


“Yeah,” she replied softly and turned around.


Her eyes widened in shock and so did the person’s. “You?” both said at the same time as they pointed at each other.


“Sun Ah-sshi?” he asked, while she pressed her forehead hard, trying to remember his name. He smiled a little realizing it, “Son Hyun Woo,” he said, reminding her.


“Ah yeah, I’m sorry Hyun Woo-sshi. I couldn’t remember.”


“It’s okay. Anyway, you’re Sang Ki-sshi’s -?” he paused.


“Sister.” She replied.


“Ah, okay. Well, everything seems to be good. His injuries are healing quicker and his vitals are perfect. Now all we have to do is wait for him to wake up from his mysterious long sleep.”


She nodded her head while her eyes were slowly starting to get filled with tears. He noticed the change in her but wasn’t sure how to react to them. So he just stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before his name was called out to join the emergency room.


“Um, I have to go now. But see you around Sun Ah-sshi. Your brother will be alright soon.” He awkwardly patted her arms and left the room in a hurry while Sun Ah stood there gazing at her brother.




A few days passed by, and almost every day he saw her in similar condition, either crying in the room or sitting lifelessly in the waiting area. Initially he wasn’t sure of how to react to it, so he always ran away from the place.


But with time, he slowly started to feel like he had to try something to make her feel better. He mostly had night shifts and when he does his rounds, he always noticed her shedding tears. And when he finds her sleeping, he covers her with the blankets.


Sometimes she would be sleeping in the common waiting area, especially when Jin Kyong stays over and that was one of those days. Hyun Woo has just started his night shift, saw her sleeping on one of the metal chairs, as he stopped by in the reception area.


He gazed at how uncomfortable she looked sleeping on the cold metal chair and he walked away somewhere. A few minutes later, he returned with a blanket and a pillow which made the nurses and the staffs look at him in shock.


“Omo! Isn’t that Dr. Son?” one of the staffs asked the other.


“Nae, he’s on night duty as usual. Why are you surprised by that?” the other staff replied without even looking up from the system screen she was working on.


“Ani, I wasn’t surprised to see him at this hour. It’s what he’s doing that’s giving me a shock. Unnie, once take a look and tell me whether I’m seeing things.”


“Aish!” the other staff mumbled and looked up. “Omo!” she let out a low shriek at the sight. “What’s happening? Is the world coming to an end?”


“I know right!”


The two staffs kept looking at him in shock as he placed the pillow underneath the sleeping Sun Ah’s head and wrapped the blanket around her.


He stood back and observed her for a few seconds with a small smile on his face. As he turned around, the two staffs quickly busied themselves with some or the other sort of work while Hyun Woo walked up to them.


“Excuse me, um, are you both on the night shift as well?” he asked them both in general as he was unsure of their names.


“Yeah, we are, Dr. Son.” They both answered hesitatingly.


“Then could you both do me the favor of keeping an eye on her while I’m away on rounds?” he asked as he pointed towards Sun Ah while the two staffs nodded their head. “Thank you.” He slightly smiled at them before walking away.


The two staffs stood frozen for a second before they blankly stared at each other. “Did he just smile at us?” One staff asked the other.<

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14/09/2016 Hey dearies ^^ Sorry for the long wait. I have 2 exams this week. So couldn't write. Anyway, will update in another 2-3 days. Once again I'm sorry...


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 32: Aw that was perfect. I wanted this story to last hence I read one chapter a day instead of my usual 2-3. It was so cute, such an awesome story ❤️ you really wrote this so well and esp in this chapter... Chunji being so sneaky sending the lil one behind Sun Ah but eventually it backfired. So cute. I really loved reading this ^^
fayrenz #2
Chapter 31: Awww yayy Shownu passed the prelims haha x3
fayrenz #3
Chapter 30: I bet thats Chunji at the door haha. But these two are so cute, And I feel Shownu has nothing to worry about but still can't wait to see how the meeting turns out to be ^^
fayrenz #4
Chapter 29: That was so sweet. Even the scene with Ricky taking back the rings was just ;;;; i got a mini heart attack seeing "the end" written there and then I remembered there are more chapters. Phew haha
fayrenz #5
Chapter 27: Honestly Sang Ki really deserves so muchhh better than Miyeon. Her getting slapped was so satisfying... But poor Sang Ki got hurt ;;; its all Miyeon's fault and not Sun Ah's... I hope both are able to accept that... And that scene when Sun Ah pecks Hyunwoo's lips and says 'i love you' it was so precious ❤️
fayrenz #6
Chapter 25: Wow I didn't realize I read so much today wow that was a ride haha..i m glad that sun ah is getting over ricky bcz hyunwoo is just so dreamyyyy and that last part asfgjkl it was both cute and hot and im dead
fayrenz #7
Chapter 18: Oh nooo i hope Sun Ah is alright ;;;
fayrenz #8
Chapter 16: Im so happy Sang Ki woke up and hopefully now things for Sun Ah will begin to get better. Will be back to read more ~
fayrenz #9
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Miyeon... She is so despicable... I mean, Sangki is SunAh's brother before he is her boyfriend. That was utter rude. I am so angry at her behavior @$$&?!*&@$ Even Chunji tbh
fayrenz #10
Chapter 9: Oh noooo no matter who it was im so anxious and scared >w<