Break Up

Not A Passing Fancy
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No One’s POV:


When Sun Ah came out of the shower after crying her eyes out, Hyun Woo was not there anymore. She locked the room’s door and changed into one of her own clothes. Her phone started ringing and when she looked at it, she saw Sang Ki’s name flashing on the screen.


“Hello?” she answered him, sounding better than how she did earlier as she did feel a bit better after crying for so long.


“Sun Ah, I’m almost there. Just wait for me, okay?” Sang Ki asked.


“Okay oppa, I will. But are you driving? If so, please drive slowly. I’m alright now.”


“I will be careful. Don’t worry. I will call you once I reach there.” Sang Ki replied and disconnected the call.



She put on mild foundation to hide her puffy face and decided to meet up with the other guys. She met Ji Eun on the way, “The boys are near the swimming pool.” Sun Ah thanked her and made her way towards the pool. As soon as she walked in, she noticed Kihyun and the rest of Hyun Woo’s friends except for him.


She slowly made her way towards them, when her phone rang once again. “Sun Ah-ya, I’m almost near the hotel. Where should I come?” Sang Ki asked over the phone.


“I’m entering the pool area, Sang Ki-ah.” she replied.


“Okay then, see you there.” He hung up.


She was about join the boys when she overheard them talking about Miyeon. So she quickly hid herself close by and listened to what they were talking about. “What happened hyung?” Jooheon was asking Kihyun who looked upset about something.


“Let it go. She asked some nasty things.” Kihyun uttered and then mumbled a curse word or two under his breath.


“By the way Shownu hyung reacted earlier and how you are reacting now, it’s really making us curious.” Minhyuk said while the others nodded.


“Aish!” Kihyun ran his fingers through his hair in frustration before mumbling, “She asked whether I slept with Sun Ah.” Kihyun said while Sun Ah cringed hearing it.


“What???” “What the heck!” Wonho and I.M yelled at the same time as they were the closest to Kihyun.


“Language!” the older boys reprimanded the youngest before they asked once again what Kihyun had said earlier.


Kihyun repeated his sentence and the rest were taken aback. They all understood why I.M was like that earlier. “Keeping aside the fact whether you did it or not, why would she even ask this? Why the hell does she wants to know about our Sun Ah?” I.M was curious.


“Um, I’m not sure whether I could say you this.” Kihyun scratched the back of his neck. “She is the girlfriend of Sun Ah’s brother. And from what little I’ve heard from Shownu hyung, she was Sun Ah’s best friend.”


“What? Best friend? Then why is she asking such a question about her best friend?” Hyungwon asked, sounding bewildered.


“She was, until Sun Ah’s brother nearly died while trying to save her. The girl apparently changed after that. Remember the time, Shownu hyung brought in Sun Ah from that little incident in school?” the rest all nodded, “That was not the first time.” Kihyun exchanged glances with Minhyuk and Hyungwon while the rest looked at him, a bit confused.


“I don’t know for sure, but we guessed Sun Ah was getting assaulted in school even before this incident.” Kihyun continued.


“We?” Wonho asked.


“Minhyuk, Hyungwon and I had to treat her once before. And I heard it wasn’t the only time. Shownu hyung has found her with injuries many times which couldn’t be explained. My guess from what I have observed would be that this Miyeon girl was behind all that.”


“How could you be so sure?” Jooheon asked.


“I have seen her treat Sun Ah badly while her brother was admitted in our hospital.” Hyungwon said.


“Yeah, me too.” Minhyuk joined in.


“So is that all she asked?” I.M wondered.


“She said a few more horrible things which I don’t want to mention,” Kihyun shot down his friends’ question.


“Where’s Shownu hyung?” I.M suddenly asked, making Sun Ah wonder the same too.


She moved around and hid herself properly as the boys started turning their heads and looked around. She suddenly saw Shownu in the distance, resting against an empty table while listening to some girl who was none other than Miyeon herself.


Sun Ah’s eyes widened as she had an idea of what the conversation might be about. As she got closer, she started to hear Miyeon say, “It looked like she had a thing for him, more than you.” While pointing to Kihyun.


Sun Ah was taken aback for a moment and she nervously glanced at Shownu, wondering if he took in her words. “Aish! If you are quiet like this, then of course your girl wouldn’t stop with you. At least that guy had some reaction earlier.”


Sun Ah saw Shownu close his eyes tightly while his hands formed a fist. “Hey, but I’m curious. Don’t you mind if your girl sleeps with another guy? Like do you guys always share your girls with each other in the group?” she asked, pointing to his group of friends.


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14/09/2016 Hey dearies ^^ Sorry for the long wait. I have 2 exams this week. So couldn't write. Anyway, will update in another 2-3 days. Once again I'm sorry...


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fayrenz #1
Chapter 32: Aw that was perfect. I wanted this story to last hence I read one chapter a day instead of my usual 2-3. It was so cute, such an awesome story ❤️ you really wrote this so well and esp in this chapter... Chunji being so sneaky sending the lil one behind Sun Ah but eventually it backfired. So cute. I really loved reading this ^^
fayrenz #2
Chapter 31: Awww yayy Shownu passed the prelims haha x3
fayrenz #3
Chapter 30: I bet thats Chunji at the door haha. But these two are so cute, And I feel Shownu has nothing to worry about but still can't wait to see how the meeting turns out to be ^^
fayrenz #4
Chapter 29: That was so sweet. Even the scene with Ricky taking back the rings was just ;;;; i got a mini heart attack seeing "the end" written there and then I remembered there are more chapters. Phew haha
fayrenz #5
Chapter 27: Honestly Sang Ki really deserves so muchhh better than Miyeon. Her getting slapped was so satisfying... But poor Sang Ki got hurt ;;; its all Miyeon's fault and not Sun Ah's... I hope both are able to accept that... And that scene when Sun Ah pecks Hyunwoo's lips and says 'i love you' it was so precious ❤️
fayrenz #6
Chapter 25: Wow I didn't realize I read so much today wow that was a ride haha..i m glad that sun ah is getting over ricky bcz hyunwoo is just so dreamyyyy and that last part asfgjkl it was both cute and hot and im dead
fayrenz #7
Chapter 18: Oh nooo i hope Sun Ah is alright ;;;
fayrenz #8
Chapter 16: Im so happy Sang Ki woke up and hopefully now things for Sun Ah will begin to get better. Will be back to read more ~
fayrenz #9
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Miyeon... She is so despicable... I mean, Sangki is SunAh's brother before he is her boyfriend. That was utter rude. I am so angry at her behavior @$$&?!*&@$ Even Chunji tbh
fayrenz #10
Chapter 9: Oh noooo no matter who it was im so anxious and scared >w<