
Opposites attract, they said.

Sehun's finger lingered on the "Send" button and for a moment there, he almost didn't hit it. But without giving himself a chance to change his mind, he pressed it and quickly placed his phone in his pocket, letting out a nervous puff of breath. 

He had written it to his parents, asking them to come to the theater where the showcase was going to be held at 8 p.m., but didn't really elaborate much on why. All he wrote was "It would mean a lot to me if you came". Honestly, he had no idea if they were going to come at all. They never really paid much heed to what he wanted anyway. But he really, really wanted them to come and see him perform just once, to see how much he really loved dancing. That this was really what he wanted to do and that he wanted to make a living off of it. He knew he wouldn't end up being as rich as his parents or even anywhere near, but the sentimental value dancing had to him was larger than anything monetary and he wanted them to see that.

Sehun sighed. It's not gonna be easy... 

"What's up?" Jongin asked casually as he took a seat next to Sehun on the hardwood floor, munching on an apple. Sehun simply shook his head.


"Are you nervous about today?" Jongin inquired as he looked at the other male.

"A little bit, yeah. It's my first time actually performing in front of a crowd," Sehun and sat down next to Jongin on the floor.

"Don't worry," Jongin comfortingly patted his shoulder. "You'll do just fine. Just pretend you're dancing alone in your private studio.  Except you should look at the audience."

"That's self-contradictory." Sehun scoffed, making the other male laugh softly.

"Performing on stage... It's hard to describe. You're gonna be nervous as the first few times but you really start getting the hang of it after a while. It just becomes second nature."

"Oh yeah? And what if I get so nervous I forget the steps? Then you're gonna forever regret being my partner." Sehun knew that wouldn't happen; he wasn't really one for nervousness. He was actually exceptionally good at staying calm no matter what the situation. He only hoped that applied to this one too.

"You're not gonna because then I'd ing kill you." Jongin said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Sure wouldn't want that." Sehun chuckled. "So are we supposed to practice today?"

"No. We should save up our energy. But keep going through the choreo in your head so you don't forget." Jongin munched some more on his apple, before offering Suhan some. The latter crinkled his face in disgust.

"Your saliva is all over that." He pointed out.

"Suit yourself." Jongin shrugged. "Since we don't really have anything to do right now, how about we go over to my place? Mom prepared some 'good-luck' lunch for me, or at least that's what she calls it." The brunette laughed, "She always does that whenever I have a big dance performance. Why don't you join?"

Sehun smiled slightly. Despite everything, Jongin seemed to have a really good relationship with his mother. That was not a common sight to see, especially with high school students and especially if it was Jongin. It was endearing, to say the least. I guess people who go through tough times together are the closest.

"That's okay. I wouldn't wanna intrude on some intimate mother-son tradition. I'll pass."

"You're not intruding if I invited you." Jongin reasoned, "Besides, you might need the good luck. It's your first performance."

Sehun thought about it for a second. Ah, why the hell not?

"Alright. Let's go."

The two boys left the school campus together and got into Jongin's car. The ride this time was silent and Sehun took the time to look out the window and watch the buildings pass by. His head went back to his parents and when he checked his phone, he saw that there was still no reply from them. With a sigh, he shoved his device back into his pocket and closed his eyes.

He didn't think they were going to come.

"Is everything okay?" Jongin asked, briefly looking at Sehun before turning his attention back to the road.


"It doesn't look like it."

"Why are you so nosy?" 

Jongin scoffed, "I'm not nosy. I just want you to be in prime condition for the showcase. You look pretty distracted."

"I'm just wondering if my parents are gonna come." Sehun admitted.

"Why wouldn't they?" The elder furrowed his eyebrows, "It's your first performance." 

"'They don't know that." He muttered under his breath, more to himself but Jongin heard it anyway. The elder looked confused for a second before understanding dawned on him.

"Ah, I see. You're planning on surprising them?"

Sehun almost wanted to laugh. 'Surprise' was the last word he would have used right now.

"Something like that."


When they reached Jongin's villa, the two made their way to the front door and Jongin typed in the passcode before walking in.

"Omma?" The elder boy called out as he walked into the kitchen, Sehun silently following behind him. Jongin beamed when he saw his mother preparing the food and leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Ah, Jonginnie. You're back already?"

"Yeah. I brought my partner with me, too." He said, motioning to the doorway where Sehun awkwardly stood, "Thought he could have lunch with us."

His mother looked at the blonde boy, who politely bowed at the woman, and immediately smiled, "Hello there! Jongin, you didn't tell me Sehun was your dance partner."

"Well now you know." Jongin grinned.

Sehun thought she looked so different here. There was hardly any makeup on her face and she was just dressed in simple clothes, contrary to how he saw her the other two times. She looked very comfortable and not at all stuck up like his own parents.

"I'm so glad you could join us for lunch today." She smiled at him before lightly patting his back, "I hope Jongin hasn't been giving you hard time. I know he can be a handful."

"Oh no, not at all. He's an angel." Sehun said sarcastically, eyeing the brunette who just glared at him. The woman laughed heartily before telling her son to take Sehun to the living room and make themselves comfortable while she prepared the food.

"Your mom is nice." Sehun commented briefly as he sat on the comfortable white sofa next to Jongin. It sunk underneath him, unlike the overly-expensive rock hard leather sofas he had back at home.

"Yeah. She's the best." Jongin said, his eyes shining somewhat fondly. It was obvious he absolutely adored his mother.

"Is she coming to the showcase?"

"Of course." Jongin answered like it was the dumbest question ever. "Mom never misses out on any of my performances."

Was it wrong that Sehun was a little envious of the elder? He also wished he could see the proud glint in his parents eyes just like Jongin's mother. Sehun had always done whatever they wanted, always gotten straight A's, always been obedient, and never so much as bent or broken a rule. and yet he never saw them being genuinely proud of him. They just showed him off in front of others like he was some sort of accessory and treated him like a stranger when there were no guests around.

"You have this weird habit of randomly going silent all the time." Jongin stated, slightly amused. "Sometimes I really wonder what goes on in your head."

"Don't bother yourself with me." Sehun sighed, leaning back on the couch and taking off his school blazer.

"So mysterious." Jongin snickered. "I have a really good feeling about today's showcase, though."

"Yeah, don't jinx it."

"Right." The brunette chuckled, rolling his eyes. He paused for a while  before speaking up again, "Hey, Sehun? Can I ask you something?"


"Why medical school?"

Sehun froze. 

"I mean... you're really good at dancing. And you look like you really enjoy it too. So why medical school?"

The blonde didn't say anything. Jongin was not someone he could open up to and have deep conversations with... yet, at least.

"I'm good at studying too, if you haven't noticed." He simply said.

Jongin's eyebrows perked up, "Yeah but do you enjoy it?"

Before Sehun could answer that question, Jongin's mother walked into the room, carrying a bunch of dishes, "Lunch is ready!" She said cheerfully as she placed the plates down on the dining table, before heading back into the kitchen.

"I'll go help your mom." Sehun said, getting up from the couch and following behind the woman. It was obvious to Jongin that the blonde was evading the topic so he simply sighed and slumped back on the couch. You and your mysteries, Oh Sehun.


Lunch with Jongin and his mother was oddly comfortable. It was filled with warm, friendly chatter and Sehun didn't feel like a stranger or an intruder at all. Sehun didn't talk much, only answering questions when he was asked them, but Jongin's mother on the other hand was very talkative. So much that there was hardly a moment of silence. But surprisingly enough it didn't annoy Sehun at all. She talked about Jongin and his embarrassing childhood moments, making the boy cover his face with his hands and beg his mother to stop while Sehun chuckled amusedly, over pleasant, mouth-wateringly good home food. Sehun found himself unconsciously wiping his plate clean. He couldn't remember the last time his mother had ever cooked him something, she probably never did, but now he definitely knew that the books and the movies weren't lying when they said a mother's food had this certain flavor. Something that could never be replicated by even the world's greatest chef. 

After lunch, they stayed for a little longer before they had to leave to prepare for the showcase.

"Good luck on your showcase, boys!" She said, wrapping them both in a sudden tight hug. Sehun's eyes widened in shock. It wasn't unpleasant at all, but just unexpected. And really, really... warm. When she pulled away, she pressed a big, noisy kiss on both their cheeks, making Jongin groan out at his mom to stop embarrassing him. She simply dismissed his remark with a wave of her hands.

"I'll be there by 7:30, okay Jonginnie?"

"Okay, mom. Thanks for the lunch!"

"You're welcome. Now go on!"

On the car ride to the theater, Sehun checked his phone again. Still no reply from his parents. 

Ah they're not coming. I shouldn't have even had my hopes up.

Just as he was about to put his cell phone back in his pocket, Luhan texted him.


Hey! Best of luck for your showcase! I'll be there to watch. Don't get nervous, okay? I'm sure you'll do great.

Sehun smiled when he saw his Hyung's message.


Thanks, Hyung :)

Sehun waited before Luhan texted him again.

From: Luhan


Tell Jongin good luck, too.

Sehun looked to his side to see Jongin focused on the road.

"Luhan says good luck."

Jongin blinked a few times before looking at Sehun, slightly shocked, "Really?"

Sehun rolled his eyes, "Yeah."

Jongin smiled before turning his attention back to the road, muttering quietly, "Tell him I said thanks."


Sehun looked at himself in the mirror. He backstage in the changing room with the rest of the dance club members. Noisy chatter filled the room as students dressed in their dance costumes walked around, put on make up and rehearsed their routines. Sehun was dressed in matching black dress pants and a shirt, along with a black suit jacket. His hair was elegantly gelled back and his eyes were lined with kohl, courtesy of Kim Jongin. He was against the idea of putting on makeup at first but as Jongin had said, it really did bring out his eyes. 

"Lookin' good." Jongin commented as he stepped out of the changing room, dressed in identical attire. He stood in front of Sehun and looked him up and down, before shaking his head. "Just one thing missing." 

The elder boy reached over and popped open the first few buttons of Sehun's dress shirt before smiling, "There."

Sehun rolled his eyes and stepped away from Jongin, looking up at the time. The showcase was just about to start and their show was going to be the third, but the group routine was the seventh. There were people from other schools competing too, a 'small' detail Jongin had apparently forgotten to mention. It was a little difficult to not get his heart thumping in his chest when he saw the amount of people in the audience. The show hadn't even started and there was hardly an empty seat.

"Let's do a brief rehearsal. Just to make sure we don't forget the steps." Jongin said.


Jongin played the song and the two boys briefly moved their bodies to their choreography, not wanting to waste too much energy. 

"Okay... we're gonna nail this." Jongin said confidently, "Don't get nervous."

"I'm not." Sehun denied, but even he knew was just a little nervous.

"Sure." Jongin rolled his eyes, "Just be confident, okay? Don't hesitate. Just like we practiced."

"Oh God. How many times will you tell me?"

"I just really wanna win this time, okay! Don't ruin it for me." Jongin glared at him.

"I'm not gonna up, okay? Now stop talking, you're making my brain hurt." Sehun said as he took a seat. He leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes trying to calm his nerves by taking a few deep breaths.

"Fine." Jongin grumbled and sat down next to him, taking out his phone and scrolling through Instagram since there was nothing else to do. Sehun opened one eye and almost scoffed when he saw Jongin taking a selfie, holding up the peace sign next to his face. Once he took the picture, he started scrolling through the filters to find the perfect one. Sehun rolled his eyes and closed them again.

"Hey, which filter do you think compliments my skin better? Amaro or Valencia?" Jongin asked as he showed Sehun the picture with both filters, face as serious as ever.

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it does!" Jongin gasped, looking offended, "Don't you know that rule number one of the art of selfies is picking the right filter?"

Sehun lifted an eyebrow incredulously, hoping for this to be some kind of joke. Jongin still looked extremely serious though. Sehun leaned back in the chair again, "Amaro." He said, sighing resignedly.

"Knew it." Jongin grinned as he started typing in a caption. A few seconds later, Jongin was nudging Sehun's shoulder.

"Come on, let's take a selfie." Sehun scowled when he saw the camera being held up in front of them, Jongin flashing a handsome face while the blonde just looked like he hated his life. Before he had a chance to protest, Jongin had already taken the picture and grinned evilly. 

"Oh God, your face looks priceless." Jongin burst out laughing and was already scrolling through the filters.

"Wait you're uploading that?!" Sehun gasped, eyed widening.

"This is a ing masterpiece, of course I'm uploading this. People will be double tapping this all day."

"Double what?" Sehun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"For 's sake where do you live, in the ing Stone Age? Do you know nothing about social media terminology?"

"Whatever." Sehun shook his head, deciding he didn't care whether or not Jongin uploaded the picture anymore.

"Done! Hey, check out the caption I wrote."

Sehun looked at the bright screen in front of him. Underneath the hideous picture, he could see the captiion:

'kim_kewl69Backstage with this little piece of sunshine xD #Fabulous'

"I don't know what I should be more worried about- the fact that you called me a little piece of sunshine or the fact that you look so damn proud of what you wrote." Sehun stated.

"I know I know, I'm the best." Jongin said smugly, smiling when he saw the first like and comment on the picture from one of his classmates.

'ariari_blue: Wahhh Daebak~ Sehun-oppa looks really handsome >.<'

"Here's your first fan." Jongin said with a -eating grin. Sehun on the other hand was having a hard time figuring out whether or not the girl was just being sarcastic.

"The showcase just started, everyone. Let's go out into the main backstage area." Mr. Lee announced loudly, making the room go silent for a moment before everyone started heading out. Sehun could feel the bile rising in his throat as he walked out of room with Jongin next to him. He took a moment to process that this was really happening, that he was really going to perform in front of so many people. Once we reached the area where all the contestants were, Mr. Lee walked towards the two boys and smiled.

"I know it's your first time but don't get nervous, okay? I'm sure you guys will do great."

"Thanks Mr. Lee." He said, exhaling. He was frankly getting a little tired of hearing that line but knew it was all in good intent. Once the teacher left to talk to some other students, Sehun felt a tap at his back. He turned around and instantly smiled.

"Luhan-Hyung! How'd they let you in here?"

The elder boy simply grinned, "I managed to convince Mr. Lee to give me special permission." He winked, "Anyways, how are you feeling?"

"A little overwhelmed..."

"It's okay." The elder patted his back comfortingly, "Just go out there and surprise everyone. Show them you're not just about those grades. Surprise me."

"Yeah... okay." Sehun had some new-found determination now to impress his Hyung. He was the one who encouraged him from the start, after all and for that, he wanted to give it everything he had. "Thank you, Hyung. For everything." Sehun smiled genuinely.

"I didn't do anything." The elder said with a soft look on his face, "It was all you. Good luck out there."

Sehun nodded and suddenly wrapped his arms around Luhan in a warm hug. The elder, slightly taken by surprise, was stiff at first but relaxed into it, lightly tapping Sehun's back and the latter pulled away from him before it got too long and awkward.

"I should get going now. I'll be in the audience, and I'll be rooting for you guys." Luhan said, also looking at Jongin who awkwardly stood behind them with an unreadable expression on his face. Sehun had actually completely forgotten about his presence and only remembered when he saw Luhan looking at him.

"Th-Thanks..." Jongin said awkwardly. Though they made up, things were still weird between them. Sure, Luhan forgave him, but that didn't change the fact that what happened happened and that he still felt guilty about it. And he would feel that harsh pang of guilt in his heart whenever he saw Luhan.

"I'll see you after the show, Hyung." Sehun said, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Sure. I'll see you later." Luhan said, smiling, before looking at the brunette again. "Bye, Jongin. Best of luck."

"Thanks Lu." Jongin dared himself to call him by his nickname. It was the name that he had made for Luhan and he always called him by it back when they were friends. He expected the smaller boy to be angered by it but instead his features softened and the corners of his lips curved upwards before he left. The two other boys were left in silence, though it was noisy all around them.

"Sehun... can I ask you something?" Jongin finally muttered and the blonde gave him his full attention.

"What is it?"

Jongin slightly tilted his head to the side, his face expression unreadable, "Were you... Were you serious when you said you uh... loved Luhan?"

Sehun felt the blood rush to his cheeks immediately. He had hoped that Jongin forgot about that but obviously he didn't. Honestly, he wouldn't really say he loved the elder, but he did have feelings for him. Maybe even a little crush. Yes, it was weird at first, but with a calm and rational mind, he accepted the fact that maybe he wasn't so straight after all. The outburst he had that day though was just out of impulse. But he didn't expect Jongin to up and ask about it like that so suddenly.

"I-Is this really the time for that now?" He evaded, looking anywhere but at the elder, who was now smirking.

"Look at you, you're ing blushing." Jongin laughed, "Plus you look at him and talk to him so differently. You even call him Hyung. You don't call me Hyung though I'm elder than you." The brunette scowled.

"I'd dig my own grave and die before calling you 'Hyung'." Sehun retorted, "And that's because he doesn't piss me off all the time like you do and is actually a great friend."

"Why gotta be so rude~" He sang, a disgusting pout on his face.

Sehun rolled his eyes, "You might be decent at dancing but please, never sing again." The blonde knew that wasn't really true. Jongin didn't have such a bad singing voice. In fact, his voice was really smooth and warm. But it wasn't like he was going to admit that.

"You hurt my poor feelings." Jongin's pout intensified. Honestly, he looked like an innocent little kid right now but Sehun knew he was anything but. 

"Do I look like I care?"

Jongin simply stuck his tongue out before looking through his phone to see a message from Baekhyun.

"Hey, Don't... tell him." Sehun mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"What?" Jongin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Don't tell Luhan..." Jongin smirked when he understood what the younger was talking about.

"Okay. We should get ready. The first performance just got over."



"Coming from ******* High School, please welcome the next duo on stage, Oh Sehun and Kim Jongin!" The host enthusiastically introduced.

Sehun could hear his heart thumping in his ears as he stepped up onto the large stage right behind Jongin as the lights darkened. He could hear people in the audience cheering so loudly that it was almost deafening. For a moment there, he felt completely detached from reality. It was as if he couldn't feel his body anymore. Yet, he willed himself to keep walking and took his position on the stage.

"It'll be okay." Jongin whispered to him and Sehun slowly nodded to himself. Soon enough, the lights were shining down on them and the song started playing. Without realizing it, Sehun was moving his body to the now very familiar choreography absentmindedly. He just let the music control his body. 

"Look at the crowd."  He remembered Jongin's advice.

Sehun looked up ahead, curving his lips up in the slightest smirk just as Jongin had taught him. It helped that he couldn't really see the crowd as the lights were only on them. The two were moving in sync and cheers suddenly erupted when the first chorus kicked in.

"My heart is covered black, your place
Your heart is burnt white, my place
Of course you can’t get sick of this play"

With every classy snap of their fingers, ever precise body roll, every subtle movement of their hips, every smirk or wink, the crowd was going crazy and Sehun felt as if he was flying. He wasn't nervous anymore. He felt like he was there but at the same time he wasn't. Like he had so much control on his body but at the same time he didn't. Just like Jongin had said before... being on stage, it couldn't be described with words at all. Sehun felt free, and that was as close as he could get to describing the feeling. He knew the crowd was loving it and it just gave him so much confidence so he went all out.

The crowd then really went berserk when they both took of their suit jackets and threw them to the side during the middle of the second chorus. They went about their choreography until the end of the song, with every little detail, every twitch of their muscles and wave of their bodies polished and executed to a T. If Sehun were to describe perfection, it would be this performance. When he got off that stage with everyone cheering for them so loudly, he felt like there was nothing he would have changed at all. It was simply perfect.

He felt numb and dizzy once he got off the stage, as if he was just in a dream and was met with a lot of wide-eyed looks from the people backstage. He could still hear the crowd screaming for them even though the announcer had already started announcing the next act.

"Did you hear them cheering for us? Holy we completely blew their minds!" Jongin exclaimed happily. "You did ing great. We did great."

Sehun still felt numb but found himself smiling, "Yeah... We did..."

And then it hit him. This wasn't a dream, this was reality. The dream that he was dreaming ever since he was a child copying K-pop idol dances from TV along with his brother. To be on stage and to have people screaming for him. That was his dream, and it was no longer just a painting, no. It was finally reality.

Even if it was just for a little while.



I haven't uploaded for a while but here I am, back with a long- freakin' chapter! Holy . I usually never have the patience to write such long chapters (this one reached 4k+ words). I must be on a freakin' roll today. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed! Do leave your comments as usual and I'll try my best to reply to all of them. Constructive criticism is always welcome! Until next time!

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Hey guys, I'm sorry I kinda disappeared these days. I'm currently working on chapter twenty one but I'm really busy these days so please be patient!


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cycynyny #1
Chapter 34: Hello Authornim, Thank u so much for the update . Have a nice day ahead ^^.
970 streak #2
Chapter 20: Started reading this last name night.
Kissing in the rain seems much more fun than singing in the rain.
cycynyny #3
Chapter 33: Welcome back dear authornim, thank u so much for the bonus chapter i missed this story so much.
ReadRealize #4
Chapter 33: Aww taeyong, he def got scared
Palak27 #5
Chapter 8: I don’t want Luhan to leave.🥺
Palak27 #6
Chapter 7: No offense but Jongin is a piece of shxt!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 6: I ship hunhan a lot too! More than SeKai..
Rnsy275 #8
Chapter 30: Hi Author-nim! Can I ask where did the extra chaps about hunhan & their marriage plan go?☹️
287aus #9
Chapter 32: I loved this a lot that I can’t really say how or why but I read it in two days so!!! I’d love to elaborate more but I’m afraid I enjoyed it way too much to collect my thoughts properly ):
Chapter 25: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1031704/25'>Twenty Four</a></span>
sehuns a bad and thats on PERIODT