
Opposites attract, they said.

Jongin slumped down on the hardwood floor of the practice room, resting his head back against the mirror and trying to catch his breath. He had been dancing for two hours straight and was now completely drained. Gulping down a large sip of water, he looked around the room to see some students still practicing in front of the mirrors while others sat down, chatting comfortably. Sehun was one of the former, always being the perfectionist he was, practicing until he was satisfied with himself. When Jongin himself was not dancing, he liked to watch the younger boy. Sehun didn't look like his usual stoic self when he was dancing. He just looked free, like he was genuinely doing something he loved and enjoying himself. Jongin wanted to tell him that he didn't need to practice so much, that he was already perfect, but he was rather enjoying the view.

Yup, never put Sehun in sweat pants ever again.

Jongin unconsciously his lips as he gawked at the blonde boy's behind, which looked even bigger than it already was in those godforsaken sweat pants. It didn't make sense to Jongin how a guy could have such a perky . He didn't peg Sehun for the I-squat-20-times-a-day type either. He could only guess the younger boy had some ridiculously good genes. Whispers and giggles from somewhere nearby snapped him out of his little daze and he looked to the side see a group of girls from the dance club pointing and Sehun and talking giddily amongst each other. Jongin immediately scowled at them.

Don't you girls have anything better to do than ogle my boyfriend?

He knew he was being a huge hypocrite at that moment because he himself was doing the same but he didn't really care at this point. Sehun was his boyfriend, and that, in theory, gave him 100% rights to ogle him whenever he wanted. A little annoyed, he stood up and made his way over to the blonde boy and put a hand on his shoulder, making him halt his movements.

"Come on, take a break. You look like you might pass out."

Sehun rolled his eyes, panting slightly, "I'm fine."

"Fine my . Look at you, you're all sweaty and gross. Don't overwork yourself. Here," Jongin handed him a bottle of water. The panting blonde boy accepted the bottle and took a large gulp of it. Jongin watched how his prominent Adam's apple bobbed up and down through his sweaty neck as he drank and for some reason Jongin found it to be really y. To be honest, ever since they started being together, Jongin found everything that the blonde did to be appealing. Now even drinking water was added to the already God knows how long list. He couldn't even call himself biual because all other guys were gross to him. It was just Sehun.

Meanwhile, Sehun was looking at the elder boy rather disapprovingly, "You do realize you look very creepy when you stare at me like that, right?"

"Well it doesn't look like it bothers you very much since you agreed to be my boyfriend," Jongin winked, making sure to lower his voice so no one would hear them.

"Well technically I didn't physically agree to it."

"You didn't refuse either," Jongin said with a smirk and a smug lift of his eyebrow, "Come on, that's enough practice for today. Let's go shower and I'll treat you out for lunch."

The brunette threw and arm around the younger boy and led him out of the room, ignoring his complaints to stay back and practice some more.


* * *


Once Jongin was done showering and drying himself off, he tied a towel around his waist and was about to step out into the locker room but immediately halted when he saw a huge patch of milky white skin. Retracting back into his shower cubicle as fast as he came out, he slowly peaked through the little gap in the door and watched Sehun who was drying off his hair. His back was to him and he was completely shirtless, only dressed in his school pants. It was his first time seeing Sehun shirtless as he was usually the one to finish first and leave the locker room. When the blonde turned around, Jongin almost whistled at the sight. Sehun had a lean body and broad shoulders. He didn't have that much muscle but not too less either, just the right amount to give him a perfectly toned body and a subtle outline of abs. Jongin's throat was suddenly dry as he stared at the other male who, thankfully enough, didn't seem to notice him. Jongin felt like a huge ert but he really didn't care much at that moment. He was almost disappointed when he saw the younger boy put on his shirt.

Okay, Jongin, you need to calm the down.

With a bright blush on his cheeks, he pried his eyes away from the sight and closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

But this is a good sign, right? He thought. If he could feel some kind of way when the younger was shirtless, it meant that maybe this could work out in the end.

I wonder what he would think if he saw me shirtless...

Before he could have any more stupid thoughts, Jongin dragged himself out of the shower cubicle and Sehun was, fortunately, already out of the locker room by then. With a relieved sigh, he started putting on his clothes.


* * *


"Why did I agree to this?" Sehun groaned as he leaned back in his seat, brows furrowed painfully. They went to Jongin's favorite fried chicken place and said boy insisted they'd have a competition on who would be able to eat the largest possible amount of chicken. Jongin, being the fried chicken that he was, ended up winning, and now they were left with the aftermath of all the oil they had devoured. People were looking at them disapprovingly but that didn't stop the goofy smile Jongin had on his face.

"So... What will my prize be?"

"It's taking everything in me not to punch you in the face right now so just don't talk to me," Sehun glared at the brunette, making him chuckle in return. It took a good half hour after that for the huge stump in Sehun's chest to tone down a little.

"So, should we get going?" Jongin suggested.

"Yeah, okay. I don't think I'll be eating chicken again for a good few weeks."

Jongin chuckled and the two of them left the restaurant after paying for their food. Only to realize that it was raining heavily outside.

"When did it even start raining?" Sehun groaned.

"Why? Don't you like the rain?"

"I don't particularly fancy the idea of getting drenched from head to toe and then getting sick the next morning."

"Hm... Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Jongin asked with a smirk on his face.

"Judging from the look on your face right now, I'm most definitely not." Sehun replied, a little cautious now. Jongin's smirk widened as he stepped closer, "Jongin...?" Sehun took a step back but before he knew it, the elder male grabbed his hand and took off running into the rain, dragging him along. It was only a matter of seconds before they were both completely soaked.

"You !" Sehun yelled, trying to pull his hand away from the elder boy. Jongin paid no heed to him and kept running.

"Just let go! Trust me, you'll feel amazing." Jongin shouted back over the loud sound of the rain, smiling back at his boyfriend. He tightened his hand around Sehun's and sped up, running through the empty streets like some sort of madman, dragging the poor boy behind him. Before he knew it, Sehun's scowl slowly turned into a smile as he ran to meet Jongin's long-legged pace. The two ran through the empty streets together, the rain crashing down on them relentlessly. Jongin was right, it did feel amazing. He couldn't describe the feeling, but the fact that the brunette was also there, holding his hand, made it all feel even more exhilarating. His heart was pounding against his chest and as he ran, he stared at Jongin, seeing the huge, happy smile on his face when he looked back at him. Eventually, the two stopped by an empty alleyway to catch their breaths, hands on their knees. They were both still smiling and when Sehun stood up straight after a few minutes of trying to get his breathing under control, he saw Jongin gazing at him softly. He could help but return the gaze, still panting slightly.

His heart rate sped up again when Jongin stepped closer to him slowly, until he was right in front of him, not even once breaking eye contact.

"Jongin?" He breathed, feeling a little cautious now with how close he was. The rain was still pouring down on them like nobody's business. Jongin lifted an icy hand, gently placing it on the nape of Sehun's neck.

"I want to see you smile like this all the time," Jongin whispered, "I want you to smile like you did in that picture with your brother. I want to see your eyes sparkle with life like that again."

Sehun's breath hitched in his throat as he listened to Jongin speak. His eyes were gentle yet serious and pouring with sincerity.

"But most importantly I want to be the reason for it," He finished, leaning his forehead against Sehun's. Sehun could feel his similarly erratic heart beat since they were standing so close and his stomach was making weird back flips. Goose bumps ran all over his body and he didn't think it was because of the rain.


"What?" Jongin frowned. 

"Stop making me like you so much."

Jongin's eyes widened slightly at Sehun's confession before he smiled softly and moved his hand to cup his cheek instead.

"I don't want to," He whispered as he gently caressed Sehun's cheek with his thumb.

"I just can't help but worry sometimes, you know?" The blonde sighed, "What will your friends think about us? And your mother? We... are both guys. Society will always be against us. How long before all this breaks us?"

"I don't know, Sehun." Jongin sighed exasperatedly, "And I don't care. I don't want to think about it. We'll worry about that when the time comes. All I know is that being with you feels so... amazing. I don't want to let go of this feeling ever, not after I've finally accepted it."

Sehun breathed out slowly and closed his eyes, "Okay," he whispered, slightly nodding head. That was all Jongin needed to hear and he smiled at his boyfriend, fixing a loose strand of his wet blonde hair back. Slowly, his eyes traveled down to Sehun's pink lips that were slightly wet from the rain. His breath hitched in his throat. There was only one thing on his mind now. Sehun noticed where he was looking and he nervously his lips without really thinking about it. Wrong move.

"Sehun..." Jongin's voice came out slightly husky, and it made the said boy's heart beat even faster than it already was, "I think I know what I want for my prize."

The blonde didn't have to think much to know what the older boy meant. And honestly, he didn't think he was going to deny him his prize either.

Because he secretly wanted it, too.

"Can I kiss you?"

Jongin was looking up into his eyes almost imploringly and the look on his face made Sehun's heart skip a beat. This was another new territory for both of them, but it was bound to happen sooner or later. Now seemed as good a time as any, if not better. Sehun thought of all the new, exhilarating feelings he experienced all because of Jongin. All the different, exciting things he did that he would have never even so much as considered just a few months ago, and how amazing it all felt. To the old Sehun, running through the streets on a rainy night would have sounded absolutely absurd to him but here he was, feeling as if he could jump off a skyscraper and just fly. He realized how much he gained in those past few months, and how much he didn't want to go back to his old life.

That was why he decided to give Jongin his first kiss, not as a prize for some stupid chicken eating contest he won, but as a "thank you" for everything he did for him. For the new world he showed him.

Instead of answering verbally, Sehun leaned in and pressed their lips together. Just a soft, simple touch of lips, almost as if dipping a toe in water. The fact that Sehun made the first move took Jongin aback and he felt his heart skip a beat. Eyes fluttering closed, every little nerve fiber in both their bodies seemed to instantaneously go on overdrive.

Jongin was kissing Sehun, and it didn't feel gross or repulsive at all.

He felt as Sehun's hands nervously, almost timidly, went up to his waist. The brunette moved the hand that was on Sehun's cheek to the back of his neck, gently caressing him before pulling him closer, wanting to get more of his soft, supple lips. When he felt that they were both used to the sensation, he began to slowly his move his lips against Sehun's. Chills ran all over his body as Sehun pulled him closer by the waist. Jongin could feel his inexperience from the small, unconfident little movements of his lips, but he didn't mind it all. If anything, it made it all even better. 

Jongin had kissed many, many girls before, but none of them ever felt like this. It made him realize just how much he liked this boy all over again, and how his feelings intensified through this simple lock of lips. A few seconds later, he pulled away almost reluctantly so they could catch their breaths. Both were panting softly, their hearts beating hard and fast against their chests. Jongin slowly opened his eyes to look into Sehun's half-lidded, slightly dazed ones. 

Kiss in the rain. Could it get any more cliche than this?

"Wow..." Jongin breathed, unable to hold in his awe. It was like everything re-confirmed his feelings for Sehun. Kissing him didn't feel weird or awkward at all, no, it felt absolutely amazing. Actually, he wanted to do it again.

"First kiss?" Jongin whispered after a minute or two. The younger was way to dazed to retort at the embarrassing question, so he just nodded instead. But Jongin didn't laugh, rather, the warmth in his eyes grew and he leaned in to softly kiss him again. Sehun was quick to respond, loving the feel of Jongin's plump lips against his own. The rain just kept pouring down on them but it didn't really matter to either them, because all they could think about was this moment. 

"Thank you," Jongin said and Sehun could feel his soft smile against his lips, "I'm honored." He leaned in to place one last peck on his slightly flushed lips and stepped out of his private space. The two stood under the rain or a bit after that, feeling a strange sort of peace.

"We left your car back at the restaurant," Sehun said, his voice so calm it almost surprised him.

"Are you kidding? I don't wanna ruin my seats. We're walking, babe."

"Please don't call me that ever again."

"Sure, babe."

Sehun shot him a dangerous glare but the other just grinned and ushered him along to walk with him, "My house isn't that far from here anyway. You can stay over and we can watch movies and cuddle all night."

Sehun scrunched his face up even though the idea didn't sound all that bad to him, "I don't trust you. You think I didn't notice you staring at me in the locker room earlier you creep?"

Jongin blushed profusely, "Y-You saw that?"

"Ever heard of peripheral vision?"

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I'm saying it now."

"You could have just let me live on with the fact that you didn't notice..." The brunette covered his face, feeling extremely embarrassed and Sehun chuckled at him.

After walking for a few more minutes, the rain toned down a little but they were still drenched.

"Mom knows, by the way."


"About us. She was the first to know."

Sehun's eyes widened, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. So for now we have one supporter in the SeJong club, and that just happens to be the most important person in my life. How bad could the rest be?"

"That's uh... Wow, I'm really glad to hear that," Sehun said in awe, genuinely relieved to know that there was someone who was supporting them. He himself dreaded the day he would tell his own parents. "Wait, should I be worried about the fact that you already gave us a ship name?"

"Yup. Only took me like five seconds to come up with it. No big deal." Jongin said, sassily playing with this nails. Sehun simply shook his head. Despite the fact that the fried chicken was still heavy in his gut, it had been a pleasant night. He smiled.

Maybe he didn't hate the rain all that much after all.



Okay wow this story is turning out a lot longer than I originally planned. 

But hey, they finally had their first kiss! I know you guys have been waiting for this for like forever, so there you go. Consider it a celebration for the fact that we recently hit 300 subscribers and that I actually had the patience to write twenty chapters.

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Thank you!
Hey guys, I'm sorry I kinda disappeared these days. I'm currently working on chapter twenty one but I'm really busy these days so please be patient!


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cycynyny #1
Chapter 34: Hello Authornim, Thank u so much for the update . Have a nice day ahead ^^.
970 streak #2
Chapter 20: Started reading this last name night.
Kissing in the rain seems much more fun than singing in the rain.
cycynyny #3
Chapter 33: Welcome back dear authornim, thank u so much for the bonus chapter i missed this story so much.
ReadRealize #4
Chapter 33: Aww taeyong, he def got scared
Palak27 #5
Chapter 8: I don’t want Luhan to leave.🥺
Palak27 #6
Chapter 7: No offense but Jongin is a piece of shxt!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 6: I ship hunhan a lot too! More than SeKai..
Rnsy275 #8
Chapter 30: Hi Author-nim! Can I ask where did the extra chaps about hunhan & their marriage plan go?☹️
287aus #9
Chapter 32: I loved this a lot that I can’t really say how or why but I read it in two days so!!! I’d love to elaborate more but I’m afraid I enjoyed it way too much to collect my thoughts properly ):
Chapter 25: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1031704/25'>Twenty Four</a></span>
sehuns a bad and thats on PERIODT