
Opposites attract, they said.

Sehun pretended he didn't notice Jongin walking into the practice room and kept dancing casually to the song that blasted through his earphones. Jongin, on the other hand, didn't speak a word and leaned against the wall, watching the other. It was amazing how Sehun looked so graceful even when he was just moving his body loosely. Although the only time Jongin saw Sehun really in his element, his moves oozing with emotion, was the first time he ever saw him dance. There was no doubt Sehun was a great dancer, but after that night, he never really saw him dance in that way before, the way that absolutely blew his mind in the first place.

"You should try relaxing your back a little," Jongin commented, making Sehun turn his head around and glare at him slightly.

"What?" He asked, taking off one of his earphones. 

"I said," Jongin walked toward Sehun and put his hands on his shoulders, "You should try relaxing your back. It makes you look kinda stiff."

Sehun chuckled, "Is that a nicer way of saying I look like a rod? I thought we had an agreement."

"I was just giving you a piece of advice," Jongin shrugged, "It'll look a lot better."

"Thanks." Sehun rolled his eyes, stretching his arms over his head, "So, what do we do today? I don't think the choreography needs any more alterations. Unless you have any ideas."

"Not really. Let's just run back through the choreo for the next hour. I wanna make sure everything is on point."


When they were halfway through practice, Mr. Lee walked in and smiled at the boys, "I see you two have been working hard."

Sehun immediately bowed at his teacher and Jongin followed suit.

"I came to see how your routine is going," He said, taking a seat.

"Uh, yeah, sure."  Jongin blinked before making his way back to the stereo system to start the song over. They got back into positions and started going through the choreography like second nature now, already having practiced it so many times. By the end of the routine, Mr. Lee looked quite impressed.

"This is quite good." He said, nodding his head appreciatively, "Sehun, I have to say for a new student you are very impressive. And as for you Jongin, I don't even have to elaborate. You're one of the best in my class for a reason. Have you guys choreographed this together or...?"

"Yeah we did it together." Jongin immediately replied, smiling.

"Very good. You know, I always thought no one could ever beat the chemistry you and that kid, Luhan had on stage," Mr. Lee smiled, "That was why I was so disappointed when he decided to leave the club. But you proved me wrong. The two of you go together very well. You might even be the new 'it' dance pairing now."

The smile on Jongin's face had long been replaced by a frown once Luhan's name was mentioned. And that did not go unnoticed by Sehun.

"Thanks Mr. Lee." He said and managed to plaster a fake smile onto his face.

"I guess I'll leave you two to it now. Best of luck," The teacher said before nodding and leaving. 

Sehun stared at the elder boy in silence before finally speaking, "One more time?

"No. That's enough for today. I'm tired anyway."

Sehun watched as he began to pick up his book bag, face void of expression. Sehun would have said something but he knew it would probably end up with them fighting and they definitely didn't need that when the showcase was so close. Plus, he already promised Luhan he wouldn't talk to Jongin about that. With a sigh, he watched the elder male leave the classroom.


* * *


Sehun was going through some biology homework when his phone started ringing. Without looking at the caller ID, he answered.



He instantly recognized the voice on the other end of the line as Jongin.

"What do you want?" 

"Well that's a nice way to greet someone. Anyways, I'm outside your house right now. Come out."

Sehun blinked, "What the hell are you doing outside my house?"

Kai scoffed, "Have you forgotten that the showcase is in five freakin' days? We need to go get our costumes, what else?"

"Would be nice if you told me beforehand." Sehun said, rolling his eyes as he got up from his bed to get dressed. "I'll be down in five."



Sure enough, Jongin's black Audi was waiting right outside his mansion. Sehun walked over to the passenger's side and climbed into the vehicle. 

"You know, I'd never imagined in my entire life that I'd be voluntarily getting into your car," He said as Jongin pulled out of the driveway.

"Life is strange, isn't it?" Jongin said sarcastically. 

"It is." Sehun sighed, leaning his head back against the seat, "So we're still going with the whole suit and tie thing?" 

"Duh. Although I can't decide if we should go for a black or a white dress shirt."

"'I'd say black."

Jongin blinked at him, "You sure make decisions fast."

"Thank you?"

"Do you know that you are awkward as ?" Jongin laughed, "Having a conversation with you is so painful."

"Feeling's mutual." Sehun replied shortly, slightly dabbing his pockets, ", I forgot my phone."

"Who cares? Unless you miss your gay best friend."

"I told you not to talk about him," Sehun said, glaring at Jongin.

"No really, dude. You guys are like joined by the hip these days. Is he forcing you stay with him? Because if he is, then-"

"Why does it matter to you so much?"

"I don't want him going around spreading his disease."

Sehun's fists clenched. That was about as much as he could take of Jongin spouting about his only friend.

"Stop the car." 


"I said stop the car."

Jongin pulled into the side of the road with a rather confused expression on his face as Sehun opened the door and got out.

"Where the are you going?!" Jongin cursed under his breath as he exited the car and followed the other male, "Dude? What the ?" He asked as he grabbed Sehun's arm and turned him around. Sehun harshly pulled his arm away and glared at the other. 

"Luhan is my ing friend, you hear? And I will not sit here and watch while you talk about him like he's some kind of disease. Because unlike someone, the guy actually has a heart."

Jongin lifted a brow, "Are you really defending him right now?" 

"Yes I am." 

"Why, do you ing love him?"

"Maybe I do!" Sehun yelled impulsively, surprising both himself and Jongin. His chest was heaving up and down and the only sounds heard were his deep breathing and the cars rushing past them. Jongin was staring at him, eyes as wide as saucers. "And there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with him. Because he is the most amazing, kind, friendly person I've ever met. But you, Kim Jongin..."

"You're just a piece of ," He said lowly, "You're the one with the disease."

And then he walked away, leaving a gaping, fuming, shocked Jongin behind. Because at that moment, Sehun's words hit him hard. The tone that Sehun used... it made him feel like he really was a piece of . And he hated it so, so much. 


* * *


Sehun had walked all the way home, and he just didn't know what was going on with him anymore. He was partly happy because Jongin finally got the two words he deserved. He was partly shocked because he didn't know he had it in him to stay things like that. But he also felt stupid because now... he knew he truly ed up.

His head was a mess and by the time he got home, it really wasn't any better. He stormed into his room and flopped down into his bed, face buried in the mattress. 

What have I done? , what have I done?

He didn't how long he was just lying there, contemplating his life choices but when he finally lifted his head, he saw a light blinking in the dark and realized it was his phone. He grabbed it and unlocked the screen to see that he had a message from Luhan.


​Can you please come over? I need someone to talk to...


Sehun noticed that the message had been sent about an hour ago, probably a little after he left the house. He quickly grabbed his jacket and ran down the stairs, leaving the house again. He caught the first cab he could find and quickly got in, leading the driver to where Luhan lived. Luhan hardly ever texted him before so he was sure something must have been wrong. Once they reached the familiar apartment complex, Sehun quickly paid the driver and went out, practically running into the building. He waited for the elevator to reach the 15th floor, hoping it could go faster.

"Come on... Come on..." He mumbled to himself. Finally, he reached the 15th floor and ran out, making his way to Luhan's apartment and ringing the doorbell repeatedly. When no one answered for a while, he rang it again. This time, a slightly puffy-eyed Luhan opened the door and his face was slightly flushed.

"Hyung, I'm so sorry I was late. I-" He cut himself off when he took in the elder's state. "Hyung... have you been crying?" 

Luhan forced a smile and opened the door wider for Sehun to come in.

"What happened?" Sehun asked worriedly once they were inside. Luhan was silent for a while, just staring at the floor. Now the younger knew something was really wrong. He had never seen Luhan like this before. His apartment actually looked messy for once.

"Sehun I'm... I'm leaving Seoul... Forever."

"W-What?" Sehun blinked. No. He must have heard wrong.

"My father h-he... He moved his business to China permanently and now I have to move there too. He said he already filed the transfer papers with the school and..." Before he knew it tears were leaving his eyes. 

"H-Hyung..." Sehun didn't know what to do so he wrapped his arms around Luhan's shaking shoulders and tried to comfort him by lightly patting his back, "Shh... It's okay."

He'd never seen the elder in this vulnerable state before and it hurt his heart. 

"It's j-just that-" Luhan hiccuped, "I've been living here a-all my life. I don't know how I'm s-supposed to just let everything go like that..."

Sehun really didn't know what to say. He had always wanted to comfort his Hyung. And now when he really needed to be comforted, he didn't know how to. All he could do was hug him and let him cry into his shoulder untill he could feel the wetness of Luhan's tears on his shirt. 

But there was another thing...

Luhan was leaving.

Sehun was going to be alone again.

Just as simply as he walked into his life, he was going to leave.




Sehun cradled the elder boy in his arms on the couch until he fell asleep. It was getting late and he knew his parents would throw a thousand questions his way. But he couldn't just leave Luhan like that, right? Not when he was in this state.

Sighing, he looked down at Luhan whose face was buried in his chest, breathing steady. He realized all over again just how beautiful this boy in his arms was. It was cheesy but he really felt like Luhan was an angel. An angel that never deserved to cry or be hurt because he would never hurt anyone intentionally, not even a fly. He caressed his face softly and at that moment, Sehun really wished he could just hold him like that forever. But he knew he couldn't.

He stood up from the couch, carrying the elder boy bridal-style and walked towards his bedroom. He lay him down on the bed gently and tucked him in. Staring at his peaceful form, he lightly caressed his cheek once more and bent down to place a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Sleep well, Hyung," He whispered before leaving the room and lightly closing the door behind him. 


* * *


Jongin was completely blank as he entered his house. He couldn't even process what had just happened. Sehun loved Luhan? Was it really true? Was his dance partner always gay? Why was it that he had a record with gay dance partners anyway?! And more importantly... were they even partners anymore? Clearly not.

Why is this happening now? Couldn't it wait until after the showcase?


"You're just a piece of ."

"You're the one with the disease."

Why were Sehun's words affecting him so much? Why did it feel like it was true? Why was it that he didn't feel the same disgust for Sehun that he felt for Luhan?

No... You're being stupid, Jongin. It's all nonsense. Absolute nonsense.

"Are you okay?"

Jongon snapped out of his reverie when he saw his mother standing in front of him, eyes filled with worry. "Didn't you say you were going costume shopping with your dance partner? Why are you back so soon?"

"W-We postponed it," Jongin quickly lied.

"Don't lie to me Jongin. What happened?"

Jongin sighed, "Mom, I really don't want to talk about this now. I already feel like my head's gonna explode. Can I just go to sleep?"

"Alright," She sighed and cupped his cheek, "But just know if there's anything that mommy's always here for you."

"Thanks mom," He smiled before kissing her good night. There was a lot of thinking he needed to do that night.


* * *



Meet me at the rooftop during lunch break.


Jongin sighed. He knew he had to talk to Sehun anyway. The showcase was just in four days, and they'd already worked so hard for it. He decided he'd just have to tough through it these few days and then it'd all be over. No more Sehun.


He saw the blonde sitting on the bench on the school's rooftop and silently took a seat next to him, trying to keep as much distance between them as possible.

"I've decided." Sehun said without sparing Jongin a glance.


"I've decided what I want. We had a deal, remember?"

"Deal?" Jongin scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion but then he remembered. It was the last thing he'd expected Sehun to talk about, though. "Oh."

"I said I'd stick to my end of the bargain if you stick to yours. And I'm a man of my word."

"Then what is it that you want?"

To say the atmosphere was awkward would be an understatement. But after everything that happened just the past night, Jongin expected nothing less.

Sehun finally looked at him, "I want you to talk to him."


"You know exactly who."

Jongin scoffed, "No ing way."

"Then you can forget about the showcase."

"Why the are you poking your nose into this? What happened between us had nothing to do with you so stop playing matchmaker here."

"Luhan's leaving Seoul forever, Jongin. You're never gonna see him again," Sehun looked at him, "Just talk to him once. See his end of the story. Or you yourself will regret it sometime in the future."

Jongin clenched his fists, "And if I talk to him you'll still be in the showcase?"

"No. I'll make sure you win it. And after that... you won't see my face anymore. You'll go your own way and I'll go mine." 

Jongin was silent for a moment, contemplating over whether or not to take him up on his offer. After all the hard work they'd put in for this showcase, he couldn't really give it all up just because of some stupid dispute. He was just gonna have to it up because all that mattered to him was winning that showcase.

"Okay," He concluded, standing up, "Fine."


Sorry if this was a little hurried but there you go! Chapter Seven. This is where it starts taking off, guys! Look forward to the next chapter!

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Hey guys, I'm sorry I kinda disappeared these days. I'm currently working on chapter twenty one but I'm really busy these days so please be patient!


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cycynyny #1
Chapter 34: Hello Authornim, Thank u so much for the update . Have a nice day ahead ^^.
970 streak #2
Chapter 20: Started reading this last name night.
Kissing in the rain seems much more fun than singing in the rain.
cycynyny #3
Chapter 33: Welcome back dear authornim, thank u so much for the bonus chapter i missed this story so much.
ReadRealize #4
Chapter 33: Aww taeyong, he def got scared
Palak27 #5
Chapter 8: I don’t want Luhan to leave.🥺
Palak27 #6
Chapter 7: No offense but Jongin is a piece of shxt!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 6: I ship hunhan a lot too! More than SeKai..
Rnsy275 #8
Chapter 30: Hi Author-nim! Can I ask where did the extra chaps about hunhan & their marriage plan go?☹️
287aus #9
Chapter 32: I loved this a lot that I can’t really say how or why but I read it in two days so!!! I’d love to elaborate more but I’m afraid I enjoyed it way too much to collect my thoughts properly ):
Chapter 25: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1031704/25'>Twenty Four</a></span>
sehuns a bad and thats on PERIODT