
Opposites attract, they said.


And that was the cue for all the students to rush out of the class like animals. Everyone except Oh Sehun, that is. The blonde boy took off his reading glasses and waited patiently in his seat as the rest of the students left the classroom.

"Have a good day, Sehun-ah." Ms. Jung smiled at him as he stood up to leave the room, and he politely bowed to her.

"You too, Mrs. Jung."

Sehun traversed through the jam-packed hallway towards his locker, trying his best not to bump into any of the hot messes that passed by him. Once he reached his locker, he took out his books and started heading to his next class. That would have been all fine and dandy had he not bumped into someone along the way. 

But that wasn't just any someone. It was none other than Kim Jongin. He was traveling with his usual pack of rowdy boys, being their usual loud selves. They were those people Sehun would subtly send the stink eye when he was trying to read a book in the cafeteria but their loud- selves would keep distracting him with their random, loud remarks. Sehun disliked such people. Frankly, he disliked everyone in school. It was basically a sanctuary infested in STD-carrying, alcohol-abusing kids who don't listen to their parents and think they're all that. Honestly he was glad it was his last year in this place.

So far he'd done a good job avoiding trouble at school, but today, that was about to change. He played it out like he didn't even notice and kept walking forward, until he was suddenly grabbed harshly by the arm and spun around.

"What the do you think you're doing?"

"I'm tryna make it to class, is what I'm doing. Now if you'll excuse me-" Clearly, Jongin wasn't going to let him off easily as he shoved him against the locker.

"I'm talking to you." 

"I have no interest in taking to the likes of you." Sehun said coldy and tried to get away again but the tanned male shoved him against the locker, hands crumpled up at the front of his shirt. 

"Well aren't you a little sass-mouth? Who the do you think you are?!"

"I'm nobody. Now please let me go because I'm gonna be late to class." He said calmly, but that only seemed to rile Jongin up further. 

"Listen, I don't want any trouble." Sehun said impatiently. He was never late to class before and very much intended on keeping that streak. 

"Oh too bad, kid. Cuz trouble just found you."

Sehun let out a bitter chuckle. He hated bullies. "So is this what you do? Bully those who are weaker than you because your life isn't interesting enough? Tsk. How pitiful." Sehun had a problem - he was a very honest person. And his honesty came out at bad times. This might have been one of those times. Because next thing he knew, A tanned fist clashed onto his right cheek without warning, and his face snapped to the side at the impact of it.

Well, that ing hurt.

But it wasn't like Sehun could fight back.

He felt himself being thrown to the floor as Jongin chuckled.

"ing loser."

And then he walked away, leaving him alone in the hallway with only one thought echoing in his mind-

I'm late for history class.


Sehun had plans of quietly entering his house and going up to his room as fast as possible without anyone seeing him. But that didn't happen because as soon as he entered, one of the servants saw him, immedietly gasping and running over to him.

"Sehun! What happened to your face?!" She scanned the large bruise on his face worriedly.

"Nothing." He shrugged. 

"How is that nothing?! I'll call a doctor-"



"I said don't," Sehun emphasized before making his way upstairs, "And bring a latte up to my room." 

"Okay..." She sighed. 

As he passed by his mother down the hall, she sent him a disapproving look.

"Whatever happened to you?"

"Nothing of your concern."

"Mrs. Kim and her son are visiting today. I can't have you meeting them looking like this." 

Sehun didn't even know who the Kim's were, but that was no surprise since there were random people visiting their house all the time. Most probably business partners that his mother was getting all chummy with.

"Just tell them I died or something. I'm not coming out of my room today anyway."

She scoffed and continued on in her merry way, studying her perfectly manicured nails.


* * *


"Gotta say though, that kid had balls." Baekhyun said, nodding his head in approval.

"Damn right." Chanyeol agreed. 

"Yeah, yeah, shut the up you two. Why don't you go his while you're at it?" Jongin sneered bitterly.

"Dude, we're just saying the truth. I don't think anyone's ever talked to you like that before."

"Yeah, that's the thing. He's all talk. He couldn't fight back for ."

"Not everyone has a 24 hour gym membership, Jongin." Chanyeol rolled his eyes.

"Why'd you even get mad at him in the first place?" Kris asked, eyebrows scrunched up.

"Dude, he bumped into my shoulder. And then he just walked by like nothing happened." Jongin said like it was the biggest deal in the world. 

"Really? You need to get your head out of your ." Kris rolled his eyes.

"Hey you can't blame me. I was in a bad mood. ing Melissa gave me the worst ever this morning. That had no idea what she was doing."

"Oh God, you talking about big Melissa? Don't get me wrong, she has nice and all but how does one come to that Botox infested face?" Baekhyun gasped.

"She wanted to me, so I let her." Jongin shrugged.

"You're such a pig, you know that?" Baekhyun said with mock disgust. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know." 


* * *


Sehun huffed as he shut his laptop. He was bored out of his mind, but he couldn't really do much since the Kim's were downstairs. Looking at mirror, he groaned at the ugly sight in front of him. His right eye was purple and his cheek was swollen. His face felt sore and it hurt to even smile. Not that there was any reason to anyway. 

Sighing, he walked out of the room and down the stairs, wanting to at least get something to eat. He could have easily called one of the servants but sitting in his room was getting a little too suffocating so he thought he could get a little walk while he was at it. He could hear two women chatting it up in the living room, one being obviously his mom, and rolled his eyes. Funny how she could have such pleasant conversations with random strangers yet wouldn't have a proper conversation with her own son. Not like his father was any better, anyway. At least he wasn't on the receiving end of all those fake smiles.

As he neared the kitchen, he could hear two voices mumbling. An amused eyebrow rose up at the sight he saw in front of him. 

'Mrs. Kim and her son'. What are the chances of it being Kim ing Jongin?

Jongin was leisurely hitting it off with one of the maids who just giggled shyly at whatever the he was telling her and neither noticed his presence. As if all the girls in school aren't enough? Sehun thought bitterly. Clearing his throat, he crossed his arms and the maid let out a high pitched yelp before pushing Jongin away. 

"M-Master Sehun!" She stammered, quickly bowing, face as red as ripe tomatoes. Jongin on the other hand seemed quite surprised to see the blonde. 

"Minhee," Sehun greeted monotonously before making his way towards the refrigerator, completely ignoring the other male. 

"Master Sehun?" Jongon whistled. "You're Mrs. Oh's son? Gotta say this is a sweet house you have." 

Tightly gripping the bottle of chocolate milk in his hand, he made his way out the kitchen. 

"Chocolate milk?" Jongin grinned. "Classy." 

Pausing, he turned around to shoot the other male a bored look. "What do you want?" Jongin simply stared at him for a few seconds before awkwardly clearing his throat. Minhee, having noticed the tense atmosphere, quickly excused herself and left the kitchen.

"Man I really did a number on your face." Sehun didn't know if that remark was supposed to sound smug but it certainly didn't. It sounded more - dare he say it - sorry.

"I'm not a bully, you know?" He suddenly spoke up again, "I was just having a bad day and you happened to bump into the wrong person at the wrong time." 

Sehun rolled his eyes. Apparently he punched people when he had a bad day. That doesn't sound like bullying at all. 

"I hope I never have the displeasure of meeting you again, Kim Jongin," Sehun said as he turned around and made his way out the kitchen.

"Too bad our moms seem to be hitting it off pretty well. So don't be too surprised if we pay you a visit every now and again."

"Rad," Sehun muttered under his breath as he walked up the stairs and back to his room, cursing the moment he decided to go downstairs in the first place.

* * *


By the time Sehun woke up the next day, his face was a little better but still far from presentable. Sighing, he put on his school uniform. It wasn't like anyone talked to him at school, anyway. The classes skimmed by like usual, if you were to ignore all the weird looks everyone, including the teachers, gave him. Great, he thought, now they think I'm some kind of delinquent. After the last bell rang and he waited for everyone to leave the class as usual, he picked up his books and made his way out before Mr. Ahn stopped him.

"Ah, Sehun-ah." The middle-aged man smiled, "Could you do me a favor?"

"Sure, Mr. Ahn."

"Could you take these papers down to my office? I have a meeting right now."

"Yeah, sure."

"Here are the keys, you can return them to me tomorrow morning." He said hurriedly.

"Of course, Sir." The man smiled once before quickly leaving the room. Sighing, Sehun looked down at the booklets in his hands. He realized they were the questions and answers to their upcoming unit exam. How could a teacher trust him with something like this? Well, maybe it made sense to give to him rather than anyone else - he was the top achiever in class, after all. It wasn't like he needed them. Feeling responsible and somewhat proud, he proceeded to leave the class and made his way to Mr. Ahn's office. After fumbling with the keys for a few seconds, he finally got the door to open and walked in, leaving the booklets on the desk. He then leisurely made his way out and locked the door, until he felt a presence behind him. Looking back, he could see another student, with his bag slung over his shoulders and his hands in his pockets, looking at him suspiciously. Sehun recognized him as that one kid from Biology class but couldn't quite remember his name.

"How did you get those keys?" He asked suspiciously.

Sehun shrugged, "Mr. Jung asked me to leave some papers at his office." 

The guy narrowed his eyes at him, as if trying to tell if he was lying, but judging by the indifferent look on Sehun's face, he concluded he wasn't. 

"You're Oh Sehun, right?" He asked, previously furrowed eyebrows now relaxed.

"Last time I checked, yeah." Sehun briefly recalled that this was that one student who always sat alone in the cafeteria, reading a book, much like himself.

"Sorry for interrogating you." The guy rubbed the back of his neck with a friendly smile on his face, "I'm kind of a teacher's pet."

"That's okay." Sehun tried to offer him a smile of his own, only to quickly regret it when his swollen cheek started to ache.

"You alright there?"

"Yeah, mostly. I just happened to have an unfortunate encounter yesterday."

"Well you don't really seem like the type to get into fights," The boy said thoughtfully, "I'm Luhan by the way." 

"Nice to meet you," The taller replied awkwardly.

"I was just leaving. Let me walk you outside." He offered. 


It felt a little foreign to Sehun. He couldn't remember the last time he had a normal conversation with another student. And Luhan didn't seem like one of those crazy hot messes either, if anything the two had a few things in common. Sehun knew he came off as unapproachable. His stern facial expression basically scared people away from him. People were shallow, judgmental. He was thankful to that for the most part, but sometimes being alone was really boring. He had no one to lean on or tell a story or a joke, vent out his frustration. But it's been like that for so long that he was just used to it - it was his norm.

"I guess I'll see you around then, Sehun." Luhan smiled once they reached the outside of the school. 

"Yeah... I guess." He offered Luhan a tight nod before getting into the posh black Mercedes that was waiting for him.


Aaaaaaaand that's a wrap. I know it's not THAT interesting yet but I actually have a good storyline planned out for this. I will try to update as soon as I can, so stick around!

Until next time~

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Hey guys, I'm sorry I kinda disappeared these days. I'm currently working on chapter twenty one but I'm really busy these days so please be patient!


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cycynyny #1
Chapter 34: Hello Authornim, Thank u so much for the update . Have a nice day ahead ^^.
970 streak #2
Chapter 20: Started reading this last name night.
Kissing in the rain seems much more fun than singing in the rain.
cycynyny #3
Chapter 33: Welcome back dear authornim, thank u so much for the bonus chapter i missed this story so much.
ReadRealize #4
Chapter 33: Aww taeyong, he def got scared
Palak27 #5
Chapter 8: I don’t want Luhan to leave.🥺
Palak27 #6
Chapter 7: No offense but Jongin is a piece of shxt!
Palak27 #7
Chapter 6: I ship hunhan a lot too! More than SeKai..
Rnsy275 #8
Chapter 30: Hi Author-nim! Can I ask where did the extra chaps about hunhan & their marriage plan go?☹️
287aus #9
Chapter 32: I loved this a lot that I can’t really say how or why but I read it in two days so!!! I’d love to elaborate more but I’m afraid I enjoyed it way too much to collect my thoughts properly ):
Chapter 25: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1031704/25'>Twenty Four</a></span>
sehuns a bad and thats on PERIODT