Lady Boss

Marriage for Money

Hey guys! I hope you guys are enjoying "Marriage for Money" so far! Let me know in the comments or PM me any suggestions to improve! ^_^ Do you guys like or dislike me adding pictures (such as the house pictures etc.) into the chapters? Also, I'm starting this new thing where I will put a recap from the last chapter at the beginning of every chapter starting now so that it will be easier to recall what had happened prior in case I take a while to update! Recaps will be in gray Calibri italics :) Additionally, I will start bolding Yi Fei's dialogue, ONLY in cases where I don't add who said what at the end of each dialogue.


"Go to sleep," he says as he covers us in the blanket.

I release myself from his grip and scooch to the farthest side of the bed, annoyed as I turn to face the wall. Bosco swiftly turns over and grips his hand on my hand.

After pushing his hands away multiple times, he never seems to stop hugging me so I give up and sleep.

The Next Morning

I wake up immediately taking notice of the pair of arms wrapped loosely around my waist. I look around the semi-unfamiliar bedroom, realizing that this will be my life from now on.

I promptly lift his arms off of me, as gently as possible. I sit up slowly and quietly, pulling the blankets off me. A pair of arms wrap around my waist once again.

"Did you just wake up?" He asks as he lays his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes, while playing with my hand.

I try to push him away, only to be embraced more tightly. Sigh.

"Let go," I reply, coldly.

He snickers and gives me a peck on the cheek, knowing that I don't like to be around him.

I roll my eyes, annoyed. I push him away with all my strength  and head to the bathroom to wash up. I see his signature smirk from the corner of my eye as I walk to the bathroom.

I walk down the stairs with Bosco following closely after.

"Good morning, Mei-yi, Fa-yi," I greet with a smile.

"Good morning, siu-je (siu-je is similar to "Mrs" in cantonese)" they reply with a bow, smiling brightly.

Bosco pulls me to the dinner table and pushes me to sit down in the chair next to him.

"Sin saang ("Mr" in cantonese), siu je, here is your breakfast," Mei-yi says as she carries our plates while Fa-yi carries out glasses of orange juice.

"Ddo-je a-yi (Ddo-je is a formal way of saying thank you)," I say as they place our breakfast platters on the table.


We both start eating.

"Wow. It's really good, Mei-yi, Fa-yi!" I compliment.

Bosco looks at me, "After we finish breakfast, get dressed then come with me."

I look at him confused and irritated, "Why? Where are we going?"

"Fa-yi, please pick out a dress for Yi-Fei to change into after breakfast."

I look at him again, "Answer me!"

He puts his fork down and looks at me back, "We're going to the company." (Bosco owns many companies including a marketing company, hotel, and loaning company consisting of many chains. We visited his marketing company).

"What? I don't want to be involved in your work."

"You don't have a choice," he replies, continuing to eat his breakfast.

I roll my eyes and finish my breakfast.

I change into:                                                                                                              My Wedding Ring:


I walk down the stairs and meet eyes with Bosco, "Are you happy?"

He smirks and grabs my hand, pulling me toward the car.

The entire car ride consisted of nothing but mutual glances every now and then.

As we arrive, I instantly notice the beautiful golden entrance, unveiling the enormous and beautiful building.

We walk in together as his hand rests on my waist while his other hand is in his pocket.

"Good morning, sin saang," said the workers in unison, while bowing. The workers were all dressed nicely and formed two lines to welcome Bosco.

"This is your lady boss," Bosco says, introducing me to his employees.

"Good morning, siu je," they also said in unison, bowing to me at a 90 degree angle.

I smiled.

We walked into the elevator, where other employees also bowed to us.

We reach the 7th floor which is where is main office is as well as the work place for his main employees. As soon as Bosco and I enter, all the employees stand up and greet us. Once again, Bosco introduces me as the lady boss.

With his hand still around my waist, we walk to his main office. Once the door shuts I push him away from me and pull down the blinds.

"Why did you take me here?"

"Is a husband not allowed to take his wife to work?"

I roll my eyes and ignore him, instead I walk over to the side of the desk he is on and look at the photos placed on his desk.


As I was still looking at the pictures he pulls me by the arm, causing me to lose my balance and fall onto his lap. Startled, I look at him with crinkled brows. He smirks and embraces me.

I make a disgusted face.

"Sin saang," I hear someone call Bosco as they knock on the door.

"Come in," he replies, smirking at my reaction.

I quickly push him away and stand up.

His secretary, Sharon (Chan), walks in, looks at me, and scoffs. Well obviously someone does not like me. She puts her smile back on and walks toward Bosco, pushing me by the shoulder. She gives him a binded document and asks, "Bosco, do you have any other documents for me to proof read?" blinking in an uncontrollable manner. I can't help but chuckle. She shoots me a glare but looks sweetly back at Bosco.

"Here," he hands 2 binded documents to Sharon. She accepts them by holding where his hand is but he pulls away. She tries to keep the smile on her face and exits the room.

I laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" he asks, smirking and holding my hand.

"Your secretary is funny. Give her a day off so she can go to the doctors and check out her eyes."

He smirks. "You jealous?"

I scoff, "Puh-lease."

5:30 p.m. (Dinner Time)

"Let's go," he says as he pulls me with him out the door.



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HottestVIPSone #1
Looks interesting