
Marriage for Money

I look over at Nancy, who was staring at us.

"Bosco, shall we continue?" She asks, smiling at him.

Bosco notices my line of sight. "She's here to talk about the next step in our business project."

"You don't have to explain to me," I make my way up the stairs to the master bedroom.

What is this feeling? It can't be jealousy. I don't love the person that forced my dad to betray me. No. Definitely not.

I change into comfy pajamas:

Upon seeing that it's only 6:00 p.m., I decide to relax in bed.

I look over at my phone, which was ringing.


"Guess who~"

I laugh. "Hmm grandma is that you?"

"Wow. Yi-fei ah (term of endearment), how could you say that to your best friend?"

"Haha what's up?"

"I just arrived at the airport. Do you want to meet up?"

"What?? You're here? Why didn't you tell me? I would've prepared gifts and such!"

"Have you had dinner yet?"

I pause, remembering that I saved my stomach for dinner with the in-laws. "...Not yet."

"Alright let's meet at the usual place. See you~"


I hang up.

That was my best guy friend, Ruco (Chan). He's been my best friend ever since I was a little girl. We've known each other longer than I've known Samantha. When my family was going through obstacles, he would always help us no matter how bad his own situation was. We owe him a lot but he has never mentioned it. I'm very thankful for him.

I change into:

I pick up my bag and walk down the stairs.

I could see Bosco from the corner of my eye looking at me as I walk down.

"Where are you going?" He got up from sitting on the couch with Nancy and walked towards me.

"My friend just arrived, we're going to have dinner," I respond, not looking at him.

"Babe, Fa-yi is currently preparing food for all of us," he says, holding my wrist.

"I haven't seen him in a while so we want to hang out," I look at him in the eye.

"He? Who is it?" His grip gets tighter.

"Ow! You're hurting me," I pull my wrist away from him. I start to turn toward the door but he pulls me back.

We look at each other.

Nancy suddenly gets up, "Bosco," she puts her hands on his arm that was holding mine.

"Let her. She just wants to go out and eat with her..." she pauses and looks at me, "...friend." She smiles. "I mean, it may be odd that she won't tell you who but..don't you trust her?" She looks up at him.

I can't believe how two-faced she is. "His name is Ruco Chan. Stalk him if you want," I turn around and leave, not forgeting to slam the door while I'm at it.

I arrive at the "usual place" which is a street food market near my apartment.

After waiting about 10 minutes, I finally see my best friend that I've missed for 4 years.

"Ahhhhhh~" I scream as I run and hug him.

He chuckles. "How have you been?" He jokingly puts his arm around me.

I suddenly think about Bosco and how he forced my dad to exchange me for money. I lightly sigh, "It's..been good." I fake smile.

He looks at me. I know he can tell it was a fake smile as well as a fake answer but he acts like he doesn't know.

He pulls me to the street food stalls.


I pick up some Cheung Fun which is similar to dim sum.

Ruco grabs a pork chop bun for himself. He also buys some takoyaki balls to share with me.

We talk about life in general and share a few laughs pertaining to his embarassing stories. However, I never mention my marriage life nor anything that has to do with being sold into this marriage.

"How has the bakery been doing?" Ruco asks as he bites into his pork chop bun.

"It's been decent. Fala and Kate are working really hard. Yoyo has also been really helpful ever since she turned her life around," I respond, picking up some egg puffs as we walk.

He suddenly laughs.

I look at him, smiling. "What are you laughing at?"

"I remember when we were kids. One time you dropped your mom's sheet of egg puffs she just made on the floor. When she found out, she yelled at you so much. Then you turned it on me!" He looked at me, pretending to be angry.

I laugh and smack his shoulder. "I panicked that time! She stopped being angry as soon as I told her it was you who did it."

He chuckles and messes up my hair.

"How long are you staying this time?" I ask him, seriously.

He takes a deep breath. "I'm not sure. I hope to find a job within the next month. If I don't, I'm gonna head back."

"So if you find a job you'll stay?"

"Yup," he eats the last takoyaki ball and throws the plate away.

"Where do you want to work?" I ask, finishing up the egg puffs.

"I want to work in the business industry. Maybe marketing?"

"I can ask Bosco about that." I tell him.

"Yi-Fei ah, I don't want to use connections to get a job." He says, slowly.

"I know. Bosco will only hire you if you're capable enough anyway."


"It's settled. Okay?"


Meanwhile: Third Person

Bosco drinks up another glass of wine.

"Bosco," Nancy says, putting her hand on his chest, "Don't drink too much. It's not good for you."

He gently pushes her away and pours another glass, one-shotting it.

She sighs. Nancy cups his face, seeing that he's drunk and pecks his cheek.

"WAI!" He yells, slurring.

"Yes?" He runs to him.


"Yes, sir." He turns to Nancy, "This way." He gestures with his arms to the door.

Nancy rolls her eyes at him then turns to Bosco, "Call me, babe~" She pecks him on the cheek one more time before she gets up and leaves with Wai.

First Person POV

Ruco walks me home and waits for me to enter the house before he leaves.

I enter the house, immediately taking note of the stench of alcohol. I throw my bag on the couch.

"Mei-yi," I walk to her, "Has Bosco been drinking?"

She sighs, shaking her head in disappointment, "Yes."

I spot Bosco in the living room, laying on the couch.

I walk over to him, "Stand up."

He groans.

"You can't sleep here, your back will be aching tomorrow." I pull him up and swing his arm around me. He hugs me instead and fully leans on me. I pry off one of his arms so that I can walk him up the stairs.

When we arrive at the bed I throw him down, finally taking the weight off me.

"Yi-fei~" he says, tossing and turning in the bed.

"What?" I ask him, coldly. Why was he drinking that much with Nancy in the first place?

"Yi-Fei!" he calls my name again.

I sit next to him on the side of the bed while he's laying down with his eyes shut, probably a headache from the alcohol consumption.

"Fa-yi!" I yell.

She comes rushing in the room. "Yes, siu-je?"

"Can you please get me a warm water and a towel?" I ask her.

She quickly grabs the materials and comes back.

"Thank you, a-yi." I thank her as she exits the room.

I dunk the towel in the warm water and wring out the excess water.

I gently wipe his face slowly.

"Yi-fei ah~" he grabs my wrist.


"Where did you go?" His eyebrows wrinkle.

"I went out to eat." I pull his hand off me and wipe his neck.

"Did you have fun with that beep?" He asks, annoyed.

"Can you have some respect for him please? He has helped me out a lot when I was goign through rough times." I put down the towel, irritated.

"Just because he helped you out doesn't mean you can forget you have a husband at home." He says coldly as he grabs my wrist again, tightly.

I was stunned. How could he even think such a thing? "Let go!" I roughly pry off his fingers and throw the towel in the water bath. I stand up, "Fa-yi!" 

Fa-yi rushes in the room. "Yes, siu-je?"

"Can you wipe him down for me? Thank you." I start walking toward the door.

"Fa-yi. You are dismissed. I won't let anybody but my wife take care of me." He said, still having his eyes closed.

I turn around and glare at him.

"Yes, sir." She leaves the room and shuts the door.

I walk over to the bed and plop myself down on the side of the bed.

I roughly wring out the towel and the top few buttons of his dress shirt to wipe his chest and neck.

He grabs the towel and throws it on the side table. He suddenly pulled me by my arms down on him so that I am lying down on top of him.

"Let go!" I try to pry my arms from his hands but to no avail. I only fall over and am now laying next to him.

He hugs me tightly and pulls me so that I am facing him and my head is resting below his head.

"Bosco," I say, "Let go."

He rests his hand on my waist. "Yi-Fei ah~"

"I love you. Please don't leave me~"


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Looks interesting