Hard But Easy

Constant and Changing
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In light of the stress that Amber and Krystal endured during the week before the Japan concert tour, the two girlfriends made a simple promise to enjoy their week of Dimension 4 performances. Amber and Krystal took off from Gimpo airport with Luna, leaving behind South Korea and temporarily leaving behind the Kaistal troubles as well. 

The trio met up with Victoria in Tokyo and the warm reunion made all the difference in the world to both Krystal and Amber. The presence of their Vic-omma, like always, brought about a sense of calm and security that helped to stabilize their fears about the future. Even though Amber and Krystal had promised the PR office that they wouldn't tell others about Kaistal, they couldn't hide the truth from their fellow members, nor did they want to. Luna and Victoria would both be affected by the news, and Krystal and Amber wanted them to be aware of what was going on.

It didn't surprise Krystal that both Luna and Victoria were extremely worried for her. Just like Amber, the others were concerned about the hate she would receive as a female idol in a public relationship, especially with a popular male idol. EXO-Ls were notorious for being protective of the EXO members, and they were not likely to accept Krystal as Kai's "girlfriend".

"Amber and I don't have any other choice," Krystal told Victoria and Luna apologetically after explaining the situation. "I'm sorry for the trouble it'll cause when the news gets released."

Luna warmly wrapped her arms around Krystal and gave her a reassuring hug. Victoria went over to Amber and hugged her as well, comforting the two girls who were visibly distressed about SM's plans to appease Dispatch.

"Soojungie, it's not your fault or Amber-unnie's fault. We're not upset with you guys," Luna said consolingly. She turned to Victoria for her agreement. "Right?"

"Right," Victoria agreed sincerely. "You two might not have a choice about what to do in this situation, but we all have a choice about how to react to the news. And I choose to react to this with my support. I'll always be on your side."

"Me too," Luna nodded. "No matter what happens, no matter what people do or say because of this news, you guys have all my support."

Amber smiled, hugging Victoria tightly. "Thanks jiejie, thanks Luna."

"Thank you," Krystal mumbled, kissing Luna on the cheek and then going over to hug Victoria. The support of her members, who were so much like sisters to her, always made difficult things seem easy.

"What about you, Soojung-ah? How are you choosing to react to the situation?" Victoria wondered with a smile.

Krystal paused and thought about her answer carefully. "Thanks to all of you, I'm planning to react with determination. I won't let this news beat me or f(x)."

Her members smiled and agreed with her; they wouldn't allow this news to beat f(x) either. Together, as four, nothing would stand in the way of their goal to make f(x) shine.

Hearts in sync, f(x) began the tour in Tokyo and performed for a sold-out crowd at Ariake Coliseum with 10,000 MeU cheering them on for both day 1 and day 2. The atmosphere was as warm as their concerts in South Korea, but the feeling was amplified by the much larger audience. The Seoul Olympic Hall had only seated 3500, a fraction of the current audience. Never before had Krystal seen this many MeU gathered in one place waving periwinkle light sticks to cheer them on. The sight of the swelling crowds was incredibly moving, and she was honored to receive the audience's love.

Krystal always felt more free to be herself when she was around family, and certainly in this moment she was surrounded by 10,000 family members. She laughed and smiled from the bottom of her heart. She joked and played around with her members on stage, all to the cheers of their precious MeU.

Before their first Japanese concert began, Krystal had nervously asked Amber, "What if this is the last time MeU cheer for me? What if they don't support me after the Kaistal news is released?"

Amber smiled and shook her head in disbelief. "There's no way that could ever happen." 

"But what if it does? What if the world throws me away and this is my last concert?"

"If this is your last concert, then it'd be everyone's last concert because we're a family. We're won't let you get kicked out of f(x) over this news, not on your own, Soojung-ah."

Krystal smiled at Amber's supportive response, but that wasn't quite the question that she needed answered. "Then what if this is your last concert too? What if this is the end of f(x)? If this is the last time that we're ever going to perform on a stage again, what are we supposed to do?"

For all the times that Krystal had complained about being an idol, for all the times she had regretted debuting early or giving up a normal life to become a performer, Krystal also loved her job. Being on stage made her happy, and being an f(x) member was her happiness. What was she supposed to do if she wasn't allowed to do that anymore?

Amber smiled sympathetically, finally understanding the question that Krystal was asking. And her response was simple. "We dance and sing our hearts out and savor every moment on that stage. We look at our fans, we look at each other, we look at ourselves, and then we smile knowing that we did our best for f(x) and for Dimension 4. And if this really is our last time on stage, then we can look back at all of this with no regrets."

That promise was achieved one hundred times over. From the beginning to the end of Tokyo days 1 and 2, Krystal and Amber enjoyed every second of the concerts. The energy of the audience was electrifying. Every moment stood out brightly from the instant their faces were revealed beneath KLAV masks, right down to the final bow.

What did f(x) mean to Krystal? What did their music mean to her? What did MeU mean to her? Every question was answered by the indescribable feelings Krystal felt when she saw the special fan event at the end of the concert on day 2. Somehow the fans managed to create a giant heart out of red light sticks in the middle of the periwinkle ocean. 

Krystal blinked in surprise, the emotion evident in her expression as she noticed the heart while singing the opening lines to "Ending Page". She turned to Amber mid-verse and gestured toward the crowd in awe of the vibrant display of affection. They could see a pattern of white light sticks in the upper stands writing out a message to them. The words were not immediately clear from the stage with the bright spotlights shining in their eyes, but later on they would learn that it spelled out "WE <3 U". Even though they couldn't decipher the words, the meaning was clear and Krystal and Amber shot finger hearts to the crowd in appreciation.

What did f(x) mean to her? What did their music mean to her? What did MeU mean to her? Looking out at the crowd as they finished "Ending Page", the answers to all her questions was simple: love.

If this concert tour in Japan was her final time on stage, Krystal knew that she would have no regrets.

Following the completion of the concerts in Japan, a full eight performances of Dimension 4, life resumed for f(x) and their solo activities. Krystal was still filming for her movie with Lay and gaining attention in Chinese media, resulting in an interview with BigShot in early March.

There was one positive side effect to the Kaistal news for Krystal. Knowing that she would have a dating scandal with a male idol allowed her to feel more free to talk about her uality. When she was asked about what traits she looked for in men while doing the BigShot interview, Krystal had responded a bit ambiguously to the question.

"When I look at someone, be it a man or woman..." Krystal had responded.

It was an honest response since Krystal most closely identified as biual and she wanted to highlight that preference, but more importantly she wanted the world to be doubtful when the Kaistal news came out. Especially for Kryber fans who would be hurt when they learned about Kaistal, Krystal wanted these fans most of all to question her "relationship" with Kai.

Krystal was so busy with filming throughout March that she missed the "OnStyle Style Icon Awards" held mid-month. Only Amber and Luna attended the show and they had thanked Victoria and Krystal while accepting the award (although Krystal scolded Amber for not referring to her as "Princess Krystal" during the speech). The month became even busier as Amber prepared to release her "Borders" single for SM Station. But the most challenging part of all was that Krystal had to take "couple" pictures with Kai towards the end of March, much to Amber's chagrin. 

Krystal worried about how intimately she would have to interact with Kai in order to take pictures that Dispatch would accept for their article. Much to Krystal's relief, the event was incredibly staged. She and Kai were instructed to wear couple hats, clear glasses, and no masks during the shoot. The pictures were taken in front of Krystal's favorite restaurant during the day with no attempts made by herself or Kai to act like they were hiding from the camera. 

From Krystal's perspective, no two idols trying to date in secret would have gone to a popular restaurant during the day without cov

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"Constant and Changing" got FEATURED!! Thank you all so much for the love over the years. :) I can't believe the story got finished and featured on f(x)'s 9th anniversary. How much more perfect can it get??


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llamafire3 #1
This is my favorite kryber novel.Thank you for your creation and sharing
kryberfanatic18 #2
My kryber heart 🥰
fangirlingislifeu #3
Chapter 74: i really really like this ff, fr. although im knew to reading kryber fanfics, i think this one is my new fav fanfic out of all the stories ive read here including other ship's ffs. great work, author-nim! i so looooove ur writing style— i was so close of believing that u could be krystal urself bcs of the details (real events) u incorporated lol. kryber felt so real here!! i srsly can't get enough of it, as well as f(x)'s.

thank you for sharing with us such a worthwhile fanfic, author-nim! pls continue writing in the future, i'll surely read them esp kryber ones^^
Praying to all the Gods that you make another Kryber chaptered story in whatever genre m(- _ -)m
Dodoisfour #5
Chapter 28: Andameng drama sa katawan netong amber liu na2.
2077 streak #7
Chapter 1: I love how there is a connection to reality with this story
2077 streak #8
Chapter 1: Awwww. I miss this
2077 streak #9
Chapter 18: Oh my god how do you manage to write this so cutely I’m just ahhhhhh my heart
2077 streak #10
Chapter 39: This chapter just make me uwuwuwuwu