Constant and Changing
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There was a dream that Krystal held deep within her heart since before f(x)'s debut. The dream came into existence after f(x)'s final lineup was decided and Krystal gazed upon her precious members for the first time as a whole. She had a vision that one day she would stand on stage with f(x) and hold a spectacular solo concert in front of all of their fans. The fire fueling Krystal's dream came to life on the day of their first LA chA TA stage, burning more brightly with each comeback that f(x) held as a complete five member team.

Then Sulli left the group, and the dream shattered.

Krystal still remembered the day that Sulli announced her decision to leave to the members, springing the unexpected news upon them on an otherwise unremarkable day last August. In Krystal's eyes, the unbreakable bonds that tied the five of them together for over six years had been destroyed in an instant. The powerful vision that she had of their solo concert fell apart before her eyes.

Sulli's departure was an indescribable loss to Krystal and even now she could still feel that pain deep within her heart. But from that loss, Krystal had learned to appreciate what had remained of her precious f(x). With the surviving members at her side, Krystal built her dreams anew.

On the morning of January 29th, 2016, Krystal stood on stage with her members and gazed at the empty seats of the Seoul Olympic Hall with anticipation. The space was cold, lifeless, and dark, but it wouldn't be that way for long. By nightfall, thousands of f(x) fans would fill the seat and watch her dreams--and theirs--come true for the first time.

Krystal turned to Amber and Luna on her left and Victoria on her right, unable to contain a nervous yet excited smile. She could tell from their expressions that her members felt the same. Seven years of blood, sweat, and tears had finally culminated in Dimension 4: Docking Station, a night where they would re-live their journey with each other and bring their experiences to life for their fans. Every song they planned to perform had a history to it, a deeper meaning to the members than the bouncy music and lyrics could ever reveal. But in order to bring their hearts even one step closer to their fans, f(x) would try their best to convey their feelings to their fans tonight.

The final stage rehearsal ended in a flash and night was suddenly upon them. Fans flooded into the concert hall while Krystal and her members stood behind stage in their red blazers and waited for the concert to begin. It was an understatement to say that the members were nervous. Unable to contain her anxiety, Krystal squeezed Amber's hands and began to jump to relieve the extra adrenaline. Even though they had practiced and prepared their hearts out, she suddenly found herself wondering if the four of them would do well tonight.

And in that moment of uncertainty, "Paper Heart" began to play. The noise from the crowd died away instantly as the lights dimmed and the gentle melody played overheard. Filled with curiosity at the sudden change in the crowd's reaction, Krystal couldn't help but peek out at the audience. The view that met Krystal's eyes took her breath away. Shining brightly through the darkness was a periwinkle ocean, a special fan ocean just for f(x). This was the moment that Krystal felt like she had waited an eternity to see. Thousands of fans were waving their light sticks in honor of f(x), and the unified ocean of periwinkle blue was more beautiful than any fan ocean that Krystal had ever seen.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Amber whispered into Krystal's ear, coming up from behind and wrapping her arms around Krystal's waist. Although they still kept their relationship a secret, Amber was reasonably confident that no one would notice the intimate behavior in the darkness backstage. Seeing Krystal's reaction to the periwinkle ocean, Amber couldn't help but feel grateful that she was able to see this side of her girlfriend. The world thought that Krystal was expressionless and unfeeling, but the people close to her knew that Jung Soojung had a heart full of emotion. Amber held Krystal firmly and they swayed to the beat of "Paper Heart" as the periwinkle ocean swayed with them.

"Hey hey," Victoria said, wedging herself between the lovers, nearly pulling them apart. She stepped between Krystal and Amber and placed an arm around each one. "You guys are so greedy. Share the hugs with all of us!" she said loudly in a cheerful voice. Victoria then looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was within earshot before pulling the two girls closer. "Way to be discrete about your relationship," the leader chided them wryly, keeping her voice low. "Why don't you just kiss each other while you're at it?"

"I was thinking about it," Amber joked, earning herself a sharp shake from Victoria.

"Don't worry, unnie, we'll be careful," Krystal promised, recognizing Victoria's protectiveness of their relationship and feeling happy to have her support. "Let's just enjoy the concert and have fun!"

"That's the plan," Victoria nodded cheerfully, "but let's see if she agrees."

The three members turned and looked over to where Luna stood alone and continued to practice their choreography up until the final minute. They turned to each other with a look that plainly said "as expected of our Luna", and then they walked over to their hardworking member while still arm-in-arm.

"Relax a little," Amber called out to Luna as they approached her. She and Krystal waved at Luna with their free hands, inviting her to join the group hug. The vocalist stopped mid-dance move with a sheepish smile and joined her members without hesitation.

"I just want everything to be perfect," Luna admitted, wrapping her arms around Krystal and Amber, smiling at Victoria who stood across from her.

Victoria kindly reached across the circle and cupped Luna's chin with her hand. "As long as we have fun out there, even if we make mistakes, this concert will be perfect for sure."

The opening VCR played as the members hugged and hyped each other up for the start. Krystal bounced to the beat, feeling a tingle of pride whenever the audience cheered. That feeling of pride lasted the entire night. It was like an amazing high, an indescribable feeling of ecstasy. The night was a blur of wonderful emotions that filled every inch of her body, mind, and soul.

After a suspenseful intro in which Amber announced the opening of the Docking Station and Krystal welcomed the audience, they started by performing "Electric Shock". Krystal bit back a smile as she remembered the giddy feeling of Amber giving her a piggyback during their encore stages in the past. They performed "Red Light" afterwards, reminding her of the tumultuous era for f(x) that somehow transformed into a new start for Amber and Krystal as a couple. Old school songs like "Gangsta Boy" and "ME+U" made them all smile in embarrassment, remembering how they cringed at their cutsey dance moves both five years ago and now.

They performed "LA chA TA", maintaining a five person choreography here and for every song that Sulli had been a part of, a subtle nod to someone who had been a substantial part of their past. Memories of their debut stage, filled with Sulli's distinct laughter, were still fresh in Krystal's heart. Every song brought a bit of the past into the present. "Pinocchio" reminded them of their first win as f(x). The award had been received amidst fresh tears from the members. "Beautiful Goodbye" brought forth memories of singing the song together at radio shows and TV shows.

Then Amber and Victoria exited the stage, leaving behind Luna and Krystal for their duet, "Sorry (Dear. Daddy)". Not for the first time that night, Krystal's mind began to drift to her parents. The song lyrics spoke of apologizing to a father for fighting and not understanding each other. It echoed the current situation with her mother. Krystal didn't even know if her parents were watching her tonight, but she desperately hoped that they could see her now. She was giving her all as though they were here, as though they could witness how much she had grown.

Krystal hoped her parents were proud of her.

Throughout this whole fight with her mother, Krystal had tried so hard not to apologize for being who she was, for falling in love with Amber and being true to herself. But her lack of apologies didn't mean that Krystal didn't feel sorry for fighting with her mother. As she stood on stage with Luna, Krystal sang every lyric of the song with sincerity, hoping her feelings would reach her mother. "Sorry, I'm sorry. I can't say anything other than this."

The song ended with Krystal nearly in tears. Luna guided her behind stage with a gentle hand and the members took a brief rest as the concert VCR for "Signal" played while they changed outfits. Krystal smiled gently at the crowd's reactions at the VCR, remembering the fun that f(x) had while filming it. She tried to shake the sad thoughts from her mind and prepared for the next part of the concert.

The third set began with Krystal's beloved "Shadow". She had been thrilled when she heard that f(x) would be recording and releasing that song for "Pink Tape". The set ended with another of her favorites, "Beautiful Stranger". Krystal never understood how the gem of a song had gone unperformed these past 3 years. Standing along side Amber and Luna, the trio melded their voices and delivered an epic rendition of the song, fulfilling a promise she had made with Amber months ago to perform that song live at their first concert.

The concert was half over, but their energy was still overflowing. Producer Shim Jae Won had outdone himself with a seamless medley of "Rainbow", "Pretty Girl", and "Diamond". The epic transitions from one song to

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"Constant and Changing" got FEATURED!! Thank you all so much for the love over the years. :) I can't believe the story got finished and featured on f(x)'s 9th anniversary. How much more perfect can it get??


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llamafire3 #1
This is my favorite kryber novel.Thank you for your creation and sharing
kryberfanatic18 #2
My kryber heart 🥰
fangirlingislifeu #3
Chapter 74: i really really like this ff, fr. although im knew to reading kryber fanfics, i think this one is my new fav fanfic out of all the stories ive read here including other ship's ffs. great work, author-nim! i so looooove ur writing style— i was so close of believing that u could be krystal urself bcs of the details (real events) u incorporated lol. kryber felt so real here!! i srsly can't get enough of it, as well as f(x)'s.

thank you for sharing with us such a worthwhile fanfic, author-nim! pls continue writing in the future, i'll surely read them esp kryber ones^^
Praying to all the Gods that you make another Kryber chaptered story in whatever genre m(- _ -)m
Dodoisfour #5
Chapter 28: Andameng drama sa katawan netong amber liu na2.
2077 streak #7
Chapter 1: I love how there is a connection to reality with this story
2077 streak #8
Chapter 1: Awwww. I miss this
2077 streak #9
Chapter 18: Oh my god how do you manage to write this so cutely I’m just ahhhhhh my heart
2077 streak #10
Chapter 39: This chapter just make me uwuwuwuwu