Constant and Changing
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After the nerve wracking feelings that she experienced before the London Korean Festival performance, Krystal was feeling very relaxed now. The relief of a successful performance translated into a carefree attitude, almost one of child-like innocence. Krystal could see that the other members felt the same way. After returning to their hotel suite for the night, the members were somehow full of energy and they chased each other playfully from room to room like children, shouting and laughing with abandon. They dragged every blanket, pillow, and comforter into the living room and began to set up makeshift sleeping bags on the floor.

It felt nice to hold this impromptu slumber party with each other. Many months had passed since the last time the four of them were together like this, and no one wanted to sleep in their own separate beds tonight. Victoria was headed back China tomorrow while Amber, Luna, and Krystal were flying back home to Korea, but no one cared about their future schedules. Tonight was just for them, and they planned to spend as much of it together as they could.

As Victoria and Amber piled the last of the pillows in the center of their blankets on the floor, Krystal fell backwards on top of them with a mischievous smile on her face. She waved her hands back and forth like she was making a snow angel, pushing pillows in every which way.

"Yah!" Luna cried out, picking up the nearest pillow and hitting Krystal lightly on the face with it. "What are you, five?"

Krystal smiled and pulled Luna towards her. The older girl tumbled on top of the pillows with a giggle and joined the maknae in making snow angels in the bedding.

Luna had accused her of being five, but Krystal was now twenty. Time moved faster than Krystal had realized over the last six years, since the day she and her members became f(x). Krystal remembered moving in with her members for the first time as a teenager, nervous but excited about the new life she was starting with them. From begin a fourteen year old girl playing her members to being a twenty year old adult now playing with her sisters, Krystal found it funny how not much had changed since then. Even now, Krystal was still nervous but excited about starting a new life as f(4) with her members.

Victoria brought over a shopping bag full of snacks, sweets, and drinks and dumped its entire contents into the sleeping area. Three sets of eyes widened gleefully at the mountain of junk food in front them, and they turned to Victoria for permission before plunging their greedy hands into the treasure.

How long had it been since they last went on such a large scale snack run like this? They had come a long way since their trainee days where they would escape through the back door of the SM building and run over the hill to the nearby convenience store in pitch-black darkness to fuel their late-night practices. Now that they had earned their fame, no longer did they need to sneak in snacks or use a poor hoobae trainee to order kimbap for them. They could enjoy their well deserved snacks every now and then, like tonight.

Krystal opened a pack of pepero, put a cookie stick into nonchalantly. Without warning, Amber, who sat next to her, lunged closer and bit off half the stick in Krystal's mouth in one fell swoop. The younger girl pulled back in surprise, nearly dropping the half that was still in .

"What the hell, Am?" Krystal cried, smacking her girlfriend hard on the shoulder in embarrassment. Her cheeks felt warm from the unexpected action, and the laughter of her three fellow members wasn't helping the situation.

"OK, you guys can't tease me for getting embarrassed around Soojungie anymore," Amber said with a smirk. "She gets just as embarrassed as I do."

"All the more reason to keep teasing the both of you," Victoria joked, wrapping an arm around the pouting younger girl.

"Hey!" Luna exclaimed suddenly with excitement. "You know what we never got to see? A pepero kiss from you two!" Luna looked eagerly at Amber and Krystal, who were still chewing on their respective halves of a pepero stick. "Remember when we played that on your birthday, Soojung-ah?"

The blush on Krystal's cheeks deepened as she thought about her last birthday party and how she and Amber, who hadn't kissed yet at the time, had played the pepero game in front of their friends. It had been such a shy experience for the both of them. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of kisses had passed between them since that time. Krystal knew that she and Amber would have no problem sharing a pepero kiss on the own now. But with an audience, the shyness was still the same as it had been during her birthday party.

"I remember," Krystal admitted, "but we're not gonna reenact that."

"Why not?" Luna asked, pulling another pepero stick out of the package coyly. She held out one end to Krystal and tugged on Amber's collar to put the older girl in place to receive the other end in . "How about for old times' sake?"

"I can't do this," Amber cried in embarrassment, pulling away from the pepero immediately.

"Why are we doing this?" Krystal complained, looking to Victoria for help. The eldest unnie merely held up her hands peacefully and watched the younger trio playing.

"Because," Luna said, pulling Amber back to her and placing the cookie end in , "You two just stood in front of 10,000 fans in London and gave one of the best performances of your lives. Don't you feel the rush? Don't you feel the need to keep entertaining your fans here?"

Amber looked around the hotel room stupidly and pulled the pepero stick out of . "What fans?"

Luna raised her hand enthusiastically, completely unabashed. "Me! I'm a Kryber fan. Please entertain me."

Victoria snorted with laughter while Krystal and Amber looked at their shining vitamin in disbelief. "You know what?" Victoria added, scooting closer to the action. "Luna's won me over. I'm a Kryber fan and I wanna see this, too."

Krystal sighed and looked back at Amber shyly. As embarrassing as this situation was, the younger girl was honestly grateful for friends like Luna and Victoria who not only supported them, but were also happy to see them share a kiss. Society was not as open-minded as Victoria and Luna, which was why, other than Jessica, only these two people in her life knew about her relationship with Amber. More than any other place in the world, this hotel room was filled with acceptance and understanding and it made Krystal feel warm throughout every inch of her body. If Victoria and Luna wanted to see an innocent kiss, why should they deny them one?

Krystal took the pepero from Amber and put the cookie end in . She gave Amber a look that asked "Why not?", and she could feel Amber's expression slowly change under her gaze to one of reluctant acceptance. Amber leaned towards her and gently bit down on the tip of the chocolate end. There was just a moment of hesitation where Amber looked into Krystal's eyes and silently asked for permission before initiating the pepero kiss. Amidst the anticipation emanating from the audience watching them, Krystal gave her wordless approval with a shy smile.

In three quick bites, Amber bit down on the initial piece of pepero between her teeth, bit halfway down the cookie stick separating them, lunged forward to press her lips against Krystal's in a brief kiss, and then bit down on the remainder of the pepero before retreating from Krystal in embarrassment. The younger girl bit down on the piece of pepero between her lips and swallowed while blushing; there were no remnants to measure this time. Luna and Victoria squealed with delight upon seeing the sweetness of their kiss, only fueling their embarrassment.

"OK, ENOUGH!" Amber yelled, burying her face in a pillow after furiously chewing the pepero stick in . "I refuse to do any more embarrassing stuff tonight."

Krystal looked at her girlfriend with a sheepish smile, feeling like Amber about to continue suffering tonight. "Actually, I have something embarrassing that I wanted all of us to do."

"What is it?" Victoria wondered.

The younger girl looked down bashfully before answering. "I wanted us to write letters to each other tonight..." Krystal could feel her members collectively cringe a

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"Constant and Changing" got FEATURED!! Thank you all so much for the love over the years. :) I can't believe the story got finished and featured on f(x)'s 9th anniversary. How much more perfect can it get??


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llamafire3 #1
This is my favorite kryber novel.Thank you for your creation and sharing
kryberfanatic18 #2
My kryber heart 🥰
fangirlingislifeu #3
Chapter 74: i really really like this ff, fr. although im knew to reading kryber fanfics, i think this one is my new fav fanfic out of all the stories ive read here including other ship's ffs. great work, author-nim! i so looooove ur writing style— i was so close of believing that u could be krystal urself bcs of the details (real events) u incorporated lol. kryber felt so real here!! i srsly can't get enough of it, as well as f(x)'s.

thank you for sharing with us such a worthwhile fanfic, author-nim! pls continue writing in the future, i'll surely read them esp kryber ones^^
Praying to all the Gods that you make another Kryber chaptered story in whatever genre m(- _ -)m
Dodoisfour #5
Chapter 28: Andameng drama sa katawan netong amber liu na2.
2077 streak #7
Chapter 1: I love how there is a connection to reality with this story
2077 streak #8
Chapter 1: Awwww. I miss this
2077 streak #9
Chapter 18: Oh my god how do you manage to write this so cutely I’m just ahhhhhh my heart
2077 streak #10
Chapter 39: This chapter just make me uwuwuwuwu