She can cry?

The B*tch you all hate


Woohyun's P.O.V.

This is going to make this mission so much easier. I smirked to myself just thinking about finally seeing an expression on the 's face. I should be feeling at least a bit guilty for doing this to her, but she's just so terrible to everyone for no reason, she pretty much deserves this. This is for everyone she's hurt. I thought these things in my head to encourage myself, but on the inside I always had this terrible and somewhat tingly feeling. I knew what it was though, I always did. It was guilt, from all of the things I've done in the past and how I encouraged myself by making others seem worse than they are in my head, I disgust myself. I stopped in my tracks suddenly feeling a bit dizzy.

The streets of Seoul always made me feel a bit dizzy. The bright lights coming from the drivers passing by, lights coming from tall office buildings, just lights in general. I massaged my temples with my middle fingers and continued walking, trying to rub a few thoughts out of my mind… And the light. Oh God, I sound like an old person who's trying to escape from the death door. Great, another thought. Dammit, that was another thought too. I should really stop thinking and try to get my thoughts sorted out right now.

I continued walking ever so slowly, trying to ease my brain and it's awfully huge capacity for thoughts like these. Why couldn't my brain have a huge capacity for school work? Maybe I could've gotten my grades up to at least at 70. Oh well. My dizziness was soon overtaken by a massive headache and massaging my temples wasn't working anymore. I needed a little break from walking down the heavily populated streets of Seoul. So, I managed to drag myself over to a nearby park, that was hopefully not as crowded as the streets. The park was probably filled with a good twenty five people. Good enough.  Half of the people there were young couples, holding hands, acting all lovey dovey etc. which caused me to puke in my mouth a bit.

After ten minutes of looking for a vacant spot to rest, hoping it would get rid of my horrifyingly massive headache. I finally found a wooden bench; though it was partially occupied it would have to do. I sat down and tried to relieve my headache, which was quite hard since my hardly fit on the bench, I don't have a big or anything the space was just small, okay? I tried to move the sleeping person over a little, not wanting to disturb his/her nap. I couldn't tell if it was a male or female seeing that the person was facing the other way, and his/her head was hidden by a hood. I was careful not to touch the person in any awkward places while attempting to move them, just in case it was a girl, and judging from the figure it most likely was. I might be an , but I am not a ert, you know?

I tried to move the person without disrupting their nap, however I couldn't seem to move the body without it fidgeting or letting out groans of annoyance. I gave up on this idea and got up deciding to wake the person up. I know it would be kinder to let him/her be, but there weren't any other places to sit around the area, as far as I could see anyways. I bent down and shook the person gently, hoping that he/she wasn't as heavy a sleeper as Dongwoo. She squirmed a bit, not completely awake yet.

"O-oppa," she whispered, her voice trembled. I was right, it is a girl. She sounded so sad, it almost brought tears to my eyes thinking about what she might be going through. I lifted her head from the bench and placed it on my lap. I heard her let out soft sobs, her salty tears soaking my pants. I would normally yell at a person for ruining my pants, but I could tell this girl was in pain and I didn't want to give her any more of it. I slowly turned her body to wipe her tears and comfort her. 

"Shh. Everything will be alright," I whispered ever so gently. The girl seemed so fragile right now, that if I were to talk any louder she would shatter. I brushed away the strands of hair still covering her face to wipe her tears, but froze as her tear-stained face was revealed.

"Eunhee-ah," I said, not able to control the volume of my voice. I was shocked.

"Eunhee-ah," I repeated a bit louder, but still with the same gentleness, hoping to wake her up. Wait, she can cry?


Waaah~ I haven't updated in like 10 day or something according to naegaplz. lol Anyways, I am extremely sorry. /bows/ Forgive me? :3 Well for this chapter naegaplz actually wrote quite a bit. The parts she wrote are in gray and the parts wrote are in black, well besides the author's note which is always purple. keke :3 I was having trouble with a part so she helped out this time! Thanks dongsaeng~~~! /blows kisses/ Oh, and thanks to all my subbers and reader! /blows kisses again/ I LOVE YOUS! Oh yeah, idk if I'll be able to update frequently or not, and I apoloqize for the false statements. You see, every time I say I can't update frequently I update the next day or something, and then when I say I can I don't. Does that make sense? Well, umm... Yeah. I might update tomorrow. That's all! And don't forget to COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and ADD AS A FRIEND... if you like. Oh yeah, more Woohyun! YAY~ ^0^


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I plan to end this fic soon. Sorry if it may seem abrupt, but I'm not feeling this story anymore, and frankly I'm disappointed in it. Thanks for sticking around


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Chapter 27: oh my goodness ; 0 ;
Chapter 24: It's perfectly understandable. I'm just like you. xD I'm a super lazy person and yeah, school work takes up a lot of time. I liked the update and I'll patiently wait for the next one so take your time! ^-^
Author-nim, where have you been? You may not know me but I miss you. D: Update soon please~
Infinite_8 #4
new reader here~ update soon please ^u^
update soon^^
aegyoseob #6
Now that I read over it again it kinda reminds me of that too, except her brother didn't kill the whole neighbourhood. lol :-3
I'm only on the second chapter, but why does this remind me of the whole Itachi/Sasuke Uchiha thing in Naruto?
kekeke. Woohyun~ i like it. update soon ^^
ahh. no wonder some words were coloured gray ^^
update soon. xD