My First Love

[Hongseong, South Korea]


He looks at Ji Eun, feeling uneasy. She hasn't open her eyes for a few hours. She lost too many blood and her wound is too big and deep.

"What have you done? Why do you need to kill yourself?" he hold her hand tightly, wanting to see she opens her eyes again.

He may not realise it but everyone could see how worried he is for her. He hasn't eaten since she was hospitalized a few hours ago. Nothing's on his mind; instead of Ji Eun. "Luhan, I think you need to go home now" Mr Kim said.

"No, I can't. I won't go until she opens her eyes" he insisted to stay there longer. Mr Kim couldn't stop him from doing that and just left him there. He never listen to anyone; whether he'll get sick or not; he never cares.

Another two hours passes, she finally opens her eyes. She looks around slowly, her eyes stop at the figure sitting next to the bed. It's not someone else, it's Luhan. Realising how tight he hold her hand, she don't want to feel anything for it.

No one ever cares about her and she hates it when someone is bothering her life; like what Luhan did. She cursed him inside her mind. His angelic face always makes all the girls adore him.

"You're awake, Ji Eun?" He asked as he's slowly lifts his head and looks at her. She didn't even realised how long she's been staring at him but that's not a big deal for her.

"Go" she said coldly. He blinks his eyes, perplexed with her word. "What?".

"Go, I said go. I don't need anyone to be here for me or care about me" she pulls her hand, looking at the other side. He's slowly stood up and bows slightly. "Be well quickly or I won't stop bothering you" he said and he left.

Sighing softly, she looks at the door. She somehow hoping that he'll come back. "No, Ji Eun. Don't ever think about him".


Two days have passed, Luhan never stops coming to the hospital to see her. He would bring the notes for her, her favourite foods, her favourite flowers, all that kind of things. He learnt more about her day by day, thanks to her diary. But Ji Eun, she's been wondering how he can knows everything she likes or is it just a coincidence?

He opens the door and steps inside the room, holding the flowers behind his back. She give him a slight stern face, not knowing how to react to his presence there. Sheepishly smiles, he approaches her and takes out the flowers from his back. "Tadaaa!~ Look what I bring for you today".

"Lavender?" she raised a brow. "Yes, lavender. I think it's suitable for a pretty girl like you or should I bring other flowers for you?"

"No, don't ever do that"

"I won't then"

He grins, putting the flower on the table. He sits on the seat next to her bed, and like usual, there will be an awkward silence between them but Luhan never cares about it, as long he can be there with her.

She coughs awkwardly, breaking the thirty minutes awkward silence.



"What's your name?"

"Luhan. Lu Han"


Another awkward silence before he says something.



"I love you"

Speechless. She's speechless. How could he told her that kind of words? "What?" she frowns.

"I figure it out that I have fallen in love with you" he confessed. She's scared of that words. She hates that words.

"Go away. I don't need you to love me" she said sarcastically, giving him a stern look.

He hold her hand, looking right into her eyes. "But why? Can't I love you, Ji Eun?"

"No, you can't. Just forget about me, Luhan. I'm just a loner and you're a popular guy in the school, remember that" 

He let her hand go slowly, realising with what she said to him. He stood up and leave the room without saying anything. She takes the flowers and she throws it into the dustbin next to her bed. She don't want to remember him. She won't let him approaches her again.

Few days have passed and Luhan never shows up in front of her again, even after she came back to the school. Everything is going back like usual. He's not interested with the diary and her secrets anymore; probably.


Luhan stares at the diary, standing in front of a dustbin as he's about to throw it away. "What are you doing, Luhan?" Kai asked, making him startled.

"K-Kai? Wh-what are you doing here?" he panicked, he quickly hides the diary behind his back. "Are you okay, dude? You seem to hide something from me. Com on, show me what's on your back" Kai tries to pull his hand before he kicks Kai on the right leg.

"It's my biggest secret and don't bother to know it" he laughed, running away from Kai quickly. "Yah! You can't run!" 

Both of them running on the hallway before Luhan hits someone. It's not someone else, it's Ji Eun. Her eyes shift at the yellow book in his hand, she recognizes it. "What's that?" she asked, feeling curious with it.

"Not your business. Let's go, Kai. We shouldn't be seen with this loner" he hides it immediately, pulling Kai with him as he walks away. "Wha-what? Yah Luhan-" Kai couldn't understands that situation clearly. He knows nothing about them.

His words could probably stabbed her heart; that's how she feels. He really treats her like a loner. 

"No, don't feel it, Ji Eun"


The sky is getting dark, the wind is getting cold. She stares at the outside, thinking of what was he holding in his hand. Was it her lost diary? Or is it just another similar book? It could be the reasons he knows most of everything about her. As the ring bells, the students walk out of the class immediately, she's always be the last person who leave and she used to it.

She looks at the raindrops that fall from the dark sky. She sighs softly, not knowing how to go home without an umbrella. 

As she's about to walk in the rain, a figure stands next to her; shielding her with an umbrella. She stops her steps and she slowly looks at the person. It's a guy but it isn't Luhan, it's someone else. "You can't get wet. You'll catch a cold" he said with a sheepish grin on his face. He may not see her face but it doesn't makes him to stop doing what he's doing right now.

"Huh?" she tilts her head, puzzled with it. "Here, take this umbrella and go home safely. Don't worry about me, I'm a strong guy and I won't catch a cold" he smiles widely, giving her the umbrella. He walks in the rain quickly before turning around to her. "I'm Yixing, Zhang Yixing" he waves happily to her and runs away from there, covering his head with his bag.

"Zhang Yixing?"




Hello!~ ^^ Thanks for subscribes and read this story keke~

Thanks for supporting this story as well ^^ 

Sorry for the grammar errors and the typos, I'm too lazy to check it so bear with me  XD

Anyway, thanks ! ^^


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cuteXlilybear #1
Chapter 4: The way the story is told is very interesting! Can't wait for next update! Jieun should get a remake over and surprise the school
Kyahh...Luhan and Yixing my UB.....
xiflox #3
Chapter 4: Luhaaaan, don't be naive :((
TaheeraR #4
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: wahhhhh *applause* Well that was very unexpected and Yixing appeared! Update soon please
BaekiuLover #5
Chapter 3: kyaaa Yixing appear~!! update soon juseyoo~~
xiflox #6
Chapter 3: Oh myyyy, Yixiiiiinggg!!!! I don't know what will happen
Chapter 3: Woohooo~ lay in da house yo yo(?) kkkk my Jieun's savior aw aw
LuhanxJiEunxMyungsoo #8
Chapter 3: update soon ><
Salsal28 #9
Chapter 3: Wah i'm glad you update it author-nim, why jieun so cruel to luhan? He's nice boy jieun :(
and yeah i'm happy yixing appeared, it'll be more interesting. I'll wait for your next update \(^.^)/
TaheeraR #10
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Omg, you left a very good cliffhanger! I am super intrigued of what will happen! Don't let my imagination run too long, author-nim!