The Lair (Book 2) UNBOUND
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"She's perfectly fine. Maybe it was just out of fatigue. Stress. Depression. Our resident psychologist might have better explanations on this."

"I doubt that will be of help. She won't even talk to you."

"If she changes her mind, visit us tomorrow mornibg, okay?"

Mino thanked and bowed at the doctor before closing the door once more. He ran his fingers through his hair and heaved a sigh before walking towards Dara who's on her bed, her back facing him.

"What is going on? How do you feel? What are you thinking? You've got to tell me,"

"I'm fine. I was just dreaming earlier,"

"Drop that bull Ms. Park! You were wide awake!"

"I didn't know."

"You didn't know?"

"Please, just leave me alone—"

"What baby were you talking about?"

"It was just a nightmare,"

"A nightmare. You were having a nightmare while you were inside the shower stall."


"You freaked the hell out of me! And now you want me to stop?"

"I'm seeing things. I'm hearing voices. I'm... I think I'm going crazy. Just leave me alone. Please. And don't tell anyone about this. Even Jiyong,"

Mino turn around and shook his head. "I think It's better if you'll let out whatever it is that's  bothering you but I don't think you're up for it at the moment. Just call me if you need something. I'll be outside—"

"I lost my memory." Dara blurted out making Mino turn to her once more. "Not everything... and I wasn't even aware I did, until Jiyong came back. Nightmares used to haunt me but they were nothing compared to what I'm having now. I think those memories are coming back. And they are such horrible things." Dara grabbed the blanket and gathered it around her. She noticed she was already in a gray night shirt but she didn't thought of asking who changed her clothes. 

"You said you saw blood. And you were crying out about a baby... Miss Park are you pregnant?"


"Or... Have you been pregnant before? Did you have a child?" Mino walked towards her and sat on the edge of her bed. Dara threw him a horrified look making Mino raise his hands in surrender. "But there was no blood.The doctor who just left said you are fine,"

"I don't know. That's the part I don't understand." Dara hugged herself and shut her eyes. She let out a scoff before hugging her knees and burying her face in the crook of it.

"See? I do not understand myself very well. I cannot tell you anything clear. Anything solid,"

Mino nodded and heaved a sigh. "Stop thinking then and try taking in some food before you sleep." Mino tipped his head to the bowl of soup on the side table. "If you need something, I'll be just outside,"




"I wonder how their talk went. What did Director So say when he talked to you before CL arrived?" Seungyoon asked Daesung as he handed his brother a cup of coffee. 

The next day after coming back from the Lair, CL immediately reported to the headquarters and got a call from the National Police Commission. CL was subject for some disciplinary measures, which was very much expected since she has been absent for almost a week without official leave.

"She might get temporarily assigned at the station's front desk." Daesung answered. "She has to accomplish a report on why she had to be away for that long. I think she already got it covered. She told me she stayed up all night doing it,"

"Didn't Director So look suspicious?"

Daesung shook his head. "He doesn't look like it,"

"Still. We should be careful. Remember, General Lee Soo Man already talked to you. If Director So seems very clueless, then we should keep an eye on the Commissioner General. Remember, you falsified his leave. If Seunghyun hyung won't show up until next week—"

"Yeah. I know. But we don't have anything but that aid's promise and CL's words. We have no choice but to comply."

"That's the hardest part. We are all helpless. But I don't get it hyung. Why did they take Dara noona with them? Who is she to them and what do they want from her? And even from Chief?"

"I don't know," Daesung shook his head and heaved a sigh. "All I know is that they are all linked together. Maybe their past, I don't know exactly. But the thing that arouses my curiosity is the fact that the Lair... That group of aid is not just some gun-for-hire organization as what we have known them to be."

"Yeah," Seungyoon sat on Daesung's desk and moved closer to his brother. "I think they are a bigger group. They seem to be untouchable."

"Exactly. And for them to be that untouchable and cautious means they are covering something up. Most especially the higher officials. Seungyoon-ah,"

"Neh, hyung,"

"I want you to dig some files about Dara noona and Kwon Jiyong. Their parents. Their childhood... School. Everything, up to the present. We might find out something," Daesung grimly said before grabbing his jacket and his phone.

"What? Wait hyung. Why so suddenly? We know noona—"

"Dara noona. Yes. But her connection to Kwon Jiyong's group, no. We need a clearer angle of the situation so we can address this properly."

"And what are you trying to do now?"

"I'll find some facts about who initiated this system,"

"What system?"

"Hiring these aids,"



CL clutched her chest as she tried to normalize her breathing. After talking to the police commission head, she just felt her soul leaving her. She was talking to someone who by experience , might recognize any sort of lies.

But the director did not ask her any further. He simply accepted her excuses and temporarily detached her from CIU, assigning her to Seoul PD front desk.

She should be relieved. She should be alleviated. But no. It just made her more fidgety and nervous after seeing the director act as if he was expecting her to show up and say any of her excuses.

She picked up her keys and went straight to her car at the parking lot to go back to Seoul PD. She needed to fix her things and report to her new superior. She was already inside when she noticed a movement behind her car  through the side mirror.

"What the — Seungri???"



"Spill it," CL crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back to her car. The moment she confirmed it was really Seungri hiding behind bushes at the parking lot,  she did not waste any  time and dragged the man into her car, driving away to a safer place where they can talk. 

"I'm telling you the truth! Hyung told me to follow you and make sure you are alright," Seungri spat at her before crossing his arms too, and looking away. "Stop acting that way. I know you missed me,"

"Excuse me?"

"What? Did you hear me saying anything? Tsch... Yah. By the way, how the hell did you think of taking me to this abandoned hospital? This is Jiyong hyung's territory. How did you... Omo omo..." Seungri covered his mouth making CL scowl at him.


"You're not planning something dirty in your head, are you?"

CL scoffed. "Shut up. This where the aids surrendered me to my friends last night, you idiot."

"Oh... I thought I'm going to be here. Eww." Seungri flailed his hands making CL roll her eyes.

"You are so annoying,"

"Well start dealing with your annoyance, Miss Lee. Because I'll be sticking around until hyung tells me not to,"

"Suit yourself! Just stop interrupting my work and daily life!"

Seungri frowned at CL and faced her. "Why are you being like that?"

"What that?"

"I thought we're already close because of everything that's happened. Why does it seem like you're trying to put up a wall between us?"

CL batted her eyes and look away. "I gotta go. I've got some work to do,"

"Lee Chaerin,"

"Lee Seungri!" CL snapped at him. "Are you really that dense? Are these all just a game to you? My friends' lives are at stake and we are clueless on who the real enemy is! We are now dragged in a world we did not even imagine there was in our head. Why do you always take everything so lightly?"

Seungri heaved a sigh and pursed his lips. CL's right. They were all like struggling in the dark and the only light, the only clue is Dara's necklace. But the reason on why the former Commissioner General handed it down to her wasn't revealed.

How are they to know?

"Jiyong hyung has the same necklace. Well, almost identical to Dara noona's." Seungri said. "It was handed down to him by his father. But Dara noona's father detached himself from supporting the Lair years back. Which is why the head is wondering why Dara noona was wearing that necklace. It must be a warning. And that's why you are sent back here. Choi Seunghyun will follow soon. Because you need to solve this case."

"Where will I start? How am I supposed to know?" CL clutched her hair and shut her eyes in exasperation.

"I'm sorry," Seungri lowered his head. "I don't know too."

The two were still caught in silence when CL's phone suddenly rang. She quickly answered it. "Hello... Yes. What? My grandmother? ! I'll be right there!"

"What happened?" Seungri asked CL when he saw the girl's horrified expression.

"My grandmother was rushed to the hospital!"




Whatever it was in the soup, or in the  medicine that was given to her last night, it definitely did the trick. Dara was still feeling the same restlessness but her headache wasn't that bad enough to stop her from preparing herself that morning to whatever she has to do in the training ground. She slipped into the the gray button up jumpsuit which she saw on the chair near her bed remembering when she saw someone inside the clinic wearing a same exact one. It must be their uniform, she thought, and although the size was a bit loose on her, she decided to just roll up the sleeves and the fold up the end of the pants. She stepped into her pair of sneaker

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Sorry for being away for so long... I'm tryina go back to writing these days despite my busy sched. I miss OTP!!! I miss you all!!!


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RoujaneClaus #1
Update please authornim..🙏🙏🙏jebal..🙏🙏❤️❤️😘😘
Chapter 11: I think we should eliminate Seunghyun. He's a bad news. He knows everything but keeps mum about it.
The gov is planning something terrible for the people in the Lair for goodness sake.
Chapter 9: Yay! You're not the only one who's excited authornim
I'm super excited for Dara's journey too!!!
Chapter 8: Why is this happening!!!
88_mfr #5
i so love this story. hope everythings fine and good with you author nim. your such a talented writer i like your stories. hope you can update soon
Chapter 27: I miss this story TT___TT
firstLady_rosas #7
Chapter 27: Update po huehuehuehue... I miss my daragon heart
Chapter 27: Plllleeeeaaassseee update
Chapter 27: I miss this story so much ☹️ Hoping for an update soon
cecexx #10
Chapter 5: This is one of the most well written fanfics ive ever read here . Please do write more! xx