The Lair (Book 2) UNBOUND
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"You should understand the situation better, Jiyong." The good sir's face was grim, but his voice was in a low, controlled manner. Maybe he was just trying to tone his anger down or something. I can sense it.

And I couldn't help but just keep on playing with my locker keys.

He met with me after school the next day after he's caught us hanging around with each other again. I prefer him this way though. I'd rather him talk to me about things than receive a cold shoulder.

' Least I'd get to understand. I'd get to ask. I'd get to hear him out.

"Before I was granted by the president to send provisions to Area 1, anyone, I repeat. ANYONE who gets caught to be having any communication with the Lair are considered traitors. Two military officers and another two from the police force have sacrificed their lives to  cover up for the activities we did back then to help you. I had to turn a blind eye on it because I knew I served a better cause for the forgotten people of Area 1 who were once my subordinates. I could imagine the horror they must have felt. What was promised a heroic act, a good deed for the country, was taken for granted. It was never their fault. Why must they suffer?"

I didn't reply. We've lost lives in Area 1 too. In fact, I lost my mom.



"Do you know that I committed treason by letting you out of the Lair and allowing you to study here? Do you know the consequences it could bring me?"

"You can lose your job," Idiot. I wanted to whack my head for thinking this world is kinder than what I have always known it was back in Area 1. But the truth is, I was afraid of telling him he might get eliminated too. No. I don't think I can bear with the guilt for a lifetime.

"It can be worse." He took in some air and breathed it out audibly. "A whole lot worse. People of Area 1 should only be in Area 1. Where no one can find out about the government's failed attempt to bring up a civil military training ground. Where it will be safer for everyone,"

"You talk about the people of Area 1 as if we are infected. As if we can cause plague. As if we can bring havoc here," my young ego was wounded. Should I be disgusted by myself then?

"Kwon Jiyong..."

"I'm sorry sir for causing you so much trouble,"

"I was trying to make your identity a little less known but after years of success in it, here you are in highschool making fights and all."

"I'm sorry," I lower my head. I have been such an idiot for being careless. But I just couldn't stand still especially if Sandara is getting bullied.

"You like my daughter," 

I stiffened immediately as if I was petrified by a curse. I like her sir, so much. And if only you knew, she told me she likes me too.

"I suppose that's a fact then,"

"S-sir..." how do I say no when he caught us just yesterday. I slump my shoulders in defeat. "Yes. It is,"

"At least you are still honest with me even if you are dating my daughter behind my back."

Date. That was not even a normal date. He just didn't know how nervous I'd feel everytime we'd sneak away from Sandara's nanny.



"Let me be honest to you about it this time," he looks at me and he pats my shoulder in a fatherly manner.

"Stay away from my daughter,"

I felt like being strangled in the neck. I feel so stiff. So breathless. I must have misheard. I wish I could have just misheard it.

But no.

"If you really care so much about my daughter, then stay away from her."




"I'm sorry hyung, it took me a while. It's quite hard to sneak away from my team. I feel like they've been ordered to watch my each and every move." 

Seungri said after locking the door behind him. He called Youngbae earlier to let him know about his new phone number and he learned from the man that Jiyong is near the outskirts of the city. He immediately took his chance to find him.

"You sure you didn't get followed?"

"Trust me hyung. Can anyone do a better job than me?"

Jiyong smirked and shook his head. "You surely missed bragging around me, didn't you?"

"Tsch. Who needs to brag when we know the truth? Why would you look for me in the first place? Admit it or not hyung. You need me,"

Jiyong threw Seungri a pillow. " you,"

"Yeah I got to someone last night how about you hyung?"

"You bastard come here!" Jiyong stood up to grab Seungri by his neck but the man quickly sped away. 

"Kidding! Aisht you look so old." Seungri frowned at him but immediately straightened up to look at him closely. "Wait. What's with the new hairstyle hyung?"

Jiyong blinked at Seungri and touched his hair down behind his head where a rubberband he found on the floor last night securely holds the longer parts of his hair. He dropped his hands back to his side.

"I am a low maintenance guy," He simply said but Seungri knew better.

"Low maintenance my . I think... Dara noona knew about Kiko and your past affairs. Am I right? You passed by the docks why didn't you get a haircut? Aigoo. But it suits you though," He grinned mischievously but he didn't see Jiyong coming to him in a speed of light and in no time he found himself down the floor with Jiyong strangling his neck.

"Yah hyung! Let me go! Yah!"

Jiyong didn't and instead he found himself grinning for the first time after he left Dara in the Lair.

It was a sudden moment of distraction. All too sudden. For he couldn't ignore the guilt that started to nag at him again.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Seungri was still kicking and thrashing when he noticed Jiyong was already lighting up his cigarette.

"Oh... I got carried away," Seungri stood up and fixed himself. "What's wrong hyung?"

"Listen carefully. Follow CL everywhere she goes. As often as you can. As long as the situation permits. Keep an eye on her and make sure she's safe."


"You can call me probably until tomorrow dawn. I'll be heading back to Area 1 after. You know there won't be any signal when I cross the boundaries. But I'll find a way. Don't ever call me by the communicator."

"I understand hyung,"

"What's your mission, by the way?" Jiyong turned to him.

"To follow Lee Chaerin everywhere she goes, as often as I can, as long as— Ouch hyung what the hell???"

Jiyong scoffed. "I meant the one uncle Tablo assigned to you, idiot."

"Awww that. Tsk. I'll just leave that to my men." Seungri proudly said making Jiyong scowl at him.

"You will never be a good leader,"

"Well at least I am a loyal member, right hyung?"




"You will be subject to an overall health check before you'll be allowed to get in. We cannot afford an outbreak inside the training ground," Mino explained as they reached the foot of a rocky hill. Dara glanced up as a tall concrete fence greeted her view. It was black and secured with wires on its top and from her experience before, she quite knew these are all extra sensitive barriers. She listened closely when the sound of the seawaves receded in her ears. She heard a zap somewhere from above before the waves smashed back down below them in a loud wooshing sound.

Right there and then she was sure. Not even one insect can quickly fly away to survive the electrical wire barriers.

"Let's go," Dara breathed in some air and took the uphill steps. Mino followed right behind her.

"I suggest you submit your full cooperation here. The people running this place has very poor patience."

Dara just nodded and kept walking, ignoring the numbness she's starting to feel in her legs. They have been walking since dawn and now it's almost noon when they finally reached the place. Excitement and anxiety filled her at the same time. Can she handle it? Absolutely it's worth a shot now that her friends' lives are at stake. 

But somehow fear started to eat her up. She winced when she remembered the nightmares and hallucinations she had last night. It was very maddening. Confusing even. And she wished Jiyong was beside her to enlighten her but instead, she was already facing the entrance door where Mino faced a security scanner before punching in a code.

"After that you will have to probably meet the chief training officer. But it depends. Then an identification number will be assigned to you."

"Now you're finally talking." Dara snorted. "You should have briefed me about everything I need to learn before we arrived here."

"Well I am telling you now." Mino told Dara with the same blank expression on his face that made Dara wonder if the boy's face was really made to be that way since he was born.

Well, most aids she's seen were like this anyway, except for Seungri.

"Fine," Dara looked away, nursing her head. She didn't have time for an argument. Hell, she was sleepless and haunted. How does she survive this day without passing out? That was actually one of her concerns.

"You look pale,"

"I'm fine,"

Mino shot her a gauging look before he shook his head in disbelief. "If you say so,"




"Go, sweetie. Say hi to him," Bom ushered Hayi towards Seunghyun who was sitting on his bed in anticipation.

"But mommy..."

"What is it?"

"He made you cry the last time." Hayi whispered to Bom. "There were tears in your eyes..."

"No. Those were tears of joy. Believe me,"

"Tears of joy?" Bom nodded eagerly and held out her hand. Hayi was reluctant at first but she reached out to her mom nonetheless.

"H-hi..." she beamed a shy smile at Seunghyun while waving her free hand.

"Hi there, little princess,"

"Are you really my daddy?"

Seunghyun was taken aback. He was not expecting the girl to ask him the question immediately. He shot Bom a creeped out look before turning to Hayi once more. "Y-y-es?"

Hayi did not retort. She just blinked up at Seunghyun, eyeing him doubtfully.

"Mommy said, liars go to hell. You better be telling me the truth," Hayi frowned at Seunghyun.

"I..." Seunghyun turned to Bom once more, pleading for some help. Hayi was already tapping her right foot on the ground, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Hayi stop that," Bom pulled Hayi to her before bowing at Seunghyun apologetically. "Sorry... I... Well... It definitely  came as a surprise to her," 

She knelt down and cupped Hayi's face. "Sweetie, didn't we talk about this already?"

"But mommy..."

"Don't you believe mommy?"

"I do. But... But..."

"What is it?"

"If he is daddy and you are mommy, why

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Sorry for being away for so long... I'm tryina go back to writing these days despite my busy sched. I miss OTP!!! I miss you all!!!


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RoujaneClaus #1
Update please authornim..🙏🙏🙏jebal..🙏🙏❤️❤️😘😘
Chapter 11: I think we should eliminate Seunghyun. He's a bad news. He knows everything but keeps mum about it.
The gov is planning something terrible for the people in the Lair for goodness sake.
Chapter 9: Yay! You're not the only one who's excited authornim
I'm super excited for Dara's journey too!!!
Chapter 8: Why is this happening!!!
88_mfr #5
i so love this story. hope everythings fine and good with you author nim. your such a talented writer i like your stories. hope you can update soon
Chapter 27: I miss this story TT___TT
firstLady_rosas #7
Chapter 27: Update po huehuehuehue... I miss my daragon heart
Chapter 27: Plllleeeeaaassseee update
Chapter 27: I miss this story so much ☹️ Hoping for an update soon
cecexx #10
Chapter 5: This is one of the most well written fanfics ive ever read here . Please do write more! xx