The Lair (Book 2) UNBOUND
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I woke up with a start, the warmth in between my hands gone. I realized I fell asleep somewhere last night, just a few moments after she did...

A few moments after battling with myself, a few moments after holding back my pain and guilt...

A few moments after she got another shot of the drug.

I glanced up at her and she scooted away.


"S-s-orry..." she said, perhaps noticing I was surprised a bit. She switched her gaze to the door and nervously asked me.

"Where's dad? What are you doing here?"


Her big eyes were surrounded by dark circles and were lifeless. Gone was their spark for it was already replaced with fear... Uncertainty. I was about to answer her but I ran out of words to say.


"What happened? Why am I here?"


"You..." I felt a lump in my throat that I had to force myself to swallow hard. I forced a smile at her. "You passed out yesterday... At school."


She gasped at the lie that was an excuse predetermined since last night. Her father was so desperate to give her a new life, a new beginning. And if it is going to make her happy... If it is going to make her live a normal life once more, who am I to protest?


After all, I was at fault. I did this to her. I ruined her.

I also ruined the life in her.


And so I learned that she was almost reborn to a new beginning. I could not understand it but they told me they wiped away all everything that was part of this stage in her life., They said there will be no trace of the life she lost inside of her, no trace of me who violated her, according to her father. I winced at his words, but deep inside I knew what he said were true. He decided to wash off all of the trace of her horrible past. Our past.


All the traces of me.


"Did... Did he suspect anything? I mean... You haven't told her about us yet, right?"

I shook my head and she sighed in relief.

But she suddenly said, "I feel awful."


I sat still waiting for whatever she had to say but silence enveloped us. I feel awful too. I feel terrible. So much, I wanted to die.


"I'm sorry, Jiyong. I'm so sorry," she bursted into tears. "I can't even fight for you. I'm so weak."

"Hey..." I stood up and pulled her to me. "Shh..."

"If it was not me, you wouldn't be having all these trouble. There are so many girls out there. You shouldn't have picked me. You wouldn't have had accompanied a weak, sickly girl around. You would not have had hidden from dad. Oh, I'm the worst girl ever! You should have dated someone else..."

I smiled at how innocent her words were. If she only knew how much she's done for me. If she only knew how brave she's been for trying to fight for us.

"If I dated someone else, then you'll be crying to death and I don't want that," I said in jest, which earned me a light slap on my back as she clung onto me tighter.

"I hate you," She mumbled.

I pulled away and kissed her forehead, and when I looked at her, she was so confused. I brushed her cheeks and smiled.

"I thought you said you love me? You can't just take those words back and push me away anytime you want to,"

"I'm sorry..." she whispered, tears now b in her eyes. "I just don't want to ruin your relationship with dad. If he finds out..."

"Don't fight for me," I cut in and she blinked at me, making her tears fall down her cheeks. I brushed them off quickly. I must have been out of my mind to have had told her the opposite back then. I told her we'd fight for our relationship yet look at where it took us.

"If he finds out, then leave me. Don't fight for me,"


"Kidding," I choked at my lousy joke and she instantly flashed a weak smile. I patted her head and stood up to grab my coat.

"I need to go, or else, your dad would get suspicious."

She nodded. I kissed her once more on her forehead and stepped back, my heart aching at the fact that my duty for the day is done.

"I'll see you in school tomorrow. Same time and place," her voice was soft, but still her words pierced right through me. I forced a smile as I nodded, unable to even turn around to face her for I have no courage to. I heard her sigh then she spoke once more.

"I'll be there even if you're not coming. I'm still going to wait for you,"

"One day you'll get tired of it," I scoffed.

"I'm sure I won't. Jiyong... How about you? Aren't you already tired of me?"

I shut my eyes and clenched my fists, trying my best not to breakdown.


I'm so tired of everything...

...but never of her.


"I'll see you tomorrow." I said briefly and soon I found myself walking down the white hallway that never ends.




Walking into the cafe, Dara quickly caught a glimpse of Seunghyun who was seated on the cornermost part. He saw her too, and with a pleasant smile, he waved at her.

"You ordered?" She asked as she sat down in front of him. Seunghyun just nodded and gobbled up his sandwich. "I'm hungry. You made me wait too long. I got you sandwich and coffee."

Dara pursed her lips and pushed the cup away. "You know I can't drink coffee. I'm in my second month now."

Seunghyun stilled for a moment, realizing his mistake and quickly grabbed the cup and sipped on it. "Sorry... I was not aware-"

"That your future wife is pregnant? How could you forget?"

He almost choked as he pointed at the cup of coffee. "That you're not allowed to drink coffee, silly."

Seunghyun could just wipe his lips as he stared at Dara. If they have not talked about the matter well before, he would have been crying and shouting for joy. But they have planned about this the last time Dara went to his house that day all sick looking and a mess. It was not easy though. He know why Dara wanted to be a police, and it's because she looks up to her father so much. But things are different now. He made her think and realize what's at stake, and it was not only their lives; their children too. After a whole day or so of trying to convince her to submit her resignation documents, she finally gave in.

He shook his head and pushed himself away from the table. "Im pretty sure youre gonna miss coffee. Thats one of the things you really go crazy over, aside from Kwon," he chuckled.

"Shut up, she narrowed her gaze at him. "I'm allowed to drink it in moderation but I'm just being precautious. Too much caffeine can cause miscarriage and I..." Dara paused for a moment and Seunghyun waited for her next words anxiously.

"I mean... I'm just being careful, that's it. I can't lose my child again this time around." Dara forced a smile and sighed.

Dara didnt want to lose the child AGAIN, that alone made her decide to support his plan. They decided to make an act to distract and confuse the higher ups. The more they show their support to thel Commissioner General and the less they interact with the Aids in the mean time, the better. They have to make them think they were still on their side. They need to know what the superiors are planning against the Lair while trying to dig into the details.

After submitting her resignation and all the supporting documents to the Commission the other day, while Seunghyun finally decided to report to Gen. Lee Soo Man, that was the only time they got a call from Jiyong. Apparently, Seunghyun did not inform Jiyong about him marrying Dara just for  a show and Jiyong just learned about it during the call. It was a rushed one though, and Dara did not know whether she'd laugh at Jiyongs frustrated shout that would make anyone think he was on speaker phone though he was not. She was not able to talk to him, and though she believed he was a total jerk, deep inside she wanted to still try to understand him.

Seunghyun told her that he learned from Jiyong that there were over fifteen Aids missing, which aggravated her worries for him. She knows JIyong and he would do anything for his group the same way as he would for her.

But a tiny little voice in her head was making her crazy, whispering over and over again; Why did he leave us? Doesnt he care for us? Then she realized she was probably thinking how the baby in her womb would feel. She wanted to believe what Seunghyun said, whether it was just some words of consolation or an honest opinion. You are such a huge distraction. A precious one. He just couldnt afford some at the moment, Seunghyun told her that night before driving her to her family house in Hannam-dong where Hayi was staying at under Mrs. Hong's care.

It was just last night when Dara received a message from Seunghyun that he was called for another appointment today by the office of the Commissioner General, wherein he was informed of the decision about their case.

"Anyway, how did your talk with the Commissioner General go?"

"He was surprised. He was not expecting we'd... Come down to this. Well, he said he was not going to accept your application for discharge but he saw your medical records. I'm not sure if he believes the thing about us, but I can tell it surprised him."

"The old guy told me the exact words," Dara said. "What else did he say?"

"He needed an investigation for our case. He said the commission would need to evaluate our case before he could take me back in. At the moment, the president has ordered to halt operations that include the Aids."

"How come there were Aids missing???" Daras eyes widened. "If there were no operations concerning them, how do you explain this?"

"I dont know either." Seunghyun sighed. I'll call Dongwook hyung. I need to know how his department is going these days. There could be some sightings of Aids in crime scenes or major operations and if there ever was, witnesses would be called in as hyungs patients for national secrecy purpose. Daesung said our department had nothing to do with the Lair as of the moment. I wonder who is handling them ."

"What if your brother declines to cooperate?" Dara asked making Seunghyun silent. "He has only served the government and noone else. What makes you think hell listen to you?"

"We need to take risks. Thats the only way. Weve only just begun. I told you, its not going to be easy,"

Dara nodded. "Youre right. Im really worried about this, Seunghyun. Do you think Lee Soo Man 's buying it? I mean... That we're getting married coz I'm pregnant? That we went AWOL because we were being chased by some people from the Lair?" Dara asked but Seunghyun just shrugged and went back to eating.

"It's hard to tell. We just went past the first stage. Let's wait for his decision."

"And if their investigation tells otherwise? We'll be doomed."

"The Aids left no trace, I believe."

"Even so... We have to be careful. We have to be convincing."

Seunghyun raised a brow as he was about to munch on his sandwich. "How convincing should we get?"

Dara blinked at him and stammered. "I.. Well... I... I mean, you are owning someone else's child in front of everyone while the real dad's somewhere out there doing his own thing. You're doing a tough job. Don't you think you should at least make sure Lee Soo Man believes it?"

Seunghyun grinned and pushed her sandwich towards her. "Eat up. Stop saying things that might confuse blob."

Dara dropped . "Not you too!"

"Actually, that's cute." Seunghyun peeled the sandwich wrap for her and made her take a bite. "I was able to talk to the blob's father last night."

"You did not tell me!" Dara said accusingly. "And Yah stop calling this blob!"

"Blob's cute. The way Kwon addresses it seems... Well thought of," Seunghyun grinned sarcastically. "Eat,"

Dara winced and pushed away the sandwich. "Don't make me throw up,"

"Stop pretending you're mad at him."

"Oh no, I'm not mad at him. Not at all."

"How can you lie about it when your nose is flaring?"

Dara pursed her lips.

"Fine. His child hates him. Not me. It's a daily battle, to be honest. I wish to see him but then I think it's the baby that makes me throw up just by the thought of him."

"He nearly went ballistic last night upon hearing I'm claiming the child in front of everyone."

"What??? You told him???"

"Yeah. I felt like my name was written on his to-be-murdered-bruttally list. What more if he learns about what you're talking about now? Your'e saying that the baby hates him this early? I feel bad for him. I get to hear your pregnancy problems while he can't even go anywhere close to you."

Dara scoffed at him. "Don't worry. Dont feel so bad. He was there for Dr. Park Bom when she was pregnant with Hayi." Dara teased, grabbing her cup and taking a sip.


"Pissed?" she taunted.

"No! I thought you're not drinking coffee?"

Dara immediately wiped her lips and pushed the cup away. "Damn it!"

"Just when I felt proud you were careful. I forgot you're not Sandara if you're not careless."


"Pissed?" Seunghyun smirked.

"Shut up," Dara rolled her eyes at him. Seunghyun just shook his head and stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm getting you some milk. You have to eat up. We're going to have a long day ahead."




"There were no assignment for the Aids as of the moment... But reports of their sightings are still everywhere. The latest was last night. Cheondamdong's biggest drug pusher was ambushed. Based on descriptions, I can tell they were talking about the Aids."

Jiyong sighed and pulled over to the side of the road. He held his earpiece and listened carefully to Youngbae.

"I have already coordinated with Minzy. Based on their recent count, everyone is back in Area 1 except of those in the Northern clan. Twenty one people on the last count. The last to arrive were Soohyuk's team. Now Xin was reported to be causing a commotion coz he wants to get out of there."

"Poor guy. Ill make a good use of that team soon," Jiyong said.

"Hyung What if they got our members and killed them? Or what if they were using them?" Seungri suddenly butted in from his line.

"Stop saying nonsense, rat!" Youngbae scolded but Jiyong took a deep breath and spoke. "They who? Them who?"

"I think he's making sense."

"See? I could be right! Hah!"

"Choi said he's trying to get the two Kang's help. We need more informations from the CIU." Jiyong said. "Choi is pretty useless right now. Unless he gets those two to our side."

"Oh Dont you think youre treating him unfairly when he's looking after your woman and child? Seungri teased Jiyong.

"So Do you want to be treated unfairly in my own way instead of him?" Jiyong asked him in cold tone but Seungri just snorted.

"Tsch. When did you NOT treat me unfairly? Im used to it,"

"Hey you two, listen! Don't you think you're expecting too much from Kang this time, Jiyong? I don't think they'll cooperate." Youngbae protested.

"I don't think so. Actually, they have started cooperating."

"What made you say so, hyung?" Seungri asked.

"Talked to Choi. He said Kang Daesung and Kang Seungyoon did not report anything. Which only means the brothers are still on Choi's side. And Choi is on our side."

There was silence on both other lines for a moment but it was Seungri who first broke it.

"So hyung..."


"You and Choi Seunghyun..."


"Are you BFF's now or something?"

"Aisht this !" Youngbae finally reacted.

"Why I was just asking!" Seungri shouted back before focusing on Jiyong again. "So... Jiyong hyung... What's the real score between you and Choi?"

Jiyong just nursed his head and shut his eyes, trying to calm himself down.

"Where are you right now, rat?" Jiyong asked Seungri.

"Uhm... Incheon? Why?"

"How about you, Youngbae?"

"Oh, I just drove past the toll gate, dude. Why?"

"I'm just a block away from the apartment. Make sure to go get some beer on your way home,"

"Oh yeah! We're drinking! Wait for me okay! Aisht why am I the only one in the city!" Seungri cheerfully exclaimed, but his happiness was only for a short second.

"Youngbae, can you hear me? Make sure to get your ing home quickly."

Youngbae laughed. "I think I know where this is going,"

"Hell yeah! Make sure to lock the door up when you arrive and make this annoying rat freeze to death outside. That's an order."

"Yah! Hyung! The hell???"

"No need to say that again dude. Copy, that!"

"Yah! The ! Yah! Aisht! Yah, hyung! Hyung!"

"He's gone," It was Youngbae who answered.

"Aisht... Damn it! Why dump all of his frustrations on me though? If he's mad he couldn't get laid then that's his ing problem for leaving Dara noona again! Sometimes I wanna whack his head and put some sense into it. He couldn't even fight for her! Had I known this would happen, I wouldn't have had given way for him. I found Dara noona first, you know!"

"What did you just say?"

Seungri swallowed hard at the sound of Jiyong's voice. He pulled over at the aisle on the side of the road and took a deep breath. "Youngbae hyung... You are such a traitor!"

"What? I did not know he's still there!"

"Youngbae," It was Jiyong, his voice was in a low, controlled manner. "Don't lock him out. I'm going to wait for this er to come home tonight."

"Hey, dude... I'm pret

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Sorry for being away for so long... I'm tryina go back to writing these days despite my busy sched. I miss OTP!!! I miss you all!!!


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RoujaneClaus #1
Update please authornim..🙏🙏🙏jebal..🙏🙏❤️❤️😘😘
Chapter 11: I think we should eliminate Seunghyun. He's a bad news. He knows everything but keeps mum about it.
The gov is planning something terrible for the people in the Lair for goodness sake.
Chapter 9: Yay! You're not the only one who's excited authornim
I'm super excited for Dara's journey too!!!
Chapter 8: Why is this happening!!!
88_mfr #5
i so love this story. hope everythings fine and good with you author nim. your such a talented writer i like your stories. hope you can update soon
Chapter 27: I miss this story TT___TT
firstLady_rosas #7
Chapter 27: Update po huehuehuehue... I miss my daragon heart
Chapter 27: Plllleeeeaaassseee update
Chapter 27: I miss this story so much ☹️ Hoping for an update soon
cecexx #10
Chapter 5: This is one of the most well written fanfics ive ever read here . Please do write more! xx