Chapter 3

My Only One



Jiyeon brought jieun to a nearby park that was isolated and had not much people. Jiyeon left jieun alone for while when they reached, to go get some drinks and also giving jieun some time alone to sort things out. 

When jiyeon returned , all she found was an empty chair and jieun was nowhere to be found in sight. Jiyeon dropped the drinks she was holding and started running around frantically trying to find jieun after thinking about all the bad things that can happen to her. *What if she got kidnapped* a voice said. 

"Aish, dont think too much jiyeon, jieun will be fine." Jiyeon told herself. 

But she was still running around hoping to catch sight of that girl. She was running out of hope and she called soojung and eunji, but they both did not pick up their phone. Finally after running for so long, jiyeon's legs finally gave out and she fell to the floor. 

"Aigoo, i must really be a pabo. Jieun-ah, odiga?" Jiyeon whispered as tears started rolling down her cheeks out of worry and frustration with herself. 

Someone crept up behind jiyeon. "Ya , what's wrong with you?" That person shouted. 

Jiyeon ceased her tears after regonizing the voice and looked up. She even blinked a few times to make sure she wasnt dreaming. 


After jiyeon left to get some drinks, I felt stuffed up and wanted to walk around the seemingly calm park. But who knows, the moment I stood up, a bicycle went pass me and went over the puddle of mud water. I got irritated and look up just to see the cyclist riding away. I shouted at him but soon realised that he had his earpiece on. *Aish, jinja, what kind of guy is this. So ungentlemanly.* I looked down at my uniform that was now stained brown with patches of mud water. I decided to go home and change into a fresh set of clothes. 

After changing and coming back to the park, I felt better and not as sad. From far, I could hear someone shouting my name. I started walking towards that direction just in time to see jiyeon falling to the ground. I strained my ears and heard her say "Jieun-ah, odiga? " and saw her starting to cry.

I felt startled and shouted "Ya! Whats wrong with you? "

Jiyeon turned, I could tell that she was surprised but soon got back up on her feet, ran and hugged me tightly while crying.

"I thought you were missing and did something silly." She said in between her sobs. 

I let out a sigh of relief and scolded "Ya ,did you think that i would kill myself over a guy?" Jiyeon chuckled and calmed down. 

After chatting for awhile more, we decided that we should head home as there was still school tomorrow. Jiyeon and I stayed at completely different locations and thus we seperated super fast. 

I reached home and just as I opened the door, I saw omma and appa giving me a look. I smiled back and said "Im home." As usual, both of them ignored me. 

"Go accompony eunji to do her homework." Appa said. "Bring some sancks for her too. Dont even think about eating them!" Omma warned. 

"Dae." I took the plate of snacks and headed straight for eunji's room. Without even having time to take a bath or change into comfortabke clothing. 

"Eunji-ah, can i come in?" I knocked on the door. 

"Hmm," she replied. 

The moment i stepped into the room. Eunji was jumping on her bed like a crazy woman. She was holding onto a doll and spinning it around. Even treating it as her boyfriend.

 "Ya, crazy girl. What's wrong with you. Did you eat something wrong? Or are you having a fever?" I said as i touched her forehead. After eunji finally calmed down, she patted on her bed, implying for me to sit down. I sat down down and she passed me one of her cushions. I immediately knew what this meant : sister's talk.

 It was a ritual between me and eunji. Whenever we had anything happening to either one of us, we would have this talk. The rules are simple as it is, 1) everything that is said will be kept a secret. 2) no matter what the thing is, no one is to judge. 3) no personal feelings involved.  

I stood up and switched off the lights leaving only eunji's glow in the dark stars on the celing shining. 

"Ok, i am going to start." Eunji said as she played with her fingers bashfully. I nodded signalling for her to continue. 

"You know baekhyun-oppa took me for a date today right,so yeah, we had alot of fun, went to the amusement park, he earned this doll for me too!" Eunji paused to catch her breath. She talked as if she was rapping.

 "The best part was," she continued  "on our way home, he kissed me!" Eunji exclaimed as she touched her lips. 

Eventhough they had been together for 1 year, they were always very shy and seldom did affectionate things. I expected it with how baekhyun behaved today.

 "YA! CONGRATS! LIKE FINALLY!! "  I said as I hugged eunji, knowing how happy she must be. To be so happy due to just a kiss, how much must they love each other. 

*Will i ever find anyone like that? Sigh...*



Hii, another update, sorry if its boring, cause i felt like it was. But will soon get better alrights. And dont worry exo will be coming out shortly one by one. I will definitely put them in okk. AND MUCH MUCH LOVE TO THOSE THAT SUBSCRIBED AND UPVOTED. THANKS SO MUCH IM SORRY I CANT TAG YOU BECAUSE IDK HOW TO. Anyways if you are reading till here once again you are an awesome human. Comments, subscribes and upvotes will be appreciated and loved. Thanks for reading!!!

Signing off,

Dreamz ✌


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Idky but my author's time for chappie 9 cant apply any colours, sorry!


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inanova #1
Chapter 4: Who is that guy in new clasmates in jiyeon class? So interesting
asha137 #2
Chapter 10: Seyeon moment is the cutest
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Chapter 6: I like other couple interesting about their relationship
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Chapter 4: Seyeon it
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Chapter 4: Ooowww...oh sehun 'new boy' and 'new buddy' for interesting
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Chapter 2: Who's the new student? Sehun?
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Seyeon so lovely
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Chapter 10: Seyeon <3333
yay looking forward for the next update :)