It's Not That Perfect 2 (SEQUEL)- REWRITE
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Kim Jiyeon 

She was an ice cream maniac. She's 18. She was childish, patient, and so innocent at time. If you wondered about whom Daehyun's girlfriend was.. It's her. 


Jung Daehyun

A 19-year-old boy who loved his girlfriend so much. He was shin yoora's crush. They met in Paris. Daehyun called jiyeon by her nickname "princess Kim"


Shin Yoora

A 17-year-old girl whose friend was daemin. She lived in Paris. She was known as a kind-hearted and innocent girl. But.. Life was not that perfect. She had a disease.


Kris Wu

He was 22 years old. He was sunggyu's business partner at China. He was so handsome and spoke Korean fluently. Kris fell for jiyeon as the time flashed by.


Jung Kaeun

She was Daehyun's cousin, and.. Your bestfriend. She was 18, and she's youngjae's girlfriend.


Yoo Youngjae

He's 19 years old. He was kaeun's boyfriend, as well as.. Daehyun's bestfriend. He was smart, and so sweet t

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yuxuan #1
Chapter 4: omg i hope daehyun and jiyeon won't break up
Chapter 4: update please~~~~~~
author-nim please update soon~ i wanna know what hapoen with those two couples ><
Chapter 4: This is better. But really that yoora girl need to go away
colourfulkpop #5
update soon author-nim. I'm always waiting (:
YunaJi #6
Chapter 4: Please update soon
YunaJi #7
Chapter 2: Lol in my head i think shes gonna say the famous hahaha
OhDarlla #8
Chapter 4: eish that girl is really annoying
HunnyBunny12 #9
Chapter 4: yoora is such a er!urghh..
update soon author-nim