Freedom × Pirate AU × Adventure Starting
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   “Siofra’s in charge!” Historia announced before turning on her heels and walking towards Yongguk’s side. After docking their ship in Brighton, away from the public’s line of sight, the twins left with their satchel and cloaks. They did not say where they would go or when they will return however the crew knew in their hearts that they would return to them, in the meanwhile, they dare not to betray them.

   Leaning forward against the railing, Don eyed the disappearing figures intently, not a word slipping out of his mouth. “Where do you think they’re going?” Sehun shrugged, unsure of their destination. “Let’s follow them!” Don suggested, truly curious. His proposal, however, was turned down bluntly when Sehun hit the back of his head in one swift move. “Ouch!” Don’s hand shot up to sooth the stinging pain that has been left by the rainbow-haired lad.

   “They’ll come back.” Sehun stated, eyes traveling to where the siblings once were. “Yeah, but where are they going?” Although he had been turned down once, Don was persistent. “Aren’t you curious?” Don frowned, hoping the other male would share the same sentiments. “Well, a little.” Bit by bit, the younger started to succumb to the Don’s intriguing offer. “Then let’s follow them! We’ll be back before anyone realizes!” Don gave a cheeky little grin as he tugged on Sehun’s arm, urging him to get off the ship. Satine, who wasn’t too far from where the two men shared a conversation, was able to hear bits and pieces of what they said. Though barely, she managed to gather enough information to come up with her own hypothesis. Clearly, they were up to no good and it is up to her to stop them. “Anyone realizes what?” Satine spoke up; her arms were crossed in front of her chest as she stared them down.

   Satine’s glare had no effect whatsoever on Don, who truly could not care less. Sehun, on the other hand, jumped right out of his pants. “Nothing!” Out of fear of getting yelled at by the French beauty, Sehun quickly covered it up with a terrible lie. “Right Donny?” The male in question simply scoffed and ignored the blonde all together. “How troublesome.” He muttered under his breath, loud enough for his concerns to reach Satine’s ears.

   Historia wasn’t kidding when she disregarded Don as a ‘cocky sarcastic ’. The new recruit that Yongguk had picked up from nowhere was absolutely obnoxious and boy, did he get on her nerves fast.

   Not letting her nasty temper get the best of her, Satine placed herself between the two men. “Then what are we doing here boys?” She smirked, challenging them to play their little game in her presence. She knew not how Don would react but she had been sailing around the seas with Sehun for a much longer time and thus was expecting much more from him. “Just talking!” He exclaimed defensively. “About this and that, really! Guy stuff!” He rambled, stopping only to catch his breath. Satine didn’t buy it, of course. Satine nodded her head attentively, a smirk ghosting upon her pinkish lips. “Does that mean I can’t know?” She sounded so sincerely disappointed it was almost impossible to believe that it was all an act. “That’s right! Guys only, sorry Tine!” Satine frowned, making Sehun feel guilty about being the reason for her sullen expression. On the other hand, would he dare to expose his plans and get scolded by the whole ship?

   “What the hell man, you should’ve covered for us! It was your goddamn idea!” Sehun’s face was hot with anger at the other’s lack of back up. “Oh come on,” Don scoffed. “She’s just a woman!” “Well that woman could get us killed!” He couldn’t believe this arrogant bastard, had he no respect for his fellow crewmate? “Screw you, man! This was your idea!”

× ☠ ×

   “Guk, what do you remember about that day?” The air between them stiffened. On normal circumstances, their whole past would have been a taboo however that day was a day like no other. “What do you remember about dad?” The hint of melancholy in the female’s voice was too obvious to disregard. “Dad was a great man, Tori.” Yongguk assured with the same amount of sadness in his heart. “He loved us.”

   Their journey continued in heavy silence, none of them knowing what to say, neither of them able to find the right words of comfort. It was a bright day, much like those days of the past, without a single cloud in the ever-blue skies. Seagulls squawked above them, bringing a sense of familiarity.

× ☠ ×

   “Tori, be careful!” “I will Papa! I will!” A child, no older than five or six years old can be seen standing on a rock, balancing herself well despite its slippery surface. One foot after another, she hopped from side to side. With a huge grin plastered on her face, she looked like the happiest little girl on the face of the Earth.

   There was another child of the same age as she, an eccentric little boy who was a few steps ahead of the girl. “Come on, Tori! You’re taking forever!” He wiggled his at her as if challenging her. “Not fair Yongguk! You had a head start!” Scrunching her nose, she quickened her face and forgot all about her father’s warning. “Catch me if you can, girly!”

  It took only one misstep for the girl to fall off her high. “Historia, are you okay?” Her father rushed to her side, kneeling down to her height. The girl, in turn, replied with a series of sobs as her tears fell to the hard ground. The boy hopped off his own rock and approached the girl. “Oh come on Tori! Stop being a crybaby pirate!”

   “I’m not a crybaby pirate.” She said in between sobs. “Oh yeah? Prove it.” With those taunting words, she wiped away the tears out of her eye and stood up, puffy red cheeks and all. Sometimes, her father realized, children does a better job comforting each other than parents.

× ☠ ×

   “Hey Don, where do you think they went?” Sehun asked looking around in the foreign land. There were many others around him, bargaining in shops, taking care of the young, living their daily routines however there were no signs of the notorious Jones. “Well I don’t know! Damn, they left too fast.” Don cursed, not able to find the missing two. “It doesn’t help that you had to cling on that woman either! I swear she was going to throw a fit, I would’ve killed you.” He didn’t even care that he had just threatened a fellow crew member and continued to look around to find the captain and the second in command.

   The two continued their search for the commanding duo but to no avail. Instead, the familiar faces they did see were of a noble woman and her baby-faced butler.

   “Hey Don, isn’t that the princess?” Sehun asked once they were in sight. “Oh yeah,” The one they call Han has always intrigued him. Judging from the last time they crossed paths, he seemed to share a deep bond with the members of Freedom. “What are they doing in the slums?” Though Han has sparked his interest, he does not share the same sentiments when it comes to noble.

   “Let’s follow her!” Sehun suggested (demanded, actually). “There’s a reason she’s here, right?” His eyes shone bright like a little child’s all the while Don couldn’t give two s regarding their purpose. Unfortunately for Don, an excited Sehun meant an annoyingly pushy Sehun and let’s face it; the brat is such a chore. “Fine.” Was Don’s only word as a happy Sehun dragged him to their direction.

   “Can you hear anything?” “Damn it, Sehun stop pushing me!" "See I knew we should’ve just followed the captain.” “Shut up Don.” “HOLY CRAP IS THAT A CAT? HERE KITTY KITTY.” “ SEHUN.” “Oops. Sorry.” Sehun looked down at his shoes to express how ashamed he was of his actions whilst silently praying that the people inside the tavern didn’t hear them yelling, though honestly he was more worried about the cat running away from how loud the two were being. Thankfully they didn’t hear, the cat also didn't leave, much to Sehun's enjoyment.

   “Don, what are they saying?” Sehun asked as he crouched down to play with the small cat. “Something about extermination and how they need to die.” Don said, furrowing his brows trying to hear more of the conversation. “Oh so like rats?” Sehun said smiling, playing with the cats tail. God knows why the little creature hasn’t clawed Sehun’s eyes out yet. Don shook his head, his teeth gritting in annoyance. “Pirates. They want to exterminate pirates. ing Christ, this is why I ing hate nobles. They think they can get rid of us whenever they want. As if we wouldn’t fight back.” Don spat before walking back to the direction he came from. “What? Don where are you going?” Sehun asked, jumping to his feet. “Where else? Back to the ship, the Captain has to know.” The new recruit said without a backwards glance.

× ☠ ×

   Nobles have always been an odd bunch in Han’s eyes. They demanded peace yet they neglect those who cry for help and soak their hands in the blood of those who disobeyed them.

   The Mandelbaum house was summoned to Brighton for a rendezvous between those of high status. Han didn't like the sound of that however he had not a say in it. He stood behind Elisabeth wordlessly as the meeting went on. It was agonizingly slow and even more so considering the topic at hand was the inhalation of those who walk the same path as he.

   “Father, will exterminating pirates really end our problem?” Elisabeth asked her father as they were leaving the tavern. Han trailed behind her as he does every day. “What do you mean, Elisabeth? Killing the pirates would stop all the raids and invasions. Don’t you remember what happened here in Brighton just months before? Pirates came and stole all the alcohol and supplies. Do you want that again?” Elisabeth kept quite, knowing fully well where her father was getting with this. “No. Killing off the pirates is the best solution.” Her father said getting into their chariot.

   “But father, eliminating the pirates is certainly no easy task. Like us, they too have gunpowder and swords. Sure, many of their men would die, but so will many of ours.” Elisabeth reasoned. As much as she disliked the pirates, she needed her painting supplies and currently the only way she was getting that was through pirates. “Are you defending the pirates?” Her father asked flabbergasted.

   “No father, of course not.” The chariot shook uncomfortably as they passed rocky roads and it was getting even more difficult for her to watch her tone. “However, I’m sure there must be a better ways to take care of this problem. We could convince the pirates to do other things, work, for example. If they all worked, not only will the problems go away but it would also help increase the economy.” Elisabeth said, thinking of every idea for her father to change his mind.

   “Now that my dear daughter, is an impossible task.” That is clearly the more peaceful idea father, Elisabeth thought. “What would happen if they refuse? What if they decide to murder us all? Elisabeth my dear, we must attack before we are attacked.” Her father answered causing Elisabeth to lose the spark of hope she held onto before.

   How she wanted to deny his false accusations and open his eyes to the truth. In reality, pirates would never raise their swords unless necessary. At the very least, she was sure those aboard Freedom wouldn’t.

    “Father there is no way out of this is there?” Elisabeth asked looking down as her father stared at her intently. When did his daughter care about pirates so much? “Darling, pirates are dangerous things that are cruel and uncaring.”

    “Don’t you remember what happened to that Cartier girl? Stolen by pirates right in front of her husband. Isn’t that menacing? To this day, nobody knows if she’s still alive or not. Poor lad, still searching for his wife even though she might not even walk on this planet anymore.” Her father said shaking his head obviously pitying the family. You’re wrong father, Elisabeth thought, knowing fully well that Adelia was alive and well. She knew exactly where she was and she definitely wasn’t dead.

   “Now stop with this pirate nonsense. How about you and Han go to the tailor once we get home and try on some corsets? I know how much you like corsets.” Her father said with a smile that she returned with a fake one. She hates corsets.


This has been so long overdue, I am so sorry. I've been so busy lately with school and all and I lost the file and it was just horrible on a side note, welcome to the 'Jones of the Past' arc. I really hope you all enjoy it as much as I do and I am sorry once again, I swear this is not neglected. 


Ok I just want to apologize for not getting this out sooner.
Honestly we are not giving up on this story (because we already have most of it planned out hur hur hur)
I know that both me and Dika really really wanted to get this out sooner but honestly we've just been so busy with school starting and even during summer we were rarely able to contact each othr due to schedule/time interferences.
I promise that the next chapter will be out sooner but Dika will be away this week so earliest would be like Monday of next week, we shall try but again, homework/school (Freaking I get home at like 5 everyday then do homework till like 10, pisses me off teachers give so much homework TT^TT makes me wanna cry)
Usually I only get my laptop from like... 10-11 cuz I sleep (until a lot of my friends)
Holy crap I just noticed that this got long fast.
Well... time to end this. Hope you guys 'Jones of the Past' arc :3 
Hopefully this arc will give some insight into the Jones past and after that we shall write more about LOVE~ (Well I'll write more about love while Dika just fixes my writing because I just love writing about love because I don't get love in my life /shot no jk)
Anyway time for Lynny to leave (and hopefully take out some stuff in her long co-author's note). TILL NEXT TIME <3 BYE BYE~

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Thank you!
by reading the last author's note i just realized i sound so serious compared to lynnie buT I'M NOT —- I WAS IN A HURRY


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Chapter 20: Life is crazy. Good luck with your exams and remember to also take care of your health to the best of your abilities.
I'm sure most of us will still be here when you're finished.
good luck on ur exams!!
I'll def still be here B)
Chapter 20: aww it's all good and no worries.
that is life and come back whenever you are ready!! =]
i will still be around!! =]
good luck with your national exams and also with life and such!!
take much care!! ^^V
Chapter 20: aww to hear. life can seriously be a
i'll def be around when u decide to pick this back up tho
and best of luck with all your exams and everything!!! ^^
it's been over a yr LOL
i miss y'all
hope everything's cool and that there'll be an update soon ^^
I miss this story yo!!!
I hope you two are doing alright. I'll be looking forward to an update in the future :)
Take care!
Chapter 19: It's so funny to me because the last chapter opened with “Siofra’s in charge!”
But rly I don't think there isn't a better candidate to take charge when the twins are gone.

Oh my goodness there is so much cussing in this chapter xDD
I think I can understand that despite being a noble, Jongin is so hostile towards Adelia. But c'mon
once a noble always a noble??? I'm just glad Adelia kept her composure because things would have gotten messy.

woo \o/
glad you two are back ^^
omg Siofra being left in charge. literally why. xD
anyway, i'm so glad to see y'all back! I know life can be a difficult and time consuming thing (i'm no good at Biology either - glad that's out of my life for like ever)
The twins~~
and just everyone~! ^__^
I loved it~!
Chapter 19: WHAAAAT?!
i didn't know O.O
but yeesss kai just ugh
why you sucha douche tho..
poor adelia omg
and wow kai that lil hypocrite

awwww the twins :(
i found yongguk so adorable in this update tho like?
wrong timing i know xD
since theyre visitng their dad im assuming

omg poor siofra tho like...
glad satine was there to help her out a bit

even though i was too tired to read it and pushed it back a lil LOL
don't worry bout the slow updates! as long as you guys still have plans to continue the story haha
Chapter 19: Nice name adrika!! I changed mines too!! Lol
Was.... hetababyx3... glaceskies. Lol
Anyways the update was worth it!! So some more shiet to rile up the pirates and hopefully siofra will be able to calm them all and thanks to satine too.
Hopefulky the twins will be okay. Seem they hold a lot of stuff back.
And wow... adelia is not tge only noble. Interesting. Hehehe curious as to more things appearing later on!!!
Lynn hope all of biology studying is good now!!!