Freedom × Pirate AU × Adventure Starting
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   It wasn't an unusual sight to see the town's dock bustling with people attempting to unload cargo, transporting materials, sell items, and whatnot. It was all but a daily routine, as expected from any other dock in England. 

   After docking in a hidden cavern, Yongguk ordered the crew to go stock up for their next grand adventure. Taking this golden opportunity, Siofra and Polaris snuck into town while most of their crew mates stayed closer to the docks. The two girls were curious of what the town had to offer and since Historia refused to step a foot into the crowd of people, the two girls went alone.

   They flew through the crowds of people who had all gathered in the town square for what seems to be a festival of some sorts. “Adelia should have really came with us, these are her people.” Siofra said looking at all the colour from the decorations and flowers. It was such a breathtaking sight to see, the mixture of colours blend together effortlessly, creating a rainbow-like effect. The whole place was filled with the laughter of children and adults alike, just enjoying the moment. 

   “Too bad, more fun for us. I'm thinking the local tavern, what about you Lia?” Polaris asked, raising an eyebrow. How Polaris longed for the scent of sweet, sweet beer and the sight of those rowdy bar fights. “I don't know, we really shouldn't. What would the Captain think if he caught us drinking?” Siofra was hesitant to follow the other into such an untrustworthy place. Despite her usual cheerful self, she was always careful when it came to the captain. Aside from Historia, every crew member took up the habit of thinking twice regarding Yongguk. “Oh it'll be alright, come on. He's at the docks anyways.
” Polaris waved away the older's worries, deciding for herself that they wouldn't get in trouble. “Hell, everybody's at the docks just waiting to leave. Come on, it'll be fun. Maybe you'll even meet a boy.” And thus, poor Siofra ended up getting dragged to the tavern by a girl with a fox-like grin.

   “No, my heart is with the sea.” Siofra reminded, nothing and no one else is able to stir her heart the same way those gorgeous blue waves did. Besides if we are getting on the topic of boys, what is up with you and that Sehun boy?” Victory was written all over the elder's face when she noticed Polaris' right eye twitch from the mention of the rainbow haired boy. “There is nothing going on between me and that brat. He is a tard who should just go jump off Freedom. Seriously, who the has rainbow hair?” A hint of irritation was evident in her voice as her steps grew swift at the mention of the lad.

   Siofra merely giggled, allowing herself to be dragged by Polaris into the tavern. There, the tomboy made a grand entrance by slamming the doors open as she waltzed towards the bartender like she owned the place. “Two please.” Polaris grinned at the older male as she waved a hand for Siofra to sit, which she did fairly awkwardly. 
   Siofra's nose twitched at the smell of vomit, sweat and alcohol. They had alcohol on the ship but the scent was usually masked by the smell of salt from the sea. Besides, not a single soul dared themselves to get drunk out of their minds with both of the Jones twins on board. “Well Siofra, these are my people.” Polaris waved her arms dramatically as she chugged down the glass of beer like it was water. Siofra could only laugh dryly, staring back at all the drunk men looking at the two women as if they were two very juicy steaks.

   “Polly, we should go. These men are staring at us like the deer that they are about to kill” Siofra tuggen on Polaris' sleeve, trying to knock some sense into her. Siofra wasn't one you would call a kill-joy but she knows a dangerous situation when she's in one. “Oh stop Lia, just have a drink. Everything's fine.” It was either Polaris pretended not to notice the eerie atmosphere or she genuinely did not realize. Siofra wasn't too sure. 

   “Hello ladies, name's Edward of Orange. Now please tell me why two beautiful flowers are doing inside a basket of weeds?” It didn't take that long until a man walked up the girls. This 'Edward' person had two subordinates guarding him, he was shaved clean and reeked of too much perfume for anyone's liking. His hair slicked back with way too much oil and his eyes were filled with nothing but lust.
   “Not interested.” Polaris deadpanned, waving him away with an unamused expression on her face while Siofra just stared awkwardly at the male. It doesn't take a genius to see that he was of noble blood. “Excuse me miss, forgive me but I think I heard wrong. Did you just reject me?” The man was downright shocked, how dare this lowly woman turn him down so bluntly. His two lackeys started moving forward to defend their employer but were stopped by the man in the middle. “You heard right, I rejected you. Now if you will excuse us, me and my friend have more important matters to attend to. Good day.” Polaris said as she, yet again, started dragging Siofra out with a fuming spoiled noble man hot on their heels.
   “You do not walk away from me.” The male growled as he grabbed Siofra's wrist harshly. “Don't touch her you little .” Polaris spat as she pulled Siofra's wrist away, staring at the stupid noble man dead in the eyes. Both girls showed no fear but anybody could easily tell that Polaris was the dominant one in their friendship. 
     “Now now, there is no need for trouble. Edward of Orange I presume? Song Joongki of South Korea and son in law to Rene Cartier and Alexandria Cabot. Let these two girls go as they have not caused any physical damage to anybody.” A Korean male spoke up breaking the silent fight going on between the two girls and three men. “Are you alright?” The male asked the two girls. Though his intentions are pure, Polaris glared at him with just as much hatred as she did Edward. Siofra tugged on Polaris' arm lightly, signalling that this was their chance to leave. Polaris looked back and nodded slightly before staring back at the noblemen. “Go to hell. All of you pathetic dogs.” With that said, the two left the tavern in a hurry.
   They sprinted back to the ship, pushing many innocent townsfolk. Getting caught by two noblemen was enough adventure for one day, there was no need to face other pesky noblemen. When they finally reached Freedom, the two were panting heavily and was drenched in sweat. “What's wrong with you two?” “Nothing. We were just chased by some dogs coming back. They didn't like the way we smelled I guess and just started chasing us. Thank goodness their owner was able to stop them or else we would have been bitten.” Siofra started explaining their situation to the first-mate. You wouldn't exactly call it a lie, she just rearranged the words. 
     “God I ing hate nobles.” Polaris said, obviously still irritated as to how they had to run away, and from nobles. Only God knows how much she wanted to beat them to pulp. “Oh good, Polly you're back.” An overexcited 20 year old male bounced happily towards Polaris. Well this was new. “Oh just kill me now.” Polaris wailed flinging her arms to the sky as Siofra patted her friend on the shoulder affectionately as she walked away towards the kitchen to find food, leaving the poor girl to fend for herself against something she despised more than nobles. Oh Sehun.

CHEERS TO A LYNNIE CHAPTER!! You should be proud of our darling co-author, she wrote this one! I, for one, think that she did a wonderful job, don't you? Okay, nevermind that, the main topic of today's update is -simplicity- and Jaeseonggie < 3 CONGRATULATIONS FOR WINNING THE SPOT OF LITTLE BROTHER AND HEART OF GOLD!! These two are the most underrated of plotlines, I'm dissapointed but these two totally got their plotlines down to a T. The next update will reveal the last plotline! I hope you're all ready for it!

First off I hope you like the teaser. TT^TT I tried my best I really did. Dika can write so much better than me seriously whenever I write it's just wordvomit. Everything just comes out and characters just start talking left right and center TT^TT. I hope everything's ok and all the dialogues haven't confused you.
Yeah Edward of Orange. I kinda just added him, I don't think he'll be used again in the future, unless Dika has anything to say about it. So well yeah. Oh and the 'of Orange' part is legit. I remember learning in Socials how there was a Elizabeth of Orange? William of Orange? Something like that. I know the wife was like daughter of King Louie the Something though . 3. can't remember which one.
Oh right. CONGRATULATIONS -simplicity- and Jaeseonggie <3
Stay tuned for the next teaser.
 Ooo hoo hoo who will be picked for the Charming Liar? 

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by reading the last author's note i just realized i sound so serious compared to lynnie buT I'M NOT —- I WAS IN A HURRY


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Chapter 20: Life is crazy. Good luck with your exams and remember to also take care of your health to the best of your abilities.
I'm sure most of us will still be here when you're finished.
good luck on ur exams!!
I'll def still be here B)
Chapter 20: aww it's all good and no worries.
that is life and come back whenever you are ready!! =]
i will still be around!! =]
good luck with your national exams and also with life and such!!
take much care!! ^^V
Chapter 20: aww to hear. life can seriously be a
i'll def be around when u decide to pick this back up tho
and best of luck with all your exams and everything!!! ^^
it's been over a yr LOL
i miss y'all
hope everything's cool and that there'll be an update soon ^^
I miss this story yo!!!
I hope you two are doing alright. I'll be looking forward to an update in the future :)
Take care!
Chapter 19: It's so funny to me because the last chapter opened with “Siofra’s in charge!”
But rly I don't think there isn't a better candidate to take charge when the twins are gone.

Oh my goodness there is so much cussing in this chapter xDD
I think I can understand that despite being a noble, Jongin is so hostile towards Adelia. But c'mon
once a noble always a noble??? I'm just glad Adelia kept her composure because things would have gotten messy.

woo \o/
glad you two are back ^^
omg Siofra being left in charge. literally why. xD
anyway, i'm so glad to see y'all back! I know life can be a difficult and time consuming thing (i'm no good at Biology either - glad that's out of my life for like ever)
The twins~~
and just everyone~! ^__^
I loved it~!
Chapter 19: WHAAAAT?!
i didn't know O.O
but yeesss kai just ugh
why you sucha douche tho..
poor adelia omg
and wow kai that lil hypocrite

awwww the twins :(
i found yongguk so adorable in this update tho like?
wrong timing i know xD
since theyre visitng their dad im assuming

omg poor siofra tho like...
glad satine was there to help her out a bit

even though i was too tired to read it and pushed it back a lil LOL
don't worry bout the slow updates! as long as you guys still have plans to continue the story haha
Chapter 19: Nice name adrika!! I changed mines too!! Lol
Was.... hetababyx3... glaceskies. Lol
Anyways the update was worth it!! So some more shiet to rile up the pirates and hopefully siofra will be able to calm them all and thanks to satine too.
Hopefulky the twins will be okay. Seem they hold a lot of stuff back.
And wow... adelia is not tge only noble. Interesting. Hehehe curious as to more things appearing later on!!!
Lynn hope all of biology studying is good now!!!