Freedom × Pirate AU × Adventure Starting


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...and now weare
...and now we are
Pirates have always been looked down upon by all those who aren’t. They’re thieves, crooks, liars, and countless other unpleasant words are used to describe them. Of course, all those things and worse are not necessarily untrue however they are lacking one concrete fact. Pirates are free and most of them, good people. They’re pirates but good people.

Historia grew up with that in mind. She and her older brother are both pirates, just as their father once was. At a young age, her mother grew ill and passed away, leaving the siblings in their father’s care. All her life, she sailed through the vast ocean, making memories with her father’s crew who treated the siblings as their own children. Her life was always on the edge, no one knew for sure what would happen but she didn’t mind. Life is a big adventure and her adrenaline is pumping.

As the siblings grew, they became skilled when handling opponents. They were known to be unbeatable. Seeing as they were once the children of the captain, his charisma and leadership was passed down to the two. They were both very attractive and not to mention, considerably young, because of this, the siblings were able to charm anyone they wanted. Nobles, merchants, guards, all of them have fallen for their charms, making it incredibly easy for them to squeeze all the information out of them. Such heartbreakers.

However, after some turn of events her brother inherited the ship and made her his first mate. Now, the two were known as the ocean’s strongest duo. They were almost inseparable and not one has succeeded in defeating them in combat. Indeed, they were the most infamous pirates anyone has ever heard of. The two sail with their crew on Freedom’s wings.

Living a pirate's life isn't so bad. The two are recruiting, it's not too late to start a new life.
Just between you and me, the author of this fic is a huge fan of tales regarding an Alternate Universe.

This story may or may not be based off 'Pirates of the Caribbean' and/or 'One Piece' but COME ON! This is pirates we're talking about! It doesn't get any more interesting than that! I adore pirates, that's needless to say. I think they are absolutely awesome and as a little kid, my cousin and I would run around the house with toy swords and toy guns from Disneyland pretending to be pirates. Man, I'm super curious about pirates and they intrigue me and I adore them so let's do this!

I'm actually really nervous about this since it's my first apply fic and I'm not very good with multi-chara fics. I do hope that you will all just bear with me through this one. It's also not the usual theme for applyfics so I have no idea how much of you would be interested or how well this will turn out.On a side note, pirates are a little hard to understand and I did some reasearch and movie marathons but I'm not 10000000000% sure how accurate this will be.

Disregarding all the things I just said, I do home many of you will join. Let's have fun shall we?
by reading the last author's note i just realized i sound so serious compared to lynnie buT I'M NOT —- I WAS IN A HURRY


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Chapter 20: Life is crazy. Good luck with your exams and remember to also take care of your health to the best of your abilities.
I'm sure most of us will still be here when you're finished.
good luck on ur exams!!
I'll def still be here B)
Chapter 20: aww it's all good and no worries.
that is life and come back whenever you are ready!! =]
i will still be around!! =]
good luck with your national exams and also with life and such!!
take much care!! ^^V
Chapter 20: aww to hear. life can seriously be a
i'll def be around when u decide to pick this back up tho
and best of luck with all your exams and everything!!! ^^
it's been over a yr LOL
i miss y'all
hope everything's cool and that there'll be an update soon ^^
I miss this story yo!!!
I hope you two are doing alright. I'll be looking forward to an update in the future :)
Take care!
Chapter 19: It's so funny to me because the last chapter opened with “Siofra’s in charge!”
But rly I don't think there isn't a better candidate to take charge when the twins are gone.

Oh my goodness there is so much cussing in this chapter xDD
I think I can understand that despite being a noble, Jongin is so hostile towards Adelia. But c'mon
once a noble always a noble??? I'm just glad Adelia kept her composure because things would have gotten messy.

woo \o/
glad you two are back ^^
omg Siofra being left in charge. literally why. xD
anyway, i'm so glad to see y'all back! I know life can be a difficult and time consuming thing (i'm no good at Biology either - glad that's out of my life for like ever)
The twins~~
and just everyone~! ^__^
I loved it~!
Chapter 19: WHAAAAT?!
i didn't know O.O
but yeesss kai just ugh
why you sucha douche tho..
poor adelia omg
and wow kai that lil hypocrite

awwww the twins :(
i found yongguk so adorable in this update tho like?
wrong timing i know xD
since theyre visitng their dad im assuming

omg poor siofra tho like...
glad satine was there to help her out a bit

even though i was too tired to read it and pushed it back a lil LOL
don't worry bout the slow updates! as long as you guys still have plans to continue the story haha
Chapter 19: Nice name adrika!! I changed mines too!! Lol
Was.... hetababyx3... glaceskies. Lol
Anyways the update was worth it!! So some more shiet to rile up the pirates and hopefully siofra will be able to calm them all and thanks to satine too.
Hopefulky the twins will be okay. Seem they hold a lot of stuff back.
And wow... adelia is not tge only noble. Interesting. Hehehe curious as to more things appearing later on!!!
Lynn hope all of biology studying is good now!!!