Beast of the Matter chapter 4

Beast of the Matter chapter 1


Yunho's pov



Yunho walked away from the vampire owned club with his pack surrounding him. The fog swirled around his feet as he strolled along the street, his mind on the vampire leader.


"Damn that y vampire!" Yunho cursed Jaejoong.


He hears a chuckle coming from his right, and snapped his head towards the sound, "You find something amusing, Yoochun?" Yunho growled at him.


Yoochun just laughed harder, "Yeah, you. Why don't you just admit that you want in the vampys pants." Yoochun gave him a erted grin.


Feeling agitated, "Because, if you must know, I've already been in his pants. And yes, I'm itching to get back in them once more. You don't need to worry about my life, just worry about the little vampire behind the bar." Yunho's announcement stunned the others as they quietened down instantly, gawking at him.


Before anyone could say anything, "I have to go meet the Elders. Yoochun, make sure the pups get home safely. That means no going back to the club. Kangin, just because you're all the way back there, doesn't mean I can't smell Leeteuk on you. Do not go back to that bar tonight, understood." At everyone's yes, Yunho turned and left the pack, heading to the counsel's house.


Alone now, Yunho let his mind go back to Jaejoong and the night that they first meet.


Yunho had first saw him bent over his parents dead bodies. He knew that the vampire killed them, even though he said that they where already dead. At the time Yunho didn't believe him. 


Jaejoong wasn't as strong as he is now, today, so overpowering him was easy.


Yunho had just wanted to kill him.


He didn't recall how he ended up him that night. His hatred for him was at it's highest and revenge for his parents death up most on his mind.


Yunho just remembers the screams from the vampire, the begging to let him go. And the blood, Yunho had used his nails on Jaejoong, the vampires back streaked with grooves running from his shoulders to his hips. Yunho had used his teeth, biting Jae's neck and sides. So it was more than  , it was torture for him.


But, what Yunho thought about the most was the heat of being inside of him. He had feltso good and after, when he escaped with his coven, Yunho knew that if he ever could, he would do it differently. Maybe, he's not sure how, just differently. Since Jae, he hadn't been with a girl, they hold no interest for him now. Yunho thought all of the pack felt the same way.


He was the only one that would the opposite . Losing interest was easy after Jae. There are times that he would remind himself that it was Jaejoong who had killed his parents, even though he's adamant that he didn't. Even after all these years he holds to that story.


The pain has dimmed, and not quite so harsh for him. Even if Jaejoong told him the truth today, Yunho knew he wouldn't be able to kill him.

But, it's not the same with him. Yunho had left him in such shreds after wards that the coven leaders hate for Yunho is now stronger than his is for Jaejoong.


Jaejoong healed quickly after his attack on him, that had always mystified the wolf.

How was he able to heal that fast. It only took him a few days for the wounds to heal, and no scares where left on his body. That would have to be something that he would ask him while they were working together. If they don't kill each other first.



Arriving at the Chambers of the Counsel of the Elders house, well the two head counselors, Bi Rain and Junki. Bi Rain, head of the eleven vampires and Junki, head of the eleven werewolves.


Yunho knocked on the door, before being admitted into their home.

Being showed to a study, he was greeted by the two breeds.

 Junki smiled at him politely, "Did you speak with Jaejoong?"


Yunho bowed to the Elder, "Yes, and of course, he agreed."


Bi Rain smiled, "Well, in that case. You and your pack need to be here for a meeting tomorrow at midnight,

Yunho bowed to the vampire head counselor, "Yes sir, understood."

The counsel nodded their agreement and Junki said, "Good, then you may go. Be safe going home, Yunho."

Yunho bowed to both of them again, and left.


Rain and Junki pov


"Are we doing the right thing, Rain?" Junki asked as he stepped closer to Rain.


"If you want us to be together, then yes." Rain lifted Junki's face to his. Looking into his eyes, Rain thought, Junki may look young, but in his eyes where centuries of wisdom. Smiling, Rain lowered his lips and kissed Junki. Rain lifted his head and muttered,

"To give everyone what they want, then this meeting must happen. Not just for the law, but also for the rogue vampires.
Do not worry, everything will go as planned."




The next day at the covens house

Jaejoong's pov




Jaejoong bounded down the stairs, making his way to the living room.


Yeah, seven guys living in one house. You better believe it's big. All the upstairs was bathrooms and bedrooms. Seven bedrooms, because, we live for a vvveeerrryyy long time, we should at least have our own bedroom, with the seven bathrooms connecting to the bedrooms. Along with a guest room. The counsel had the house specially built for the coven. It had everything that they needed. Gym, kitchen, game room, office, library, sauna, and Jaejoong's, favorite a huge garage, which housed his prized possession. His black Ducati Superbike 1098s.

 Oh, yeah, he had that baby brought overfrom Italy. On the side in silver it reads 'my lover dresses in black'. At 1099 cc's and 160 hp,the speed around two hundred miles per hour, you bet it's fast, not to mention y as hell and Jaejoong couldn't wait to get on and ride.


He had his black leather Joe Rocket riding jacket already on and done up, and was holding his black Shoei Helmet in his hands.


 As Jaejoong walked in the room where the other six guys were, he cleared his throat to get their attention. "Head Counselor Bi Rain just called. We need to be at the Chamber of the Counsel of the Elders at midnight tonight. Junsu, you being the eldest of the six, you make sure they get there on time. There's no work tonight as the clubs closed. Just be there in, " Jae looked at the clock above the fireplace, "Two hours." As he finished saying this, Sungmin, one of the younger vampires asked, "Are the werewolves going to be there?"


The vampire leader looked over to the small boy, and see him turn red. "I suppose they'd have to be there. The meetings about the rogue vampires. Why do you ask?" Jaejoong was teasing Sungmin and was amused when he started to stutter, "N..nothing i..important. Just w..wondering." He looked away as the others started to poke fun at him.

They all knew he liked a certain werewolf named Yesung. But Jaejoong forbade any possible relationships with the pack. He didn't want his brothers to get hurt, plus, its against the laws.


"Junsu, I'm going riding, make sure everyone arrives on time." Junsu nodded and Jae head to the garage. He put his helmet on and then his black leather riding gloves. Walking over to his baby, he pet it. You have to respect the bike, or it will bite you, no pun intended. Meaning, no acting foolish while riding, or you could cause an accident. Not that he was worried about himself, but the other people can't rejuvenate like he can. Jaejoong got on, and started her up,driving off into the night, he left a long black mark on the tarmac.



Two hours later:

the meeting:

Jaejoong's pov



They where all gathered in the conference room. The pack on one side and the coven on the other. They waited for Rain and Junki to start, with the tension thick in the air again, there had been a few insults thrown and a few 'pickup lines', if you could call them that, dealt out.



Jaejoong stood still, very conscious of the alpha wolfs eyes on him. He felt his neck prickle from the closeness of the other guy.


Finally, Rain spoke up, "We don't have a lot of information on the rogues. You guys are just going to have to hoof it. Sorry not to give you more than that to go by. Oh, other than, they are in the city."


Rain looked over at Junki, and the other nodded.


Jae frowned as he watch Rain's eyes scan the crowd, settling one moment on each figure in the room. Jae knew he was reading their minds. For what, he didn't know. He did know this, you do not block Rain from reading your mind. And some of them didn't even know they were being read. Rain's eyes met his and Jae felt his thoughts ripple. Rain smiles at him, nodding, before moving on.


What had he read? Then a horrifying though came to his mind. Jae's head whipped to the other side of the room. Yunho. He looked back at Rain to see him looking at one vampire.


Jaejoong turned to see Sungmin staring straight back at Rain.



Rain and Sungmin




Rain stared at Sungmin and then entered his mind. His eyebrows rose at what he read there. This wasn't the first one that had been thinking of the pack across the room. and whats really....strange, was when he read the werewolves they had been thinking of the vampires in the same way. Oh, this is perfect. Their plans are going to work out great. Rain concentrated on Sungmin telling him through his thoughts, "Sungmin, I know you like Yesung." Rain see his eyes widen in fear. "No, don't think like that. That's not going to happen." Rain see Sungmin relax a bit. "All you have to do is whisper his name. Just say his name. No one will know it was you." The elder see's that Sungmin was undecided, looking at him in confusion. "We won't kill you. We want you to do this. I have read all of their minds. Everyone is thinking what you are thinking, and we will not do anything to them either. Please, Sungmin, trust me. Just whisper his name."


Rain hears his hesitant whisper as he says "Yesung." Rain looks over to Junki, "It's done." he tells him.





Jaejoong's pov



The vampire leader watch's as Rain raises his hands, "Someone has confessed that he likes a different breed than his own." Jae's eyes flew to Sungmin. He was pale and trembling. Oh no! Sungmin! Jae was about to speak up when..."As you all know, when this happens, Junki and I, being Head Counsel Elders have two choices. One, we could kill this person, or two, we could abolish this law stating that no two different breeds shall be in relationships with each other. Junki and I have decided to do away with this law." At that announcement, all the guys started talking out at once.

Jaejoong's thoughts WHAT! NO! That law was there for protection. No! Jaejoong's eyes went over to the pack, only to see Yunho smiling at him. His heart started racing. Oh no!


But the counsel wasn't, not by a long shot.




Junki pov



Junki stepped forward, "As of now, tonight, the werewolves will be living with the vampires in their home. The wolves will be on vampire schedule." Junki glanced over to Yunho, "That means you sleep when they sleep and be awake when they are awake. oh, and we also have made out your sleeping arrangements and they are as follows:


Jaejoong and Yunho

Junsu and Yoochun

Ryeowook and Hankyung

Eunhyuk and Donghae

Changmin and Kibum

Kangin and Leeteuk

Sungmin and Yesung"


Junki smiled secretly to himself. Rain had read their minds to make out the sleeping arrangements. This should be interesting. Junki kind of wish he could be there to see it. "Oh, and don't be afraid to get close to your new roomie. That's it, meeting adjourned."


No one moved a muscle. 

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fantasy705 #1
I am so glad I am able to find you!! I think of this story all the time!!! I have a request, once you are done editing this story, is it possible to email me a copy? I love it so much and I fear I will have no access to it if anything happen to this site as well. Pretty, pretty please!!!
I read this on Winglin years before, but I just wanted to come here and reminensence over it, lol. This story is still one of my favorites ever :) I recommend this to a lot of people tbh XD
Ashe1001 #3
I really like this so far. Please update soon!
Love your fanfic !! One of my favorite <3
scorpio9151 #5
Please update more!! v(^o^)/
update soon please!!!!!!<br />
nightstar01: hey there *waves8 happy you found me here also!<br />
<br />
ummm...i'm doing a little editing to this fic, changing pov's, but everything else is staying the same, i hope you like it!
priscilla019: i'm so happy to know that you like this fic, took me a very long time to finish it lol<br />
<br />
i'm editing it as I go, changing the pov from 1st person to 3rd person,but it's still the same.<br />
<br />
i hope you like this version also.
nightstar01 #9
hi, i really love this story. i followed you on winglin for a while. i also have a livejournal account with the same user name. i think i may have befriended you there as well. i just wanted to say hi.