Beast of the Matter

Beast of the Matter chapter 1

Ryeowook's pov


He and Eunhyuk walked back in the club, and he was suddenly

overcome with the same sensation as before. What is this?


Ryeowook sees Jaejoong heading for the office. "Jae, it wasn't

them." He told him.


Jae turned and looked at him, "What wasn't them?"


Ryeowook closed his eyes,pinching the bridge of his

nose, "The evil presence wasn't the werewolves. It's

something else. No, It's vampires, but not our kind. They're

outsiders and...I don't know. I can't 'make it out, but

they're different than we are. There's five of them, I can

tell that. They're strong and smart and very fast. A very

powerful opponent that we are going up against. We need to

be very careful with them."


Jaejoong walked over to Eunhyuk, "Is that all, you can't see anything else?

Maybe where they are at?"


Ryeowook shook his head no, "I can't that's all for now."


Jaejoong sighed in frustration, "Well, we'll have

to take what little bit we can get. If you see anything

else, let me know right then. Don't wait and tell me, got

it." Ryeowook smirked at the coven leader, "Yes master I got it."


Jaejoong frowned and walked away.


Ryeowook 's mind turned back to

the werewolf and he shuddered.








Jaejoong's pov


His frown turns into a scowl as he walked towards the office.


The door opens before he gets to it, and as he passes through,

not paying any mind as the door slammed shut behind him,

the echo matching his state of mind completely.


Walking over to the black leather chair, he sat, leaning his head

back against the cool material.


Jaejoong lifted his hands, and began to massage his temples, feeling

a massive migraine coming on. This always happens when Yunho and he meet, the

migraines, and then the nightmares that plagued him, for what

seemed to be, days on end. It's just good that they hardly

ever come across each other. But tonight, he had been told that

the counsel wants them to come together.


Sighing, Jae stood up from the chair. Walking over to the

built in coat closet, he took out his black leather jacket,

slipping it on. The vampire leader then left the office the same way that he

came in, slamming the door harder this time behind him

without ever touching it .


He had to get out, had to get some air.

Looking over to the bar, Jae waved at Junsu and left the club.


Alone now, he slowly walked down the foggy lane, his

footsteps echoing through the empty streets.


Jaejoong looked up at the night sky and saw a full moon hanging in the inky

blackness, gray clouds rolling over it, hiding it's brightness.


He let the silence seep into his pounding head,

and begin to feel the pressure let up. His headache almost

gone now, except for a tiny pin prick in the side of his

head, he turn to go back to the club, when he stopped suddenly, listening, his senses on full alert.




Footsteps, behind him.


Someone was coming up to him, in the cover of darkness.


Jaejoong readied himself for a pending fight.


You never could be to careful, especially when you have

enemies that would rather see you dead and buried six feet



Waiting, Jaejoong sees a figure materialize in front of him.


Slowly, he let out a breath that he didn't know he had been holding.




Relief flood through out his system. Because of past

circumstances Jaejoong didn't like to fight and tried to avoid it

at all cost. He waited for the younger vampire to come stand beside him.


"Hey man, are you ok?" Junsu asked, glancing around to

make sure they where alone.


Jaejoong frowned as he turned and started walking again, Junsu matching his stride.


"That damned werewolf gave me another headache. The only time I

get them is when he shows himself to me." Jae muttered to Junsu.


Junsu looked at him thoughtfully, "Maybe it's not

really Yunho. It might be time to tell him. He'll

eventually find out the truth."


Jaejoong shook his head no, "I can't, he might hate me right now, but, if he ever finds

out that what he thinks is true, that I really did kill his parents, he would shadow me,

then he would take his every chance to kill me. I don't want to have to keep

looking over my shoulder, waiting for the moment when he

would pounce. Like this, at least, he has doubts and I

won't have to break the laws by killing his mangy ." He

stated, his words bouncing off the silent night.


"You could tell him what really happened that night. He would have to

understand. Anyone in that position would have done the same thing, they ambushed

you that night, Jaejoong. He shouldn't hold his parents death over your head, it was

their fault."


Junsu told him as he kicked a rock in his



Jaejoong just couldn't believe how naive Junsu is. "No, he

wouldn't listen, his hatred for me has burned hot for to

long. He'd never hear the truth. Yunho would never believe

it was in self-defense, the situation his parents put me

in, leaving me no choice, it was kill or be killed."



Jaejoong felt Junsu pat him on the back as they turned to go back to the club.


As they walked to the front door of Blue Ice, Jae could see a long

line already forming outside the main entrance. Stepping

inside, he motioned over to Leeteuk, "Turn the sign on, we

open early tonight." As he say's this he made his way over to

the office to be alone with his thoughts for a while. As

alone as he could be with a mind reading vamp standing just

outside the door.


A few hours later, his headache completely gone, Jaejoong emerge

to a packed club, and a thumping beat that was being absorbed
into the padded walls.


He walk behind the bar to help Junsu and Ryeowook serve drinks, and

he sees almost immediately,a cute, dark haired guy sitting in front of him.


The guy, finally, sets his eyes on Jae and he gives him one of his

more irresistible smiles. Leaning over the bar, Jae nodded

to the dance floor. Knowing what would take his mind off

the weres' visit. Particular one wolf in general, Yunho.

And tonight Jae was more than willing to purge his demons

this way. "You wanna dance?" He asked the guy. Cutie grinned

and nodded, standing up, he waits for the vampire to come around

the bar to him.


Jaejoong snatched his hand up in his and pulled him

to the dance floor. Turning cutie around facing him, Jae pulled

him in closer to him, placing his hands on cuties hips. Neither

one of them caring what the others name was, they just danced

a few songs, until Jae got where the need to have the cutie

overroad him. Jaejoong wrapped his arms around the other guys waist,


"You know I'm not really interested in dancing. Come with me to my

office and I'll give you a private tour." He tilts his

head to the side, thinking, then he slowly smiles. That's

all the yes Jae need's as he leads him off the dance floor and

into the office.


As Jaejoong turned back from closing and locking

the door, he see the other guys pants fall to the floor

along with his underwear.


Raising an eyebrow, "Straight to the point, I see." Jae smirked as he slipped

off his pants and boxers. He watch as the guy made his way over to the couch,

his knees on the seat cushions, he leaned over the back of

the couch.


Jaejoong came up behind him and positioned himself

between his thighs. Spitting in his hand and rubbing his hard

, making it slick Jaejoong pulled the guys cheeks apart and

into him fully embedding himself into him............


The both of them only caring about what pleasure they could

get from the rough ing.



At the bar



Junsu watched as Jaejoong takes yet another guy into the



Ryeowook comes to stand beside him, "You know,

he's not thinking about the guy he's with right now."

Ryeowook said as he poured a drink.


Glancing at Ryeowook, "What do you mean? Who's he thinking about



Ryeowook turns and looks Junsu in the eye, "The

same person he always thinks about when he gets like this.

Yunho." Ryeowook said the name, and Junsu gasped out,


"Yunho! Are you sure?" The mind reader just shakes his

head, "Yes, I'm sure, I'm reading him right now. He's

thinking of Yunho and not in a hateful way, if you know

what I mean." Junsu looks at the door with a questioning

look, "Yunho, huh." He whispered.



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fantasy705 #1
I am so glad I am able to find you!! I think of this story all the time!!! I have a request, once you are done editing this story, is it possible to email me a copy? I love it so much and I fear I will have no access to it if anything happen to this site as well. Pretty, pretty please!!!
I read this on Winglin years before, but I just wanted to come here and reminensence over it, lol. This story is still one of my favorites ever :) I recommend this to a lot of people tbh XD
Ashe1001 #3
I really like this so far. Please update soon!
Love your fanfic !! One of my favorite <3
scorpio9151 #5
Please update more!! v(^o^)/
update soon please!!!!!!<br />
nightstar01: hey there *waves8 happy you found me here also!<br />
<br />
ummm...i'm doing a little editing to this fic, changing pov's, but everything else is staying the same, i hope you like it!
priscilla019: i'm so happy to know that you like this fic, took me a very long time to finish it lol<br />
<br />
i'm editing it as I go, changing the pov from 1st person to 3rd person,but it's still the same.<br />
<br />
i hope you like this version also.
nightstar01 #9
hi, i really love this story. i followed you on winglin for a while. i also have a livejournal account with the same user name. i think i may have befriended you there as well. i just wanted to say hi.