Beast of the Matter chapter 1

Beast of the Matter chapter 1


Jaejoong's pov


Sitting at the bar, Jaejoong watch's as Junsu, one of the many

business partners that co-owns the club Blue Ice, as he

pops the top off the six beers in front of him. The club

was two hours from opening for business, and they'd all

gathered tonight, with the exception of Sungmin, who

didn't feel like going out tonight. The seven of them making up

a small vampire coven, each one were like brothers to

one another.


As Junsu sat a beer bottle in front of Jaejoong, Ryeowook, a

mind reader and eraser, he also has the ability to sense

danger and how close it was, closes his eyes and squeezes

the bridge of his nose with his fingers, a sure sign that

he was sensing something. He has everyone's attention on

him, and being the coven leader, Jaejoong found that he always

listen to Ryeowook when he tells of something about to

happen, he's never been wrong.


Jaejoong reach's out to him, patting

his arm, "Ryeowook, what is it?" Jaejoong asked him.


"Evil presence. That's all I can make out for now, and it's

near." Ryeowook muttered his eyes shut tight.


Right then the door to the club swings open.


Jaejoong feel's his back stiffen, as he muttered "Werewolves", and Jae

hears Junsu spit out the name "Yoochun" as he take's a drink,

before turning to face the intruders.


Quickly the four other vampires come to stand in front of the bar, with

Junsu still behind it, taking safety precautions, because

he just couldn't be sure if he could stop himself from

sinking his teeth into the wolf.


Jaejoong watched as the pack comes to stand before them,

everyone's guard up.


"Well well well, look at what the dog drug in." Junsu

smirked at the were's.


A dark wolf looked at the small guy behind the bar,

"Better a dog, than a bloodsucker." Before

Junsu could reply, Jae held up a hand, stopping a brewing

fight between the two.


Jaejoong let his eyes wonder over to the alpha male. "Yunho, as

always, what the hell are you doing here?"


Jae's hate for the werewolf clear as he glared at him. Yunho grins at him, "We

didn't come here looking for a fight. The Counsel of

Elders asked us to speak with you. They want us to work

together. Apparently, there are a few of your kind that's

went rouge, and Counsel wants us to take care of the



Jaejoong narrowed his eyes at the wolf, "What do you mean, my

kind, it could have been a were'." The coven leader snapped back at him.


Yunho laughed, and it grated on Jaejoong's nerves, "Yes, it could

have, but for the two, nice little holes left in the necks

of the victims."


Jaejoong felt anger towards Yunho building up in

him at his words, "Yeah, I keep forgetting you guys prefer

to rip out the throat. So messy, I don't know how you guys

can stand yourselves." Was snapped out to him, Jae's voice

straining as he fight to keep control,


"Listen, bloodsucker, that's all I came here for, not to fight or exchange

insults with you. One day we'll settle our differences,

until that time, I guess we're working together to get rid

of the problem plaguing us right now. But it's all off

when this is over, and you'll be fair game to me." With

that, Yunho waved his hand at his pack, signaling it was

time to leave.


Before Yunho could take one step, Jaejoong was

behind him in a blinding flash, his fangs elongating,

eyes turning to a violet purple. Bringing his mouth close to

the weres' ear, Jae whispered, "One day, Yunho, your pack won't be

around to protect you from me. When that day comes, I will

kill you. But, not before taking from you, what you took

from me, and I'll grant you the same mercy that you showed

me. None." The coven leader let the tips of his fangs lightly graze over

Yunho's neck.


Yunho smirked back at the vampire . "Do you know how much I

loved hearing you beg? Your screams that night, made it

easier for me to you, because it reminded me that you

were the one that killed my parents. And that revenge was

the best, you should be grateful that your coven found

you, I had every intention of killing you that night."

Yunho growled and Jaejoong could see his brown eyes turning

sky blue.


Jaejoong took a step back from him, "How many times do

I have to tell you, I did not kill your parents. When I

found them they were already dead!" Was hissed at the pack



"Save it, I won't hear you lies." Yunho snapped

back at Jaejoong.








Junsu and Yoochun


Yoochun strolled up to the bar. "If it isn't the cute

little vampire boy." The taller male grinned at the guy behind the

counter. Junsu glared at Yoochun, the dislike evident on

his face. "Don't you have a ball to play with, or a car to

chase or more preferably, to be ran over by?" Junsu hissed



Yoochun sniffed the air, "I would much rather play

with you. Won't you come out from behind that bar and play

with me, Junsu?" The wolf grinned widely showing off his

white teeth.


He sniffed once again, his nose twitching,

lowering his voice to a sensual drawl, "Or, on second

thought, maybe we could do something a little more

physical." Yoochun leaned against the bar, bringing his

upper body closer to Junsu, "I can smell you. I can smell

your arousal, you want to me. To bury yourself deep

inside of me. This is so not what I expected from you



In a second Junsu was on the other side of the

bar, fangs bared and eyes glowing purple, "The only thing

I want is to kill you, mutt. I could rid us of the

vermin that is you, right now." Junsu had the wolf by his

shirt front, his face close to the mans face.


"Your musk is getting stronger, are you sure you want to kill me, you

could just me instead." The wolf sneered.


Junsu flung Yoochun away from him, "You are disgusting.

The only thing I want to do is you dry. But, thanks to the laws,

I can't even have the pleasure of even doing that! Leave before I loose my

temper and forget that we even have laws to protect you and your



Yoochun snickered at the angry boy in front of

him. "For now, we'll just see how long you can hold out.

Sooner or later, your lust will lead you to me." Yoochun

spun around his long black trench coat flaring out around

him. Junsu frowned, "So dramatic. And not even in your

wildest dreams, Yoochun."


Yoochun turned back around,eyes glaring at Junsu,

"In my wildest dreams, you are dead. Don't think just because

I'd let you me, that I wouldn't kill you." With that the wolf

was gone, following the pack leader out the door.



Changmin and Kibum


This is very bad, he noted as his eyes roamed the room.

The tension was thick, and for some odd reason the smell

of was stronger than usual.


Changmin knew it had to do with the werewolves unexpected visit.

He, like a few others, had no qural with the other guys, being to young

to remember the vampire-werewolf wars. He let his gaze scan

the room, and picked upon a guy starring intently at him.



Changmin felt a little uneasy as the guy made his way over to him.

The other guy stood in front of him with a half smile on his sinful

lips, "Hi, I'm Kibum." The wolf said.


Changmin nodded his head at him, "Changmin." He left it at that.


Kibum gave me a full smile, "Is it me, or is it a little tense in here?"

Changmin sighed, "No, it's not you, there's definitely

some hate being spewed right now."


Changmin snuck a look Kibum and thought, 'wow is he hot'.


Changmin shook his head hard. What am I thinking, it's dangerous to think that



"Like what you see?" Kibum asked, raising his

eyebrows at the vampire.



Seeing his handsome face, Changmin flushed. "Yeah,

I do." he bowed his head to avoid this guys face,



"That's cute."Kibum said with a wink before he left

the club, summoned by Yunho.



Leeteuk and Kangin


Glancing over at Jaejoong, Leeteuk sees he's busy with the pack

leader and made his way to the storage area behind the bar.


Walking in, he let out a breath that he had been holding.

Running his hands over his face, Leeteuk felt himself relax and

turned to go back out, when he felt himself being pushed up

against the wall.


Leeteuk gasped as I come face to face with the

wolf he had been trying to avoid. "K..Kangin." He whispered

out to him.


Kangin looked down at the boy in his arms, "It's been a

while Leeteuk." Kangin lowered his head and Leeteuk heard his

deep growl. "I still think of the night I had with you."


Leeteuk took a deep breath, "Kangin, stop this."

"Why you want it, I can smell your . It turns you on, when I remind

you of that night. How I ed you all night long, making

you again and again. How you moaned and cried out my

name. How our bodies felt being pressed together. How I

felt in you." Kangin mummered as he nipped at Leeteuks neck.



The vampire moaned, his hands coming up to hold onto the wolfs upper

arms. "We can't, it's against the laws. We shouldn't have

done it that time, either." Leeteuk groaned out as Kangin moved his

groin on his.


" the laws, the laws can't feel this, they can't know how much I want you."


Leeteuk come back to reality and push Kangin away from him, "No, this is

forbidden. Please, leave."


Kangin turned to go, but before he left, "So your going to

let something like the laws to keep you from what you



And then he was gone, and Leeteuk's alone.


Leeteuk stood there in the aftermath of what just happened. It

had been a couple years since they had slept together, and he

still woke up at night, hot and wanting the werewolf.


Breathing deeply, Leeteuk tried to calm his stressed nerves down. After a

few minutes, he slowly left the storage room, to see the

werewolves exiting the club.







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fantasy705 #1
I am so glad I am able to find you!! I think of this story all the time!!! I have a request, once you are done editing this story, is it possible to email me a copy? I love it so much and I fear I will have no access to it if anything happen to this site as well. Pretty, pretty please!!!
I read this on Winglin years before, but I just wanted to come here and reminensence over it, lol. This story is still one of my favorites ever :) I recommend this to a lot of people tbh XD
Ashe1001 #3
I really like this so far. Please update soon!
Love your fanfic !! One of my favorite <3
scorpio9151 #5
Please update more!! v(^o^)/
update soon please!!!!!!<br />
nightstar01: hey there *waves8 happy you found me here also!<br />
<br />
ummm...i'm doing a little editing to this fic, changing pov's, but everything else is staying the same, i hope you like it!
priscilla019: i'm so happy to know that you like this fic, took me a very long time to finish it lol<br />
<br />
i'm editing it as I go, changing the pov from 1st person to 3rd person,but it's still the same.<br />
<br />
i hope you like this version also.
nightstar01 #9
hi, i really love this story. i followed you on winglin for a while. i also have a livejournal account with the same user name. i think i may have befriended you there as well. i just wanted to say hi.