Before He Pondered

Modern day Shakespeare

October 17th, 2014


"I didn’t think that…this is so cliché but bear with me-really this whole thing will be cliché but is there really any other better way to prove how much you love someone? So yeah,  I didn’t think that I would be this lucky. To stand here today, next to this woman who is inside and out the epitome of beauty it was not just highly unlikely but impossible in my mind. The hold her hand, to coddle her in my chest and tuck her under my chin is putting me on cloud nine just by saying it. I remember walking by her and my heart pounding out of my chest because she had simply shone her pearly whites accompanied with her signature eye smile. I was a puppy and I was completely smitten by her.

 I thought to myself, 'Seunghyun, you don’t really love her. It’s just because she’s the most gorgeous woman you’vever seen! Don’t fuss over her and leave her alone to find a man she really loves and can take care of her and provide for her and have kids with her.  You’re a kid yourself. '

However, as I got closer to Hyori, I realized this wasn’t some petty puppy love. I wasn’t just crushing over her. She had a hold on me; I would find myself thinking of how I would pass by her while on dates with girlfriends. No matter who I was with it didn’t feel right. I was convinced I only liked Hyori for her looks but I soon came to realize that it wasn’t just that, escaping her wouldn’t be easy because it was love. I couldn’t get enough of her love, she was like an addiction and I was ready to overdose.

Somehow, we became really close. It was hard to crack her shell for a bit, but I bet she saw me as some sort of easy shy guy because I was an open book, she asked and I answered. She was always really busy but somehow we found ways around our shedules and we became incredibly close.

I confessed to her on her birthday. May 10th.

Since then I've been out of it, she is my ecstacy and I want to hold her forever in my arms and it turns out she wanted to be in my arms too.

Now, I am ready to do exactly that. I am ready to live the rest of my days on a constant high with my lovely,

He turns to the bride, who ready to explode with pure joy and looks at her, his starstruck eyes set dead deep on her own smiling ones and spoke his last words.

Lee Hyori.

The crowd erupts with cheers, clapping, and the common sharing of smiles and hand gripping.


It was truly the best day of my life.




January 1st, 2013

She is AMAZING. Her eyes, her nose her chin, her ears are adorable. Her body isn’t average, I’ll tell you that! Who is this she?

Oh gosh, you better sit down.

You know what, you don’t have to prepare dfor what I have to say, I am deserving to this lovely little lady!

Lee Hyori.

Yes, THE Lee Hyori and yes the woman is almost a decade older than me but hey a guy can dream can’t he? Especially when she lives next door! Well not really next door but like a block away. She moved into this prissy expensive apartment a block or so away from shabby little apartment complex and I could just die now. I’ve been listening to her since she debuted! 

I can remember watching her first performcane. I actually was there when she performed. She definately stood out against the other members! She just had this glow to her and her eyes were adorable and she was the ultimate noona! I screamed her name with my puberty stricken voice.


The other fans stared at me in disbelief and even tried pushing me farther away from the stage. If anything it motivated my young self to push tm back and get the closest I could! I remember she came up and looked down at us and she looked me dead it the eye and I froze as she winked and continued with choreography.Since then I was in everything she did. I had to have all her posters and CD's and special items and rare items. I bought anything she promoted. My mother who bought all of my Hyori merchandise said "Seunghyun, you're nuts. I bet I'm providing Hyori with half of her fortune with all of the things I'm buying!" It was really an obsession. She actually inspired me to become an actor since my rapping wasn't really taking off and I needed to get to her somehow. I was complimented on my acting and since then I've been cocky. I'm Hyori's number one fan, I'd do anything for that girl!

So as you can assume when I found out that she moved near me I changed my route to school and went to a different grocery store and different mall and everything basically, in hopes of meeting her there. And you wouldnt believe me when I said we've had a conversation! I met her at a coffee shop.

Ok so, I must admit, I'm a bit more handsome than an average male and I am a bit of an actor so I have been using this to my ability, controlling my emotions and making sure I don't look like a complete creep or stalker and trying to woo her.

Well anyway, as per usual, I sat dressed dapper by a table near the back when I hear someone talking and look up from my coffee,

"Excuse me, sir? May I sit here? All the other seats are taken, I will only be reading a bit and I'll be quiet and gone in an hour. You'll forget I was even here I won't disturb you."

It cant be. It isn't. Right?

I look up still thinking and I guess since I didnt have my sweet face prepared she was taken aback and flinched a bit.


Everyone says I look scary. Is it my eyebrows? My princess senses my confusion and quickly says,

"I'm sorry sir, I was taken aback by your eyes! They're intense! Seriously! Oh I mean, it's in a good way you're actually very attractive. Sorry I'm not usually like this, rambling on and stuff."

She rushes through and then hushes up.

My heart is POUNDING by this point. Not only did she compliment me but she said I was handsome and she's all flustered.

I made HER flustered.

Well obviously I put on my most welcoming face and replied,

"Thank you! And no worries, I'm used to it. I'm honored actually, I am aware that your famous and it's hard to get alone time. Don't worry I won't bother you In fact I can stay here if you want so you dont look suspicious with your big glasses and your cap and stuff reading a book alone in the far back of this cafe or I can leave if you don't feel comfortable with a fan here. By the way no need to call me sir, I'm younger and my name is  Choi Seunghyun."

Tryied my best not to seem like a creepy saesang fan.

"Oh no I'm sorry Seunghyun-ssi! You don't have to leave! I'll take you up on that offer and I'm flattered you'd do so and especially as a fan. I'm thankful you're not one of those crazy fans. And it must be a good day huh? A date with a celebirty and she told you how handsome you were! Thank you Seunghyun-ssi!"

I was dead. Can you imagine how happy I was? She said my name and she said yes and she complimented me again and she was thanking me and she didn't think I was crazy.

"Oh no it's fine, may I offer you a cup of coffe? Espresso? Double shot? What do you prefer? Or maybe a pastry. Sorry, I feel the need to show how much I appretiate you as a singer and how incredibly nice it is for you to see me as any other person and not a fan and let me stay and all. Plus you're making me blush. Haha."

Oh yeah, as it continued I lost track a bit but she didn't seem to notice. Thankfully she wasn't thirsty, I cant afford these drinks really, I don't know how I'm still living.

"Oh I'm fine, Seunghyun-ssi. I prefer tea actually. But either way I'm on a diet. I don't drink coffe but I love the smell of coffe shops and the homey feeling to these indie ones! Theres no need to thank me and I would expect you to be used to getting compliments!"

She thought that I was so handsome that I get flooded with compliments, if only she knew she was the first to complimemt me.

"Oh no, but you're already so fit and skinny, and I love coffee it keeps me up to do work at night. And actualy I don't get much. but enough about me. You should get to reading your book, you won't have time to relax if you talk to me! I'm sorry."

I was pushing the envelope again, almost went on rant complimenting her.

"Oh no Seunghyun-ssi! It's okay! I think I'd rather talk to you than read anyway, you're interesting! Lets be friends! Fan and celebrity aside! Can I can you Seunghyun?

Then we spent the rest of her time at the cafe talking about ourselves. 

I went from calling Lee Hyori: Lee Hyori to noona and she went from not knowing my name to calling me Seunghyun in one hour. From then on we became best friends.

That was December 21st, 2012. My second best day ever.


August 17th, 2014

Ever since me and my princess became a couple I've realized how little we usually spent with each other. Talking with her was like talking for hours. But, now that I have her I take notice of her even more and we don't get to see each other for more than an hour a day. Along with this, since she is dating me now we have to limit our meetings even more because we don't want to cause suspision when she is asked something like,

"Who is this mystery man that you've been meeting every day off for an hour in this cafe and sharing food with?"

She would probably then smile a really sweet smile thinking about me and how we met and how I must be watching and chuckle and reply,

"Ha! Oh yes, I've seen those pictures! I will clear it up now, don't worry guys. I am not in a relationship! This man is actually a childhood friend! We were always really close like siblings and I love to go out with him and relax on my free time!"

Then the host would psuh it and be all snoopy and say,

"Oh really? Are you sure i old friend doesn't like you or possibly he isn't a childhood friend but a childhood BOYFRIEND?"

Then my sweety will chuckle and handle it perfectly, transitioning her face towards the host and camera laughing,

"well, i didn't want to tell you this because it's his personal buisness but to be honest, he perfers the same gender."

and she would look dead into the camera holding back her laughter but her eyes would tell me all and I would laugh with her.

Although that'd be hilarious, we'd rather just avoid having to do this. Although I'm sure the time will come and then I could go around with her freely.

Yes, that'd be perfect. Like her.


September 6th, 2014

So, hey.Heh heh.

Yeah, it hasn't even been a month but of course we have been discovered. We decided to tell the media when a fan recognized her and saw me kiss her good bye on the lips a little longer than any other normal friend would.

We've faced problems I can tell you that. Everyone is thinking like I did when I first became friends with Hyori.

Why me and I'm much too young for her.

I understand too. She's working with all of these men, so handsome and talented and here I am. Not even 30 yet and just recently graduated from college living in a rinky dink aprtment building. In a one bedroom apartment the size of a kids bedroom with a bathroom that smells like mold and a leaky faucet all being paid with tiny jobs here and there. She's a well respected actress while I'm a wanna be failure of a rookie actor who never even got on the big screen. There are so many men out there who like her. I'm a fan. There are an abundance of hunky male co-stars and other male actors in general that she knows and can take good care of her and she can trust. Then there's me, a huge fan who would be the envy of everyone if they knew and would be attacked because I shouldn't be trusted wise I'm a fan and you don;t know my intentions.

But my only intention is to love her. And I will.

I am chopping my way through these neitzens who are trees, standing in my way. My axe makes it effortless. At the end of the forest stands my beauty in jeans and a t shirt, face bear holding a rose, ready to take my hand in marrige.

Or at least, I hope. I mean. She loves me, I love her. She won't say no, I'm sure..I think.















Wow, yeah it's been a while. So many errors im sorry. Working on my phone is hard. >.< I will work harder!



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i went in for tabisan but i became invested with laydara. help!!!!!
Chapter 3: heart breaks for them. i wanna see a lay pov!
Chapter 1: Your work's really interesting. Looking forward to this! :)
LayDara and TopHyori. Sounds like a good combo. Your username gave me a laugh.keke~~ Anyways looking forward to this!