Before She Pondered

Modern day Shakespeare

October 17th, 2014




I start turning to face him. I expect the same smile he always wore. And of course that single dimple, it will be the death of me I swear. Zhang Yixing. Oh boy you heard right, Zhang Yixing aka Lay. And yes, boy is correct, he really is a little boy compared to this old hag. Any girl would die to be able to be narrating him saying their name! The sound of his name alone tempted me. He was perfect. He wasn't that ideal korean guy look(well he IS Chinese..). He was different but still charming and incredibly handsome. But as I was saying he was is young. Eight flippin' years younger than me to be exact. That's nearly a decade!  But that doesn't stop a lady from dropping her fork and grazing a tailored  pants suit under the table. I don't feel a shame either. He acts so mature and looks so mature you wouldn't even tell that he is 22 if you over looked his baby soft perfect skin that is. Not that I don't look young, I admit I am a bit of a vixen. I look younger than him to be honest. Sadly, my charms don't work on him. If anything I'm a sister or mother figure of sorts, cradling him in my arms in time of pain. I feed him when he's hungry, and to your and my dissapointment there is no in between to lines about that. He is young but not carefree, however he falls head over heels easily because he is so mature and commited. He knows the essentials to a relationship and gives them to his woman but, sadly not all the little girls his age are as mature as him and they just want in on his "jeans". He has a hard time getting over them too. His last girlfreind was 6 years ago and before that was 8. However enough of this. Right now, I was about the leave another one of our friendly friend buddy pal bro dinner dates to go to bed and cry into my pillow at another failure to tell him how I really feel and fail at a casting audition in the morning with puffy red eyes and lose to a younger aegyo over kill teenager. As I was about to leave I had already started, I found that I must wipe my single tear and face him.

It isnt the same warm face, nor do I see his adorable dimple. His body looks stiffer than ever. His face is blank. A rush of melancholy entangles my body. Oh no, maybe he's gotten tired of my shenanigans and has also got a new prissy girlfreind. A person can drop a fork only so many time yah know. He must want a restrainging order by now! Here it goes! Ahem.

"Y-yeah Yixingie? I told you, you don't need to say noona. Just call me Dara silly!"  I hesitate and proceed to try to cover it up.

He pushes in his chair and takes a couple steps closer to me. Oh gosh I can smell his cologne, I want to hug him so bad. He's so huggable especially with his height compared to mine. Oh Dara, now is not the time to be thinking like this you pabo! I mentally bang my head with my fists. I look up and he's staring at me.

"Dara-noo-Dara, I have to tell you something." He admited and smiled.


There's that dimple.


"Oh, well don't keep your noona waiting I'm a busy woman you know!" I joked, although we both know good and well I have nothing to do at 9 o' clock at night but binge on dramas and sleep.

He chuckled and scratched the back of his head into his nape.

He's perfect. Please, shut up and be mine Yixingie. I beg of you.

"Dara, I'm going to cut to the chase because I hate when guys hesitate so much in dramas. We know each other and I have no need to be shy around you." He starts soothing me.

These words, this sentence. He saying, it's all so familar. This situation. Can it be?

"Dara, I love you." and he put me on cloud nine.

I cover my face. Oh my gosh. He really. Was it my seducing? Who knows and who cares I just never expected this! I don't know what to do in this situation. Instincts Dara! Go in for a hug!

"Yixingie! I love you too" I sob into his expensively overpriced suit.

We stand there, soaking in this beautiful moment. October 17th.

(Then we headed home, kekeke)


December 11th, 2014



Aish. We're so corny it's cringe worthy. Were so typical together. But opposites don't always attract and this is one of those cases. Me and this goof ball said to ourselves,

"We need to get married right away."

"Heol! You're right unicorn!  Right away, as fast as posible! I'll start looking for a dress."

However I am not some sort of prviliged daughter of two prestigious parents that own a big company. If anything I'm the lowly peasant that watches teenagers spend their allowance this ease, spending more than I do in a month in one day. I work for what I get . And Lay, he is a model as you know. Very popular these days that boy. Especially since we announced our wedding. Overall everyone seemed the be happy for him, sure I ws callled a cougar but hey, I got to admit it, I pretty much am. Anyway, since this poor cougar couldn't afford a dress, I used my late mother's. It was a little bit too loose but overall she must have been a trendsetter in her day because it was as gorgeous as any other gaudy wedding dress that's made today! Since we were rushing to plan, we forgot that Lay needed to propose. About four days before the wedding he bought the ring and proposed. Woop woop official fiances. Anyway, only really close family and friends went. No press. It was nice a peaceful ceremony. 

We moved into a new apartment too. Can't have house warming gifts without a house! This was obviously all Lay and I felt so guilty but I do my best to show how much I appretiate it. Cleaning and keeping everything in check and all. When I have the time. He already payed the year's rent so i hope to add to next year's. Our apartment is in the suburbs. Far away to go for a nice cold walk but close enough to walk into the city to go shopping or into the country for fresh produce. The little ajummas are so kind and sweet, the news ones I meet tend to offer me their newphews! However one of them once said something to be that got to me thinking...

"Aigoo~ Sweetie you are gorgeous, would you like to meet my nephew?"

"Oh ajumma I'm sorry, I'm married." I replied with as much respect as I could.

"What? You're so young! Forget that guy you have now. He's young and probably doesn't even know what love is and doesn't deserve you! My nephew, he is 27! He knows love by now with all his heart breaks and I'm sure he'd treat a nice young girl like you just fine!" She persisted

"Oh aniyo, I'm 30 and we love each other very much. I'm sure your nephew is great but I've found my true love." I answered to her dissapointment. And that was that.

At the time, I didn't say anything and didn't dare shed a tear but when she said that I wanted to sink into the dirt under our feet and be engulfed by the Earth. I had never thought about it.

Lay is 22. And I'm 30.

I mean, it did come up in my mind but I always made fun of it. We went through so much from family because of our and his parents even suggested other young women to him to make sure he was certain that he wanted to marry me. My side, I barely have any but most of the girls worried for me. My dad joined my mother two years ago and even he appeared in my dreams having a conversaion with me about Lay being so young.

I shouldn't be worried though right?

I am carrying his child.

I wonder how many we'll have. Four? Two daras and two lays. Yes that'd be nice. Quickly before it's too late for me! I wonder what we'll name her. Oh listen to me jumping to conclusions like this, maybe it'll be a mini Lay. Who knows, I just know that we are official and soon we will begin our family. We will be the envy of the nieghborhood! A gorgeous charasmatic 22 year old husband and a...pregnant unemployed 30 year old cougar.

Ok, maybe it's me who will be the envy of the neighborhood...




Chapter end! Hello! This chapter and the next are set in the past. Forgot to mention, the story is set in 2018.Anywhosey, I hope you enjoy this small first chapter, I will start the next chapter to possibly update tomorrow or tonight. I'm not sure, I need to get a feeling of when to update! XD

OMG Btw like what how do I even have two followers for this story let alone 9. Wow! It may seem like a little to some but for me I'm just like doing the flopping fish dance in the corner over here I'm so amazed and grateful. Thank you all who decide to stay with me in this scary experience of a first fic and I hope you all stay healthy and happy and sleep well! ^-^ Bye~!!giphy.gif

yehet :3


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i went in for tabisan but i became invested with laydara. help!!!!!
Chapter 3: heart breaks for them. i wanna see a lay pov!
Chapter 1: Your work's really interesting. Looking forward to this! :)
LayDara and TopHyori. Sounds like a good combo. Your username gave me a laugh.keke~~ Anyways looking forward to this!