Everything Kaisoo
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Happy Kaisoo Day!!!!

As a commemoration of our favorite couple, here are 13 (yes, as in January 13th) stories that I love the most (so far). You might find some of the fandom classics here which also close to my heart (which means there will be no rate for sure because they are my favorites you know how I will rate them) Enjoy!


Title: summer, 21

Author : starsthatlast

Length: 5 chapters

Status : completed

Rating: PG-13

Summary: a love story in 21 days.

(cries. I never love a fic as much as I love this one)

Title: are you going to age with grace?

Author : teddyescher

Length: oneshot

Summary: ten thousand and one words later, he realises that he loves do kyungsoo. he has now, for many, many years.

(I have no words to describe how I adore this fic. it's beautifully written)

Title: we can burn brighter (than the sun)

Author : hokaidos

Length: oneshot

Rating/Genre : G/fluff

Summary: Kyungsoo likes his older brother's best friend just a little too much.

(I can't stop squealing. this is too cute!!!)

Title: Dead Heart

Author : iridae

Length: longfic

Rating/Genre : PG-15/au 

Summary: Your heart should have stopped beating a long time ago, yet here it is aching for another.​

(If you know me, I don't really read a zombie!au but here's the exception)

Title: A Soundless Goodbye

Author : afflatusadroit 

Length: 4 chapters

Rating/Genre : PG-15/ drama, angst, romance

Summary: A love story,evolving in the middle of soundless musical notes and silent promises of forever


Title: Nothing More Than Ordinary Life

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have any of you guys ever read jinxed? pleasseee tell me your favorite part and the most sbdsdashdvhsgdv part on my ask.fm i need someone to spazz with


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970 streak #1
Chapter 6: Oh dear. This journal has been deleted and purged.
Dkdlti #2
Chapter 330: how to get the access to this fanfic😭😭
Love-Kaisoo-8812 #3
Chapter 7: Seeing this description, I really want to read this fic.Unfortunately, I was late. It has been deleted
Love-Kaisoo-8812 #4
Chapter 1: This is the best fan fiction I've ever read. I cried every time I read it.