Everything Kaisoo
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I'm sorry for the long hiatus.

Now, I'm looking for an admin who is willing to spend their time on updating this thread with their fics recommendations.

If you think you're up for the challenge please email me at [email protected] and convince me that you are going to update this thread regularly. you can tell me about your love for kaisoo or how much you spend your time reading fanfics or anything. make sure updating this thread won't interfere your time for school stuff. 

you don't really have any deadline to apply for this work but the faster the better :) I'll wait until there are 2/3 people who convincing enough. 

and why would you want to run this thread you ask? well, as you can see this thread has been featured and have more than 4500 subscribers, if you're a writer you can promote your story here (not every stories though, just the best of your work), also everytime you update you might get some karma points. 

I'll wait for your applications :)




some of you might wonder why would I look for another admin if I can do it by myself? 

I'm in my final year of college and I'm so busy with my thesis and another tests and reading fanfics is not on top of the things I'd do these days, to be honest. I still love kaisoo dearly and wholeheartedly and I'd love to update this recommendation page as much as I can like how I used to do it. Unfortunately, I can't. But, I'll

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have any of you guys ever read jinxed? pleasseee tell me your favorite part and the most sbdsdashdvhsgdv part on my ask.fm i need someone to spazz with


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961 streak #1
Chapter 6: Oh dear. This journal has been deleted and purged.
Dkdlti #2
Chapter 330: how to get the access to this fanfic😭😭
Love-Kaisoo-8812 #3
Chapter 7: Seeing this description, I really want to read this fic.Unfortunately, I was late. It has been deleted
Love-Kaisoo-8812 #4
Chapter 1: This is the best fan fiction I've ever read. I cried every time I read it.