Good Morning, Sunshine

Everything Kaisoo
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Title: Good Morning, Sunshine

Author : quasoos 

Genre: pure fluff

Length: oneshot

Summary: Because Kyungsoo and Jongin can't start their day the normal way.

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have any of you guys ever read jinxed? pleasseee tell me your favorite part and the most sbdsdashdvhsgdv part on my i need someone to spazz with


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970 streak #1
Chapter 6: Oh dear. This journal has been deleted and purged.
Dkdlti #2
Chapter 330: how to get the access to this fanfic😭😭
Love-Kaisoo-8812 #3
Chapter 7: Seeing this description, I really want to read this fic.Unfortunately, I was late. It has been deleted
Love-Kaisoo-8812 #4
Chapter 1: This is the best fan fiction I've ever read. I cried every time I read it.