Breaking An Icy Heart
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Zico spent his time wondering all around the streets after he dropped off Jiyeon. He also spent all his time thinking as to why he acted that way to her. He had almost thought of all possibilities yet they are all stupid. No he doesn't like her. No he is not charmed and no there is no such thing as love potions.

"Babo. Babo. Babo. Aish jeongmal. . .," he paused, suddenly remembering the envelope that was given to him. He took a sit on the dirty bench in the park with the street lamp just enough to give him some light to read. Taking the envelope off his bag, a sudden feeling of him being watched came up and he looked up but no one was there. Zico shrugged it off and tear off the envelope, picking up the letter;

   How are you managing your currently gangster like life.
You must have a put up a lot of walls to protect it for me
to ruin it. Did you like what I did to poor Jiyeon?
I figured you didn't as you threaten to beat the crap 
outta me instead. Waeyo? Could it be that you, who
had suffered heart ache from me are starting to like
a low class person? My my. Watch out. She might be
as dangerous as me. Didn't you notice, her personality
changes? Ah it must be the glasses. If you take them off
she become rude and bold yet when she has them on,
she is that nerdy and weakling girl. Oh right. I forgot to tell you,
I dropped by your house a while ago right after 
you left the house. I heard some shocking news.
Oh and I think you should go now because I have a feeling
that your house is a mess. See you at school.


    Zico balled up his fist around the letter, squeezing them as he imagined squeezing Hwayoung's life out of her. Suddenly, he felt the weird sensation again. The feeling of him being watched. He stand up, throwing the paper to ground as he zip his sports bag, walking away cautiously away at the park back to his house. Zico took a lot of twists and turns at the alleyway for that is what he is good at just to lost the followers sight. He took the underground way back to his house for he know its quite dangerous to lead the prey to his lair. 

- - - - -

   He climbed back up the sewer near his house and carefully open the door. It's eerily quiet inside the house and that made the adrenaline kicks in action. He tried pushing it back and thought that his hyungs and friend are just sleeping. But he knows he is lying to himself because he knows that P.O sleeps while the music blasts aloud, Taeil is wide awake during this time of the night, counting and managing the little business they put up and the rest are sleeping but snores as loud as a horn's blast. He opened the door, looking for the light switch and flipping it upward as the light comes on. Zico's eyes widen at the mess around the living room. The little dining table is knocked over, the chairs are all broken, the mirror is cracked, the couch is now in half. Glass shards is everywhere and so is some of the chair's part. He stepped around those and head to look at the kitchen which is ten times more worse than the living room. Broken plates, glasses and utensils are everywhere. He went back to look at his friends rooms one by one until he got to his room. Thankfully nothing important was taken away.

    An angry sigh escape his lips, glaring at the wall for no apparent reason with fist balled up and whitening as the blood drains from being clenched too tight. He picked up his phone, dialling Taeil's phone number. He heard a ring on the other side of the room and curses, kicking his closet in process. Where could his friends be? He didn't know something like this would happen so they didn't think of any escape warehouse. He looked around trying to figure out where they could have been. But nothing came to his mind. He was about to give up when he saw a little paper sticking into his school bag. He took the paper out and read the simple sentence.

"Taeil hyung's rest house - P.O"

    Zico stand up right away, taking the letter in his hand and heading to the bus stop. He hold back a yawn but he knows he is tired. His phone rings and he picked it up. 

"Yoboseyo," he answered in a tired voice as he rest his head at the glass around the bus stop. 

"Jiho-ah, you don't have to come to the rest house. We are okay. Just stay at Jiwon's apartment and we'll talk tomorrow. Please be safe arachi?," and with that, Taeil hang up the phone before Zico can even reply. Sighing, he went back to grab some extra clothes at the house and his school bag before taking the bus back to Jiwon's apartment. 

- - - - -

   Already tired, Zico forced himself to knock at his friend's door. Jiwon, who is now fast asleep groan in annoyance at the repeating knocks on his door. He looked at the clock, showing it's two in the morning. Jiwon groaned again, standing up and rubbing his eyes while trying to find his slippers. As soon as he did, he opened his bedroom door and walked to the living room, bumping into the couch then the table. The pounding in the door continues and Jiwon ruffled his hair in annoyance. 

"I'M COMING," he yelled a bit too loud, opening the door. Zico, almost hitting Jiwon on his face, stepped inside as soon as the door was open and Jiwon stare at him in disbelief. 

"Yah. . .you. . .what are you doing here at this time of the night?," he asked, locking up the door and yawning. Zico took a sit on the couch, catching Jiwon's yawn. 

"Mmm. . .," he paused, opening one eye as he watch Jiwon take a sit in front of him before he continued, "

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Chapter 6: Although Jiyeon is a bit younger than P.O it's all good.
Chapter 7: I honestly really enjoy reading this story! I will wait for the next chapter patiently and hope you never give up on writing it. I'm sure there will be more interest to the story, because it really catches the attention in my opinion :-)
linhkju #3
Chapter 7: Is zico take off yeonie glassess :-D ? Update soon
Chapter 6: Been patiently waiting for your update :-) it was worth it! Xx
Chapter 5: I'm in love with your story. I can't wait to see how will things turn out :-)
Chapter 4: Hmm, I wonder why she has split personalities.. And ugh, I can't stand Hwayoung in this story TT TT..
I hope Jiyeon will reveal her real self soon and Zico will fall for her and vice versa~ ^-^
Upvoted! I love it already ^-^
Retsel_ #8
Chapter 3: Update soon.!! That girl is jiyeon right (?)
:-) ♥
Chapter 3: Yay ! ~ fell in live with your story already. My 2 bias together. <3