Breaking An Icy Heart
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    He is entirely in his own world that he didn't hear someone approach him. . .

She took a sit beside him and raised an eyebrow for he hadn't notices her at all. She turn and face his side view image and then she notice the cigarette in his mouth. Frowning, she took it away from him, throwing it in the ground and smashing her feet as the cigarette disintegrated in the floor. He stare at her in shock and stand up, glaring at her.

"You. . .yah! How dare you to ing do that huh? Aish this ahjumma," he muttered, scoffing at her who just stand there, rolling her eyes as she let him finish talking. She sarcastically looked at her watch, tapping it to add the effect and that catch his attention. 

"Yah yourself you arrogant blondie. Smoking is not allowed on the school ground and you might die early," she reasoned and he burst out laughing. She glared, about to hit him but decided not to. He fakely wiped a tear in his eyes before turning serious, inching closer towards her. 

"And why do I ing care if smoking is not allowed on the school ground? So what if I die early. Tsk. Girls these days. Look here, if you want me just say it. I won't hesitate to give you what you want araseo?" he asked and she losed it and slap him right in the face. Damn girl you got the nerves.

       He sigh in annoyance, closing his eyes with gritted teeth. She just widen her eyes, staring at her hands that she used to slap him. Girl, you're gonna get it. He looked up, literally his eyes on fire(no not really. just a metaphor) and she gulp in horror, backing up and he inches forward, a smirk playing in his lip.

"You know, I find it weird why you are suddenly giving interest in a new guy like me especially a bad boy and a criminal like me. Its either the police are paying you or you really find me attractive. But listen here, you bother me one more ing time again and snoop around my business? You. . .," he pause as he cornered her in the wall, trapping her as bring his hands up. Seeing her whimper in made him smirk, pressing his body even more to the girl.

She, of course, caught her breath at the sight of him. She looked up with those bambi like eyes, making caught off guard but he of course keep his cool and continure to intimidate her. 

"Are going to die," he finishes off with a simple and menazing smirk and a look, pushing himself away and walking cooly. She just stare in shock, trying to process what on Earth just happened. She blinked her eyes once. . . then twice before screaming in anger and blushing in embarassment. She stomp her feet in the ground, ruffling her hair and muttering how she totally lost her cool back there. He watches her in amusement before giving out a sly smile, descending downstairs.

"That girl sure is different," he mutter, chuckling to himself. "But. . .ah I didn't get to ask her name aish," adding, he sigh in annoyance as he head back in his fourth period. 

- - - -

   As the hours drag by and the hand in the clock move slowly, Zico couldn't stop his mind drifting off o the girl he saw. "Ah she couldn't possibly a stalker," he whispers to himself, clearly not paying attention to the boring subject everyone's paying attention at. It's the second to the last class and afer this is P.E. He groaned in annoyance as he tried clearing off the image of the girl.

"Is something the matter?," asks his classmate beside him. The cl

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Chapter 6: Although Jiyeon is a bit younger than P.O it's all good.
Chapter 7: I honestly really enjoy reading this story! I will wait for the next chapter patiently and hope you never give up on writing it. I'm sure there will be more interest to the story, because it really catches the attention in my opinion :-)
linhkju #3
Chapter 7: Is zico take off yeonie glassess :-D ? Update soon
Chapter 6: Been patiently waiting for your update :-) it was worth it! Xx
Chapter 5: I'm in love with your story. I can't wait to see how will things turn out :-)
Chapter 4: Hmm, I wonder why she has split personalities.. And ugh, I can't stand Hwayoung in this story TT TT..
I hope Jiyeon will reveal her real self soon and Zico will fall for her and vice versa~ ^-^
Upvoted! I love it already ^-^
Retsel_ #8
Chapter 3: Update soon.!! That girl is jiyeon right (?)
:-) ♥
Chapter 3: Yay ! ~ fell in live with your story already. My 2 bias together. <3