Happy Belated Birthday!

Broken Promise
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(Dara POV)


I sat on the bench in the dance studio, watching Youngbae’s rehearsal for MAMA. As he performed, he came towards me after doing a couple of moves with a few of the dancers. He put his hand out for me to take and lead me a couple of steps away from the bench. “Perfect! Now, depending on what Sandara will wear you could do the dance routine!” Shaun Evaristo, the choreographer advised.


“Seungho will be in charge of my outfit.” I commented.

“Or if not, why not a bit of fan service? Would you both be comfortable with Youngbae giving Sandara a kiss on the cheek?” He asked.

“I guess so.” I nodded. Well I had kissed his cheek in the video filming, and it wasn’t a big kiss that was going to happen either.


Youngbae also nodded, returning back to me on the bench, Shaun directed us through his vision. Taeyang would take me up onto the main stage after the kiss and as we would tease with a potential kiss, a gun sound to transition into the GD & TOP set would stop us as I put my head back. It didn’t sound hard at all! It was almost funny too as it was planned that Seunghyun would come out almost straight after the Taeyang stage!



As we wrapped up the rehearsal for the night Taeyang came to me, “Will you be here tomorrow? I think we want to run through everything altogether whilst we’re still in Seoul.”

“I can be if we need it, but not for long though. I have to take Inbok to his Halmeoni!” I explained. MAMA was going to be taking place in Macau in a few days, which meant he couldn’t come with us.

“Ahh, I see. I cannot wait to see how Seunghyun-hyung looks with blond hair!” He laughed.

“That’s true! He is getting his hair done today!” I gasped in realization.


Of course, my bingu decided to try a very new concept after Jiyong’s success. And he was going to meet me at the studio to go collect Inbok from my Omma’s and to go home together when he was done! Almost as if on cue, the door to the studio opened revealing a blond Choi Seunghyun.


“Oh my gosh.” I breathed out, this hairstyle… so many mixed emotions! I like the style, but the color… not so much.

“Hyung!” gasped Youngbae.

“A big change huh?” He chuckled.

“Dae! But it is a good change, you look so handsome with your hair up like that!” I told him as I went over to hug him.

“Let’s just say you will most definitely stand out.” Youngbae laughed.


To maturely handle the situation, Seunghyun stuck his tongue out at Youngbae and proceeded to put his hoodie up. This of course, made Youngbae want to poke even more fun at his hyung. Seunghyun just let him make fun as we made our way to the parking lot. Perhaps in preparation for what would come tomorrow from the rest of his group.



** (A little bit later)**



“I wonder how Inbok will react!” I told Seunghyun as I got into the drivers’ seat after having buckled Inbok up in his car seat.

“I hope he will just sleep through and not see me.” Seunghyun said nervously. “What if he doesn’t recognise me?” He asked.

“Well, we will have to see.” I tried comforting him, by putting my hand on his lap before buckling my seatbelt.


As I started the car, Seunghyun turned the music to a lower volume in consideration of our sleeping baby. “Do you like your new hair?” I asked him as I set off, turning the corner onto the main road.

“I think it will be cool with a suit. I just have to get used to it, it is very different.” He shrugged.

“I think we will all have to get used it!” I chuckled.

“But now I can be a silver fox!” He chuckled.

“How can you be a silver fox? You are not an older man!” I laughed at him.

“I am older than some people, I can be a silver fox to them!” He smirked.

“But… you are my husband!” I questioned.

“Yes, so whilst others may want me, you have me!” He chuckled, teasing me.

“Yah! Choi Seunghyun, I’m driving! Don’t try tickle me!” I scolded him as he tried to tease me, my eyes flickering between the road and my childish love.

“Park Sandara, shhhh! We have a sleeping Inbok!” He teased me again.

“But you started it.” I reasoned, sticking my tongue out at him for a second before looking back at the road.

“Now, if we have to go back to he or she started it, then we would have to go back to the very beginning. The blame will shift back and forth but ultimately, it will be you who started it. Why? Well you were born before me!” He concluded.

“Choi Seunghyun. Have you been drinking your expensive wine?” I asked him.

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I will start reading It today
Sure it will be a great story
yelram327 #2
Chapter 90: 💚
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #3
Chapter 90: Hi authornim! Didn't expect this update. But I want yo thank you for putting effort in thus AU. This thought of this chapter is very mature and very related to what had happened during that time. If in any case, salute to you for being bold in facing one of the darkest times of VIP and Blackjacks in 2016.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #4
Chapter 89: It's nice to have read another update!! my Tabisan heart!
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #5
Chapter 88: I'm getting ready for the upcoming sad chapters.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #6
Chapter 87: I am ready for the next chapters.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #7
Chapter 86: As usual you did your best on this chapter!! Nostalgic indeed.
Chapter 85: Thank u authornim
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #9
Chapter 84: Thank you for another update!!
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #10
Chapter 83: Loving this family vacation chapter. Yes, my 2nebang heart if full. From releasing a song including Tabi ( the ever gorgeous ), to winning in music shows, to getting as all PAKs and whatever and to 2ne1's Coachella performance. It's a win to us!!