
Broken Promise
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(Dara's POV)

I felt my eyes widen with the shock. Seunghyun's strong arms held me incase I lashed out at my father. "Why are you here." I stated rather than questioned the Ahjusshi.


"Sandy, I know you're mad at me about what happened so I came to apologise." He started.

"Its too late for apologies." I said firmly.

"Dara, let him talk." Seunghyun reasoned.

"Arraso." I gave in.

"Kamsahmida, I wanted to see how you were all doing, if it was really you in that music video." He explained. "It's one of the most amazing feelings seeing you like this how you were in the Phillipines to becoming like this in Korea, I don't want to just sit on the sidelines and watch you from a far. I want to be a apart of helping you develop into the shining star you wll be."

"You should've thought of that before abandoning us." I burst out. "Hurting us all like that, Sang-hyun wasn't even 16! Durami was already loaded with exams! You just had to think of yourself and that isn't even fair! Because of you I became the breadwinner and I couldn't concentrate on college or acting therefore making me drop! Even getting into YG was hard, earning my correct place in the company was difficult but I didn't turn around and steal hard earned money when things got hard like you." I cried out like a little child. "Yet you think you can just turn up now when things were just becoming great, you're a monster." I bawled.

"Dara, its ok." Seunghyun soothed me quietly.

"Don't sugar coat it, just say what you want to say." I breathed out.

"Make sure Sang-hyun studies well and gets good grades like you did. Let Durami be a good girl, let her be able to do what she wants in life don't put her in the spotlight I don't want her to hurt like you did. Do well for me Sandy. Prove me wrong and rise to the top, I hear SNSD are the best here, make sure to beat them and win that award with a smile on your face. Nothing would make me prouder than seeing my baby girl overcoming all these hard things. Lastly, look after your mother for me." He concluded.

"Dae, I will." I replied coldly.

"Take care of yourself too." He advised.

"I'll be in charge of that." Seunghyun said.

"You were in that video too!" He exclaimed.

"Dae, TOP of BIGBANG or Choi Seunghyun." Seunghyun introduced himself.

"Are you her Oppa?" He asked intrigued.

"Ani, My Jagi." I said.

"Treat her well then." He told Seunghyun.

"I will." Seunghyun assured the older man as they bidded each other good bye.


We continued our journey home enjoying the fresh air that surrounded us. "Its lovely here on an evening." I smiled. "It's refreshing." Seunghyun agreed as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Just wait in maybe a year's time we'll be doing this again but with a little one in a stroller." He chuckled. "That'd be amazing." I agreed.


"That awkward moment with my-er Mr Park, forget that ever happened!" I said.

"Does he really not deserve a name?" Seugnhyun questioned.

"Dae. Seungie," I answered him and

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15 streak #1
I will start reading It today
Sure it will be a great story
yelram327 #2
Chapter 90: 💚
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #3
Chapter 90: Hi authornim! Didn't expect this update. But I want yo thank you for putting effort in thus AU. This thought of this chapter is very mature and very related to what had happened during that time. If in any case, salute to you for being bold in facing one of the darkest times of VIP and Blackjacks in 2016.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #4
Chapter 89: It's nice to have read another update!! my Tabisan heart!
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #5
Chapter 88: I'm getting ready for the upcoming sad chapters.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #6
Chapter 87: I am ready for the next chapters.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #7
Chapter 86: As usual you did your best on this chapter!! Nostalgic indeed.
Chapter 85: Thank u authornim
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #9
Chapter 84: Thank you for another update!!
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #10
Chapter 83: Loving this family vacation chapter. Yes, my 2nebang heart if full. From releasing a song including Tabi ( the ever gorgeous ), to winning in music shows, to getting as all PAKs and whatever and to 2ne1's Coachella performance. It's a win to us!!