Dinner With Omma

Broken Promise
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(Dara POV)

I finished making myself look presentable for my love. I kept tossing my hair at diferent sides seeing which would suit my outfit more. I styled my outfit myself and helped my Sang-hyun, Durami and Omma to look nice, knowing Seunghyun he would come in one of his amazing suits. I can't help but fangirl over him when he wears suits and tuxes he just looks perfect!

"We are all ready right?!" I shouted making sure everyone could hear me.

"Ne!" I heard a cheerfull Durami.

"Do I really need to wear this smart thing Noona?" Sanghyun asked as he came out of his room.

"Ne! You look great!" I smiled at him.

"If you say so, this guy must really be something." He said going down the stairs.

"Durami, I'll see you downstairs!" I called out to her following Sanghyun.


We went to the kitchen and saw Omma preparing the last of things for the meal. "Sanghyun-ah could you please set the table?" She asked my little brother as she looked at the oven. "Arraso." He rolled hs eyes getting some plates out.


Durami stepped down the stairs with a smile, she looked gorgeous! "Gomawo Unnie! You made me look so pretty! She smiled giving me a hug.

"It's fine!" I smiled at my sister.

"When is he ment to be here?" My mother raised an eyebrow checking her watch.

"At half past." I recalled seeing that there was only a few minutes till.

"Well if he's on time the food won't be burnt or ruined." She exhaled.

"What are we eating Omma?" Durami asked getting knives, forks and spoons.

"Guksu and kimbap then for dessert we have ice cream!" She smiled.

"He loves ice cream! I'm sure he's gonna love your cooking!" I reassured my mother as she checked everything was in order.

"Sandara noona, are you going to open the door when he comes?" Sang-hyun asked.

"Ne." I smiled.

"You haven't told us much about him." Durami said as she leant on a chair.

"Ne! That is true! Please tell us!" My omma started t

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15 streak #1
I will start reading It today
Sure it will be a great story
yelram327 #2
Chapter 90: 💚
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #3
Chapter 90: Hi authornim! Didn't expect this update. But I want yo thank you for putting effort in thus AU. This thought of this chapter is very mature and very related to what had happened during that time. If in any case, salute to you for being bold in facing one of the darkest times of VIP and Blackjacks in 2016.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #4
Chapter 89: It's nice to have read another update!! my Tabisan heart!
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #5
Chapter 88: I'm getting ready for the upcoming sad chapters.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #6
Chapter 87: I am ready for the next chapters.
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #7
Chapter 86: As usual you did your best on this chapter!! Nostalgic indeed.
Chapter 85: Thank u authornim
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #9
Chapter 84: Thank you for another update!!
Daraxxi_2Ne1 #10
Chapter 83: Loving this family vacation chapter. Yes, my 2nebang heart if full. From releasing a song including Tabi ( the ever gorgeous ), to winning in music shows, to getting as all PAKs and whatever and to 2ne1's Coachella performance. It's a win to us!!