
The Promise.

The rest of the brunch date between Min and Chansung could be summed up into two words: Awkwardly Silent.

After Chansung cut Min off from her confession, the pair couldn't seem to talk to each other, much less even look at each other.

Chansung was still eating his brunch trying to make some semblance of normality in the situation that had transgressed earlier.

However at the other side of the table, Min sat forlorn unable to eat, staring blankly at her plate.

Of course Chansung seemed to notice and decided to question the girl. "Uhh, Min? Why aren't you even touching your food?"

Min looked up in surprise at having the silence broken. "Oh. Um I'm just not that hungry anymore," Min replied with a fake smile.

Chansung nodded his head seeming to understand. "Oh okay."

He then proceeded to continue eating.

Noticing how smoothly Chansung was acting, Min scoffed.

Of course he goes back to eating immediately. He's a shiksin through and through. I just don't understand Chansung... how can you be my close friend one second, confess to me the next, cut me off and forget your feelings, and THEN act like everything is okay?

After starting to tear up a little, Min decided that it would be best to leave.

"Um. Chansung? Can we just leave? I have to get back to the girls for something."

Surprised at her abrupt suggestion, Chansung agreed to leave after downing the rest of his coffee and food.

The pair proceeded to get up and pay at the register, careful to stand a couple of paces apart.

Anyone watching could simply feel the awkward tension between the pair.

Min was obviously trying to avoid looking into Chansung's face. Fortunately their massive height difference allowed her to do just that.

After walking back to the dorm buildings, Min spoke quickly hoping to prevent Chansung from saying anything more.

"Bye Chansung... I-I guess I'll see you sometime. I reall- oh bye!" Min stuttered abit, rushing away to the elevators already on the verge of tears.

Confused Chansung could only stare after the petite girl running away from him. Even though he'd tried ot act like he was okay back at the restaurant, he was truly saddened by what had happened.

"Aish. I hate this..." Chansung continuously muttered as somewhat of a mantra until he reached 2PM's apartment and finally plopped on his bed.

"Only one way to make myself feel better... FOOD BINGE!"


Meanwhile at miss A's dorm...

Min walked into the dorm after punching in the door's security code and simply slid down against it as soon as it closed behind her.

She sat there on the floor feeling like crap and finally started crying.

Quickly, her quiet sniffles turned into wracking sobs.

Within moments the rest of the miss A members ran out to the main living space to check what the commotion was about. Upon seeing the state Min was in, their hearts broke.

Fei was the first one to approach the sobbing girl and tried to console her by putting her arms around her.

Jia tried to make the situation lighter by saying, "Well since things didn't turn out well maybe you can find someone else..."

Fei just glared at her as the statement had only succeeded in making Min cry harder.

Uncertain of how to help her older member, Suzy decided to ask Min some questions gently. "Unnie... what exactly happened."

Min just mumbled something in response.

"I'm sorry but what did you say?" Suzy questioned.

"A mistake. I made a mistake is what happened." Min said more loudly and clearly this time.

She just kept on repeating the phrase, "It was all just a mistake."

Fei decided to pry further. "I don't understand, what exactly happened?"

Min finally opened up and told them everything that had happened. Mainly her shock at how Chansung had acted.

"I never should have started to like him this way. I didn't realize I'd get hurt like this. Unbelievable... we should have never broken the promise. It was all a mistake..."


Back at 2PM's dorm...


"I'll get it!" Wooyoung said, going to the door, not bothering to check who it was on the moniter.

"Oh hel-" he began but was cut off by someone storming into the dorm.

"YAH! HWANG CHANSUNG!" Jia yelled stalking into the living room trying to find the aforementioned guy.

Finally entering the kitchen she found the guilty party looking at her with wide eyes, surrounded by various foods.

"YOU! You pabo! I can't believe what you ughhhh! I'm gonna kill you!" She exclaimed before proceeding to chase the maknae around the dorm before being stopped by a pair of strong arms.

Looking up she realized that it was Taec. "Oppa let me go. He needs to be punished!" Jia said struggling to break free.

Still firmly grasping the angry girl in his arms, Taec calmly asked what was going on.

"Oh you mean he didn't tell you? Well first he asked Min to be his girlfriend and then before she could even respond, he told her to forget about it and that it would be best to remain friends. What the heck Chansung!? Do you even know how hurt she was? She's downstairs crying right now! You are so stupid! She was going to say yes!" She spit out fast due to her anger.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" The other 2PM members who had gathered due to the noise exclaimed.

Chansung replied in shock, "She was? B-but what about the promise?"

Jia just slitted her eyes at the man. "Forget the damn promise! It's over! We broke it so that you could be together."

"I-I didn't know..." The startled man responded.

"Well of course you didn't! You didn't even give her a chance to talk about it, or even say anything for that matter!"

After finally spitting out everything she had to say, Jia relaxed in Taec's arms. Finally realizing what position they were in she blushed and excused herself to sitting on one of the armchairs.

The 2PM members just looked at Chansung with a range of emotions on their faces: sympathy, disappointment, anger...

Finally it was Junsu who broke the silence. "Maknae. You have to fix this. Right now."


Hey guys! Here's another update.

Semi-cliffhanger! Dun dun dun.

How do you think Chansung will make up for his stupidness?

-Cole :)

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Double update & final chapter! :O


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Skibop #1
Chapter 29: Glad you made it through your college semester by the way, I know how stressful those could be. I'm actually curious about JiaTaec. I feel like their relationship would be hot lol I used to ship them
Skibop #2
Chapter 28: You are a beacon of hope to all the authors who took long hiatuses from their work (like me) to actually come back and finish your story lol
Icey09 #3
Chapter 5: Is this story mostly focused on min?
4everhite #4
Chapter 26: Awe but I just love them soo much. Min and chansung <3 awe. I love them! ~ Update soon.
stinko_pachi #5
Chapter 26: Oh, thanks for the updates..and thanks for pairing up Chansung with Min. I like, adore and treasure their interactions very much. it's sure hard to find fanfics of Chansung and Min as pairing, just so you know. keke :)

Yeah, i agreed to Skibop..you can keep all of their stories in this fic. It's much better as you can also add the lovey dovey scene of these two along the way. haha..just my opinion.

Keep updating. cant wait for the next chapter. ^^
Skibop #6
Chapter 26: You can keep em all in the same story lol I wonder who the other girl's love interests are. Are they all in 2PM or nah?
pantherahami #7
Chapter 25: thank you for your update..can't wait for next chapter...
Skibop #8
Chapter 25: omgggggg why leave it in suspense like this? I just read all 25 chapters in one sitting, and I want Min and Chansung together
please update this story
Chapter 24: Aish Chansung repair This now!