The Decision?

The Promise.

Chansung leaned forward to her ear and softly said,

"i was actually going to confess that I like you and would like for you to be my girlfriend."

Min pulled back quickly in shock and stared at Chansung with wide eyes and an open mouth.

Chansung chuckled at her expression and closed gently.

Nervously waiting for her response, he asked, "So, what do you say?"


Min continued to stare at him for a few more seconds before finally swallowing and snapping back into the present.

"Y-y-y-you and m-m-m-meeeee?!?" Min managed to stutter.

To this Chansung just bit the corner of his lip and nodded to her.

Gosh. Why must one person be so cute and y at the same time?! No, Min focus and answer his question!

What do I do?! I really really Really like him...BUT I promised the girls that we wouldn't date until we became top stars... I'll have to talk to them.

"Um, Oppa....?" Min called Chansung without making eye contact.

"Yes?" He replied, a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Look... you're great and I really enjoy every moment with you, but I can't give you an answer to your question just yet..." Min regretfully told him when she finally made eye contact.

The hopeful glow in Chansung's eyes dissapated and he replied to her, "I, I see. Well then, it's okay. Take your time and let me know what you decide", with a slightly deflated tone and smile.

In an awkward attempt to salvage the moment, Chansung tried to hug Min, which ended in simple pats on each other's backs.

Min was the first to pull back as she said, "I'm sorry... about not being able to answer you, but there's something I need to do first."

The taller of the two just nodded in response, an understanding look on his face.

"Well... I guess I'll be going now... See you later." Min said slowly as she turned around and continued to the elevator.

Just as she was about to step on, Chansung called out to her.

"Hey Min, just make sure that it's sonner than later arrasso? I don't want to be kept waiting for too long." He said to her with a slightly sad smirk on his face.

Min could only nod as a response as she boarded the elevator and the doors shut behind her.

As soon as she was out of view Chansung let out a sigh and turned around to head back to the dorm while looking at the ground when his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice.

"I see things didn't turn out the way you were hoping, huh?"

Chansung's head snapped up in surprise as he replied, "Hyung?"


Meanwhile in the elevator, Min's mind was spinning with questions and other thoughts.

What will the others say?

What will I say to them?

Ottoke what do I do?!

Just as the doors were about to open on her floor, Min said one last thing to herself,

"Chansung-Oppa, I hope I won't have to break your heart..."


What do you think will happen next? To be continued....


Hey guys! MAN has it been awhile since I've updated...

Sorry about that... classes and life in general have been rough.

I started off the new year sick and having doctor's office and hospital visits so I hope you guys can understand the order of importance things in my life have been.

anyways, I'm glad to finally be back!

And thanks to everyone who has stuck by this fanfic, whether you've been here since the beginning eons ago, or you're a new reader.

Thanks again!

Hope to see you guys next chapter, so comment, rate, subscribe... you know the gist :)


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Double update & final chapter! :O


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Skibop #1
Chapter 29: Glad you made it through your college semester by the way, I know how stressful those could be. I'm actually curious about JiaTaec. I feel like their relationship would be hot lol I used to ship them
Skibop #2
Chapter 28: You are a beacon of hope to all the authors who took long hiatuses from their work (like me) to actually come back and finish your story lol
Icey09 #3
Chapter 5: Is this story mostly focused on min?
4everhite #4
Chapter 26: Awe but I just love them soo much. Min and chansung <3 awe. I love them! ~ Update soon.
stinko_pachi #5
Chapter 26: Oh, thanks for the updates..and thanks for pairing up Chansung with Min. I like, adore and treasure their interactions very much. it's sure hard to find fanfics of Chansung and Min as pairing, just so you know. keke :)

Yeah, i agreed to can keep all of their stories in this fic. It's much better as you can also add the lovey dovey scene of these two along the way. haha..just my opinion.

Keep updating. cant wait for the next chapter. ^^
Skibop #6
Chapter 26: You can keep em all in the same story lol I wonder who the other girl's love interests are. Are they all in 2PM or nah?
pantherahami #7
Chapter 25: thank you for your update..can't wait for next chapter...
Skibop #8
Chapter 25: omgggggg why leave it in suspense like this? I just read all 25 chapters in one sitting, and I want Min and Chansung together
please update this story
Chapter 24: Aish Chansung repair This now!