18: The Celebration

Bamboo Garden
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I was tired as I made my way home from work.  I had spent the last few days cleaning and polishing the apartment until it sparkled like a model home.  On top of cleaning, I had been working late hours in order to take time off for when Donghae was home.  We'd been dating for over 3 months, but with his busy schedule and trips out of the country it sometimes felt like we never saw each other.  My boyfriend was supposed to be returning from London tonight, just in time for us to celebrate 100 days of being lovers, and I wanted everything to be perfect for him.  Unfortunately, all the late hours were starting to catch up with me.  I looked at the time and decided I'd be able to fit in a quick nap before I picked Donghae up from the airport.

When I opened the front door to the apartment I was surprised to find that the lights were on.  Donghae was sitting in the middle of the floor surrounded by ads and books.  It looked like a magazine stand had been hit by a tornado then dumped into the middle of our living room.  "Hi Baby.  I thought you wouldn't be home until later?"

"Hi Monkey.  I wanted to surprise you."  My boyfriend stood up and brushed away the scraps of paper stuck to his clothes then walked over to me with a smile.  I frowned at the mess behind him and wondered how he could destroy a clean house so fast, just like a little kid.

"Did you have a good trip?"  Donghae nodded then dropped to his knees in front of me.  The look on my face changed from confusion to disbelief when I realized what he was doing.

He planted his face in my lap and started nuzzling my crotch.  "I missed you!"

"Hey Butthead, I'm up here.  Did you miss me or my ?"

"Can't I miss both of you equally?"

"You sure know how to make being gay look easy.  I can't believe I've been dating such a - for 100 days."

Donghae smiled sweetly as he stood up and kissed me lightly.  "Happy anniversary Hyukjae."

"Happy anniversary Donghae."  I gave the mischievous man an affectionate kiss then closed my eyes and rested my forehead against his.


"No, it's okay."  Donghae wrapped an arm around my waist and smoothed my hair while I breathed in his scent and savored being next to him.  "What's with all the papers?"

"I was cutting out my pictures."


"I was doing it for you!  I can't take away your huge collection, especially since I'm gone so often, but I can glue my face all over them so you don't forget me."

I burst out laughing and pulled away from him.  "You did what?"

Donghae grabbed one of the magazines from the pile he had been working on and brought it back to me.  "See?" 

My beautiful boyfriend had cut his face out from one of his high profile fashion magazines and glued it over the face of the star in one of my ty magazines.  Donghae's head was too big for the body, their skin tones were different, and while the star was facing right, my boyfriends face was looking left.  I hugged my stomach and laughed even harder.  "What the ?!"

"I fixed it!"

"Oh my God, you're adorable!"

"Jerk.  When you looked at his face you were probably , but you look at mine and you think it's funny?"

"You know I don't look at those magazines for their faces."  I slid my hands over my boyfriends hips and grabbed a handful of his .  I stopped laughing long enough to bite his pouty bottom lip and give him a long deserved and much needed kiss.  "Even though it's cute, don't mess up my stuff.  How would you feel if I reshaped your to be like my ?"  Donghae's eyes lit up and he grinned at me.  "Okay, that was a bad example!  What if I... paid a shaman to have a poltergeist haunt it?  You wouldn't like that right?"

"How is that even the same thing?!"  Donghae hit me in the chest and I grimaced because it hurt.  Any mention of aliens or ghosts gave him the heebie-jeebies and usually resulted in some kind of physical harm to my  body.  "You couldn't even do that if you wanted to anyway," he said.

"Wanna bet?  I'll call a shaman right now."

"You can't do it because my was confiscated by airport security when I got back today.  Those s thought it was a terrorist device or some ."

I covered my mouth and took deep breaths through my nose as I tried not to laugh at my boyfriends loss.  He had adapted to the ual aspects of being gay very naturally and even though we traded positions he preferred to bottom. 

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Thank you to everyone that has given Bamboo Garden (and our boys) so much love over the years, and welcome to all the new readers that just discovered this crazy little story. I only wish AFF would have waited a few more days and featured this on EunHae Day! lol


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164 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 20: Hello!! I'm here again for the fun of it! 😊
I need some happiness in my life 😂
Lavender05 #2
Chapter 19: One of my faves 💙💙
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: Done w this today ^^ feels good after reading this again ;)
1455 streak #4
I think i've this during my early days here on aff but gonna read this again tonight 😁
Chapter 20: Done reading I like the story.Two crackheads fallin inlove. I love how their relationship start from strangers with different personalities and insecurities become friends to lovers who understand what each other needs and wants in their relationship to complete each other.Thank you for this story😊
Chapter 1: 1st chapter and its already interesting 😅. Go Tiger get that bunny😂
Chapter 20: kyaaaa how sweet, i truly loved this. It was so cute and endearing to see their relationship develop into love. Furthermore their personalities were awesome imo and reflected a much real life eunhae bickering endlessly as they usually do. This was great and a cute, sweet masterpiece. Thanks for writing!
Yuzinn #8
I loved this so much >< Thank you for this master piece
can u please fix the pdf upload??? It seems like it was deleted.
Rinz1976 #9
I really love this story...I keep on re-reading it.
LeeLenaMx #10
Chapter 19: I loved this story… Hae character is so sweet and funny and perfect. I reread this story and I enjoyed again. Thanks for sharing this story!