12: The Flirt

Bamboo Garden
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I balanced a small cake between my hands as I snuck into Donghae's bedroom.  He was curled into a ball fast asleep, which made sense, since it was still pretty early.  I put the cake down on the bedside table and then I jumped onto his bed and started bouncing around like his mattress was a trampoline.  "Wake up Hae!  Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

My roommate was obviously startled as he sat up and started looking around as if he thought the room was on fire.  I continued to jump on the bed around him until he was fully awake and he realized what was going on.  "What the Monkey?!"

I started laughing, "That reminds me of that song.  Have you ever heard it?  1 little monkey, jumping on the bed; he fell off and bumped his head; Mama called the doctor and the doctor said-; No more monkey's jumping on the bed!"

"Aww, you have such a nice singing voice... now get the out of here and let me go back to sleep!"  He used his leg to kick me and I collapsed on the bed next to him.

"Nope, we have to do today."

"No we don't."

"Yes, we do.  Today is the day you get your cast removed.  Look..."  I pointed to the cake.  "I want to eat that, but I can't celebrate you getting your cast removed unless you actually get your cast removed."

"You're going with me?"

"Yeah.  Don't you need help filling out the paperwork?  Plus I want to see what it looks like when they take the cast off, I bet it's nasty."

"There is no part of my body that has ever been, nor will ever be, nasty."

"Wanna bet?  I heard the body reacts to casts by growing crazy Chewbacca sasquatch hair.  You're going to have one normal arm and one scrawny deformed hairy arm.  Forget modeling, you're going to have to join the circus."

"When I go to the circus, you can be my dancing Monkey."

"Maybe.  I am a fantastic dancer after all."

"Yeah right."

I rolled off of the bed and picked the cake back up.  "I'm going to give you 5 minutes and if you're still not ready then I'm going to eat this cake by myself."  I smirked at my roommate, then moonwalked out of his bedroom carrying the cake while he laughed at me.

Donghae walked into the kitchen 30 minutes later, freshly showered and 98% dressed.  I popped the last piece of cake into my mouth and my fingers.  "Come here, I'll button your pants."

My roommate walked over to me and frowned.  "You really did eat the whole thing?"

"You know how much I love sweets."

"That's so selfish!  I haven't even gotten my cast off yet!  I thought you said it was too soon to be celebrating?"

I just shrugged.  "I told you it was going to happen."




"I wonder if they're going to make you wear one of those paper dresses?" I asked Donghae while we sat in the hospital waiting room.  One of the doctors was on vacation and the rest of the hospital staff was scrambling to accommodate all of the patients, which meant that my roommate and I had a long wait ahead of us.

"You just want to see me ."

I scoffed, "Yeah, because that's so hard."

Donghae looked around, and seeing that nobody was paying attention to us, started to rub his crotch.  "Nope, not hard yet.  Does that mean you don't want to see me in the dress?"

"You know what I meant!  It's not difficult to see you .  Will you please stop playing with yourself in public?!  Are you having some kind of hot doctor fantasy right now or something?"  I dropped my voice an octave and clung to Donghae's arm while I gushed like a starlet from a low budget o movie, "Doctor, I'm feeling a little off today.  Please, will you ?  I feel like I'm dying!"  I exaggerated my lips like a dirty .

Donghae gave me a y look and stopped touching himself so that he could grab me by the front of my sweater, "Drop your pants and I will give you a thorough examination."

"Oh Doctor you're amazing!  You just got here and already you've cured my erectile dysfunction!"

"They don't call me Bones because I'm a doctor."

We both stared at each other for 2 seconds then burst out laughing together.  "You're a terrible actor!" I said while wiping tears from my eyes.

"You don't even need to be a great actor to get laid using cheesy

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Thank you to everyone that has given Bamboo Garden (and our boys) so much love over the years, and welcome to all the new readers that just discovered this crazy little story. I only wish AFF would have waited a few more days and featured this on EunHae Day! lol


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165 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 20: Hello!! I'm here again for the fun of it! 😊
I need some happiness in my life 😂
Lavender05 #2
Chapter 19: One of my faves 💙💙
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: Done w this today ^^ feels good after reading this again ;)
1455 streak #4
I think i've this during my early days here on aff but gonna read this again tonight 😁
Chapter 20: Done reading I like the story.Two crackheads fallin inlove. I love how their relationship start from strangers with different personalities and insecurities become friends to lovers who understand what each other needs and wants in their relationship to complete each other.Thank you for this story😊
Chapter 1: 1st chapter and its already interesting 😅. Go Tiger get that bunny😂
Chapter 20: kyaaaa how sweet, i truly loved this. It was so cute and endearing to see their relationship develop into love. Furthermore their personalities were awesome imo and reflected a much real life eunhae bickering endlessly as they usually do. This was great and a cute, sweet masterpiece. Thanks for writing!
Yuzinn #8
I loved this so much >< Thank you for this master piece
can u please fix the pdf upload??? It seems like it was deleted.
Rinz1976 #9
I really love this story...I keep on re-reading it.
LeeLenaMx #10
Chapter 19: I loved this story… Hae character is so sweet and funny and perfect. I reread this story and I enjoyed again. Thanks for sharing this story!