17: The Rescue

Bamboo Garden
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I woke up early the next morning to the tickle of someone toying with my morning wood.  Donghae had played the role of the big spoon again last night and had apparently woken up early for the very purpose of obsessing over my piercing like he was Gollum and my piercing was the One Ring.  It wouldn't surprise me to wake up one morning to find him drooling over it and muttering, "my precious" under his breath.  I rolled onto my stomach to block his access to it and buried my face in my pillow.

"Good morning," he said softly as his fingers trailed up and down my back.  Stripping each other was our first priority upon reaching the hotel last night.  Followed by making out and another round of s.  I felt sticky and gross and hadn't gotten enough sleep, so I was feeling cranky on top of everything else.  "Are you hungry?"  Oh yeah, and Donghae had pulled me out of the restaurant before I could finish dinner, so I was starving too.  I grunted in affirmation and I heard my roommate chuckle before he kissed my shoulder.  "I'll order something."

I turned my head to watch him get out of bed and admired his as he walked towards the room service menu.  I had to admit, he had the most gorgeous behind in the world.  I smiled to myself and rolled over in bed to get a better view.  After ordering breakfast he turned around and caught me checking him out.  He grinned and catwalked back towards me.  He did a quick twirl before jumping back into bed and I laughed.  "You're such an attention ."

"Whatever Nerd.  You like it."

I shrugged noncommittally.  "How long before breakfast gets here?"

"Fifteen to twenty minutes."

"Good.  I need a shower."  I stretched as I sat up and walked over to the dresser with my clothes.  It felt weird to walk around the room while he watched me, but it seemed only fair after I had checked him out.

"You should walk around more often."

"Why?  To give you a cheap thrill?"

"Yes.  Your little is so pale and cute and this is the first time I'm seeing it."

"I think you mean the last time."  I shook my pale little in his direction and then stuck my tongue out at him.  He jumped out of bed and tried to follow me into the bathroom, but I stopped him with a hand on his chest.  "What are you doing?"

"Taking a shower with you."

I frowned at him and pushed him back gently.  "I'll be quick.  You will still have time to shower before breakfast gets here."

"You don't want to shower with me?"

"I'll be fast, okay?"


True to my word, I showered quickly and got dressed, then I called out from the bedroom, "Hae I'm done."  I walked over to the sink and was halfway through brushing my teeth when Donghae walked into the bathroom with a change of clothes.  He set the clothes down, then wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his forehead between my shoulder blades.  I finished brushing my teeth and looked at his reflection in the mirror.  "What are you doing?"

"I don't know, but it feels good," he mumbled into my back.

"Take a shower, it will feel good too."

He nodded and got into the shower while I went back into the bedroom and started packing my travel bag.  Breakfast arrived while my roommate was still in the shower, so I played a game on my phone while I waited for him.  Even though he had carried a change of clothes into the bathroom, he didn't bother with changing into them and walked out of the bathroom with his towel hanging low on his hips.

"Foods here?"

"Yeah.  You can get dressed, I'll wait."

"You don't have to wait for me Baby."


"Honey?  Sweetie?  Darling?  Precious?  Dear?  Angel?  Beautiful?  y?  Cupcake?  Sugar?"  Donghae laughed as he rattled off generic pet names.  "Which one do you like the best?"

I shut off my phone with a sinking feeling and turned to face my roommate.  "Hae, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you holding me and calling me names like that?  Like we're dating or something?"

He was confused as he looked at me and his smile slowly disappeared as he figured it out.  "We're not?"

"Dating?  No.  Why would you even think that?"

"Because yesterday... last night!  I thought..."

"Hae, are you serious?  More than anyone, you should recognize a one night stand."

"One night stand?"  I watched as all the joy and happiness crumbled from my roommates face.

"Hae we're not boyfriends.  I don't even know how you can think that."

"You're not someone I picked up off of the ing street Hyukjae!  I love you and I told you so yesterday!  You said you believed me!"

"No... I said I believed that you're gay.  We fooled around yesterday to see if you could actually get off with another man.  You kept ing with me, so I gave in and told you I'd help settle your curiosity.  Not so that we could run off into the sunset together."

"I don't give a about sleeping with men, I never have.  I don't even care about sleeping with women.  All I ever wanted was to sleep with you!  Are you-... are you saying you only slept with me because you were ?"

"Yeah.  because you kept ing with me.  How many times did I tell you to stop?  Why do you think I was even looking for a boyfriend?  You know perfectly well than Sungmin and-"

"SUNGMIN?!  I don't want to hear this again!  Fine, if it was a one night stand, then fine!  But don't you dare talk to me about that god damn ing Sungmin person again!  I'm sick of it!"

Tears started to fall from Donghae's eyes and I felt terrible, but I didn't know what to do.  He was the one that chased after me.  I told him I was only satisfying his curiosity.  How could he think it was more than that?  He started to sob and my heart broke for him.  I walked over to him and tried to hug him, but he pushed me away.  "Hae, calm down.  It's not that big of a deal."

"Obviously, it's not a big deal to you.  You didn't catch feelings."  He pushed my arms away and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

I tapped on the door softly, but he didn't let me in.  "It's not that I didn't catch feelings.  You're still my best friend, but while Sungmin is still around there is nothing else I can offer you."

The bathroom door swung open and Donghae came out fully dressed.  "Shut up Hyukjae.  He's not around.  He hasn't been around.  And he's not going to be around.  He's gone.  Long gone.  I was the one that was here, but I don't think I can take it anymore.  I'll tell Leeteuk to find me a new place and I'll get out of your hair.  You've been trying to get rid of me since the beginning, so I guess I'm doing you a favor."  He walked around throwing his things into his suitcase as he spoke.

"It's not like that!  I don't want you to leave!"

"What then?  You want me to stay and be your -buddy while you pine over that other man?  No thanks."

"God Hae, you're not my -buddy, you're my friend."

"I think you should leave.  This whole trip was a mistake since the beginning.  I still have to stay and finish up the shoot, but I'll get your plane ticket moved up so you can go home.  I'm sure you want to get back to Sungmin as soon as possible."


He grabbed his bag and headed for the door.  "I'll text you when your ticket is ready and you can pick it up at the airport.  Bye Hyukjae."




I didn't like the way Donghae had ended things.  I wanted to chase after him, but didn't know what to say.  I obviously couldn't tell him what he wanted to hear.  I was tempted to go to Ryeowook's studio since I knew he would be there, but I didn't want to get him in trouble at work.  Instead, I went to the airport

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Thank you to everyone that has given Bamboo Garden (and our boys) so much love over the years, and welcome to all the new readers that just discovered this crazy little story. I only wish AFF would have waited a few more days and featured this on EunHae Day! lol


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165 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 20: Hello!! I'm here again for the fun of it! 😊
I need some happiness in my life 😂
Lavender05 #2
Chapter 19: One of my faves 💙💙
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: Done w this today ^^ feels good after reading this again ;)
1455 streak #4
I think i've this during my early days here on aff but gonna read this again tonight 😁
Chapter 20: Done reading I like the story.Two crackheads fallin inlove. I love how their relationship start from strangers with different personalities and insecurities become friends to lovers who understand what each other needs and wants in their relationship to complete each other.Thank you for this story😊
Chapter 1: 1st chapter and its already interesting 😅. Go Tiger get that bunny😂
Chapter 20: kyaaaa how sweet, i truly loved this. It was so cute and endearing to see their relationship develop into love. Furthermore their personalities were awesome imo and reflected a much real life eunhae bickering endlessly as they usually do. This was great and a cute, sweet masterpiece. Thanks for writing!
Yuzinn #8
I loved this so much >< Thank you for this master piece
can u please fix the pdf upload??? It seems like it was deleted.
Rinz1976 #9
I really love this story...I keep on re-reading it.
LeeLenaMx #10
Chapter 19: I loved this story… Hae character is so sweet and funny and perfect. I reread this story and I enjoyed again. Thanks for sharing this story!