1: The Jock

Bamboo Garden
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How did Leeteuk always talk me into this ?  I pulled my baseball cap lower to shade my eyes from the brutal sun and tried not to think about how empty my stomach was or how much my hurt from sitting on the hard aluminum bleacher seats for almost two hours.  My friend had promised to take me out to lunch, but for some reason that I still couldn't figure out, we were sitting in a sports park where a group of men were competing in some kind of soccer match.  The closest thing to food resided in the rundown snack bar off to one side.

"I found you a roommate,"  The man sitting next to me announced nonchalantly without turning his attention from the players on the field.

When my friend Leeteuk invited me out to eat I knew it was because he wanted to harass me about my living situation, but I thought he would have waited until we were comfortably settled in a nice cozy restaurant behind a table full of delicious fattening food.  I didn't think he was going to drop this bombshell on me while doing something completely random like watching a local soccer game while sitting on the world's most uncomfortable benches.

"Leeteuk, I don't really need a roommate," I said for the thousandth time.

"Yes you do.  Sungmin's not coming back and you can't keep blowing through your savings."

"I'm not going to let some random stranger move into my apartment."  Besides, I told myself, Sungmin is just going through a phase.  He will be back.

My friend looked at me with dark eyes full of pity.  He knew the real reason I didn't want a roommate.  "Donghae's not a stranger, he's one of my models and the agency will pay you directly, so he's probably the most dependable roommate you'll find as far as that goes."

"You're not hearing me.  I don't need a roommate."

"And you're not hearing me.  Sungmin's not coming back Hyukjae."  Leeteuk had given up on being empathetic and apparently decided what I needed now was some tough-love.

I took a deep breath and clenched my teeth.  Sungmin and I had been dating seriously for 4 years.  I thought our relationship had reached the perfect point where everything was simple and uncomplicated, but a month ago I found out he didn't agree.  He thought our relationship had reached the point where everything was stale and boring.  He had become close to someone else, someone exciting that understood him, whatever that meant.  Sungmin moved out of our apartment the same day he told me about his new boyfriend, so I didn't have time to talk to him about it, let alone talk him out of it.  I was sure he couldn't have moved faster if the mafia were after his kidneys.  One second I was in the perfect relationship and the next second I was living alone trying to figure out what had gone wrong.  That was a month ago, and I still didn't really understand what had happened.

"I already told him he could move in this weekend," Leeteuk said.

"You did what?!"

"He needs a place right away and there's no reason to waste time.  He's a really good guy.  You two will get along, don't worry."

"You already told him he could move in?!  I don't even know him!"

"That's why I brought you here, to meet him."

"That's why we're here?  Well where the is he?  Let's get this over with so we can go get some lunch, I'm starving!"

"He's number 15 in blue."  Leeteuk pointed to a dark-haired man running the soccer ball down the field.  "The match is almost over then you can meet him.  Maybe he'll go to lunch with us too."

"Leeteuk..."  I had a really bad feeling about this.

One of the refs on the field eventually blew a shrill whistle and the game came to an end.  Thank God!  It's not that I had anything against soccer, I just preferred to be in my empty apartment wallowing in my misery right now.  The teams shook hands and started to disperse.  Leeteuk grabbed my hand and dragged me towards number 15 in blue.  Somehow he still managed to be incredibly attractive despite being covered in sweat and grime.  His dark bangs were stuck to his forehead and his uniform was clinging to his muscular body in an unattractive way, but his eyes were bright and his smile was warm.

"Donghae!" Leeteuk called to the man and waved his arm to get his attention.

"Hey!  You made it!" 

"Donghae this is Hyukjae.  Hyukjae, Donghae."

"Hey, what's up Roomie?" he gre

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Thank you to everyone that has given Bamboo Garden (and our boys) so much love over the years, and welcome to all the new readers that just discovered this crazy little story. I only wish AFF would have waited a few more days and featured this on EunHae Day! lol


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164 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 20: Hello!! I'm here again for the fun of it! 😊
I need some happiness in my life 😂
Lavender05 #2
Chapter 19: One of my faves 💙💙
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: Done w this today ^^ feels good after reading this again ;)
1455 streak #4
I think i've this during my early days here on aff but gonna read this again tonight 😁
Chapter 20: Done reading I like the story.Two crackheads fallin inlove. I love how their relationship start from strangers with different personalities and insecurities become friends to lovers who understand what each other needs and wants in their relationship to complete each other.Thank you for this story😊
Chapter 1: 1st chapter and its already interesting 😅. Go Tiger get that bunny😂
Chapter 20: kyaaaa how sweet, i truly loved this. It was so cute and endearing to see their relationship develop into love. Furthermore their personalities were awesome imo and reflected a much real life eunhae bickering endlessly as they usually do. This was great and a cute, sweet masterpiece. Thanks for writing!
Yuzinn #8
I loved this so much >< Thank you for this master piece
can u please fix the pdf upload??? It seems like it was deleted.
Rinz1976 #9
I really love this story...I keep on re-reading it.
LeeLenaMx #10
Chapter 19: I loved this story… Hae character is so sweet and funny and perfect. I reread this story and I enjoyed again. Thanks for sharing this story!