Chapter 8: Smiles

Love never noticed
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The next day Myungsoo came to school alone, but he was still smiling widely. People seeing him go to school everyday find it weird that his face is painted with a smile, a smile that is so wide that his face might tear like a paper.

Sungyeol who was walking out the corridor saw Myungsoo and called for him.

“Hey Bro!” He called.

Myungsoo noticed him and smiled at him. “Hey!” He greeted back.

Sungyeol walked closer to him and looked at his face, carefully analyzing whether what he is seeing is real or not. “Are you actually smiling right now?” He asked.

Myungsoo looked at him weirdly and nodded. “Yeah,Why? Is it bad to smile now?” He asked sarcastically.

Sungyeol just rolled his eyes and looked at him again. “It’s just unusual of you to smile.” He said. “I am sure, I am not the only one finding it weird that you’re smiling.” He added.

“You know, just stop checking me out. It’s creepy.” Myungsoo pushed Sungyeol’s face away and laughed.

“WOAH! And you’re also laughing! DAEBAK! What happened huh?” Sungyeol looked at him again weirdly before nudging his elbow.

“Nothing.” He innocently said.

“I am not buying that! I am sure there’s something that made you feel this way or smile that wide.”  He looked at him weirdly. “Or rather Someone?” He added eyeing him.

Myungsoo just laughed at him and shook his head as he continues walking leaving a dumbfounded Sungyeol behind.

“Hey wait for me!” Sungyeol said running after Myungsoo.

“What now?” Myungsoo asked as soon as Sungyeol reached him.

“Aren’t you going to the classroom?” He asked back.

“Have you forgotten that we have different homeroom classes and mine starts after an hour.” Myungsoo said in a for your information tone.

“Dang it! I forgot again.” Sungyeol said face palming himself. “Catch you later in architecture 101” he said waving at him and walking away.

“See you.” Myungsoo said and continued to walk in the garden where their hang out place is.

He saw IU seated there holding her guitar, she keeps strumming but she just can’t get the right note. Myungsoo didn’t interrupt her instead he just watched her as she struggles in playing the right tone.

 “Ugh I give up!” IU said letting out a deep sigh.

“Why don’t you try playing Em instead of Am.” Myungsoo suddenly spoke from behind her.

She was startled at the sudden appearance of myungsoo, her heart beats fast as she saw his face and met his eyes.

“W-what?” She said shuttering her words. Gosh this is embarrassing. She thought.

Myungsoo sat beside her and took her guitar. “I said instead of playing Em try Am then C then D.” He said as he read her notebook and play the chords in there.

He then guided her hands in her guitar, helping her get the chords right, IU can’t help but smile at the moment right now. She felt her cheeks burn and her heart beat even faster cause it’s already fast a while ago.

“Oh, I see.” She said. Trying to hold herself from squealing.  

“What’s this song anyway?” Myungsoo asked looking at her.

IU who was stunned by Myungsoo almost spilled out something. “It’s about y…” Then she got into her senses. “It’s Nothing!” She suddenly said.

“Oh really? You were about to say something else, or is it a name? Y? Hmm.. Yonghwa? Who else has a name that starts with Y?” He asked him self.  “Let me check the lyrics I might find out who the  guy is.” He chuckled and was about to take her notebook when she snatched it away.

“NO! That’s nothing I told you.” She said keeping the notebook away.

“You’re mean, you won’t tell me who your crush is.” Myungsoo said in a sad tone pretending to pout.

“If you’re not slow enough you should already find out.” She murmured.

“What?” Myungsoo asked not catching what she was saying.

“I said why would I tell you when you never even told me who your crush is.”  IU said rolling her eyes.  

Myungsoo bite his lips softly contemplating whether to tell her or not. “Well because it’s….”

“IU! MYUNGSOO!” Someone interrupted him.

“Jiyeon!” IU smiled seeing her walk towards them. She waved at her. I was about to find out who it was. She thought.

“Am I disturbing a moment here?” She asked looking at the two.

“No, not at all!” IU defensively said.

Jiyeon smirked catching on as she turn her gaze on IU. “I just passed by to borrow your notebook in history, I wasn’t able to jot down notes yesterday so I’ll be needing it for reviewing later.” She said winking at IU.

“A-ah I see then, here.” IU said handing her history notebook to Jiyeon.

“Thanks! See you later guys.” She said and left.

The atmosphere around the two became silent, no one uttering a word. I wish Suzy was here so I won’t be awkward. Myungsoo thought.

What should I say? Should I still ask him to continue what he was saying a while ago? IU asked herself.

“So when will Suzy come back?” IU said breaking the silence. “She forgot to tell me when she’s coiming back. That mean girl.” IU jokingly said then pouted.

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Chapter 20: Woahhh. Please finish it ???
Thank you for the updates!
Chapter 18: Welcome back, please finish it❤️
Hi, welcome back, I hope you adjusted well in your new country! It'd be nice if you could continue the story, I want to know what happens next > ~ <
Hi, welcome back, I hope you adjusted well in your new country! It'd be nice if you could continue the story, I want to know what happens next > ~ <
Chapter 16: will you ever come back with this fic, I miss it :(
OMG, I just found this amazing fic..
pls don't go hiatus too long,,
Chapter 17: We are still waiting. I love this fan fic so much i read it a couple of times but still cant get enough. I'm myungzy shipper forever.
KEYroro #8
Chapter 17: Im waiting! :)
Chapter 17: Update soon:D
Sonyabalkis #10
Chapter 16: Will wait for the updates!