Chapter 9: Love Never Noticed

Love never noticed
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“Soohyun-ah!! Tell me when Suzy is coming back! I wanted to Surprise her in the Airport!” Kai whined as they both walk in the cafeteria.

“Aren’t you tired of asking me? You’ve been asking me since Thursday.” Soohyun said abit irritated with Kai bothering him.

“Nope, I won’t be tired of my Suzy!” He said proudly.

Soohyun scoffed and looked at Kai. “Seriously now? My Suzy?” He asked.

“What? I am sure she’ll fall for my charmingness too you know.” Kai winked.

Soohyun rolled his eyes and looked straight. “You don’t even know who she likes.” He softly said.

Kai furrowed his eyebrows and pulls Soohyun beside him. “You know who she likes?” He asked curiously.

“No I don’t” He said without showing any emotions.

“YAH! TELL ME!” Kai whined.

“I told you I don’t know.” Soohyun said and took his tray and left Kai.

Kai sighed almost giving up but then he shook his head. “I can do this.” He smirked and followed Soohyun after getting his tray. “Wait for me!” Kai called.

“Let’s not talk about who she likes, just tell me when is she coming back, I’d like to pick her up in the airport!” He said as they took their sit in the cafeteria’s chairs.

“Tell me what’s your plan first.” Soohyun said.

“Plan about what?” Kai asked.

“About Suzy, are you going to court her or something?” Soohyun asked.

“Oh amm.. I plan on being close with her first and get to know her more before courting her.” Kai answered before stuffing a steamed beef into his mouth.

“Alright then, well her plane will be landing at 6 o’clock today.” Soohyun answered as he starts eating his meal too.

“TODAY?!” Kai gasped quickly looking at his watch. “It’s three thirty and our class will end at four thirty, then we have a club practice at five pm that gives me no time to prepare.” Kai said as he calculate his schedule. “Can I skip practice today?” He asked.

“Says the guy who always reminds us not to skip practice.” Soohyun sarcastically said.

“Let’s call off practice just for today please?” Kai asked well more of pleaded to Soohyun.

“Fine fine, since I also feel  lazy to practice for today.” Soohyun shrugged and continued eating.

“OH YES!” Kai smiled widely and hurriedly ate his meal.

“Hey Guys!” Luna said as she approached their table together with IU.

“Oh hello there Luna and IU.” Kai said.

“Hello Kai.” The two girls said in unison.

“Can we join you guys?” Luna asked.

“Sure, have a seat.” Soohyun said offering them a seat.

“Thanks.” She said.

IU sat beside Soohyun while Luna took a seat beside Kai.

“So what are you guys planning for our Practice later?” Luna asked with excitement. She didn’t really hide the fact that she likes kai and she enjoys dancing a lot with him.

“About that….” Kai was about to tell her that their practice was called off when Soohyun cut him from talking.

“He cancelled the practice cause he wants to surprise someone in the airport.” Soohyun said.

“What?!” Both IU and Luna said.. well more of asked in unison.

“So you’re going with us to Pick suzy up?” IU asked.

“Us?” Kai asked back with confusion.

“You’re going to pick up suzy?” Soohyun asked too.

“Yeah, Myungsoo and I are going to surprise her too and her parents know we’re coming.” IU said.

“Alright then, May I come with you?” Kai asked.

“Sure! Are you coming too Soohyun?” IU answered before turning to Soohyun.

“Amm.. Yeah sure.” He answered.

“Oh Good!” She happily said. “Suzy will be so happy and surprised.” IU mumbled.

“What?” Soohyun asked not catching on.

“Nothing.” IU gave him an innocent smile.

Soohyun just shrugged and continued eating his meal as they talk about what they would do later.

Luna on the other hand remained silent, she felt hurt that their time together would be cancelled just because of the arrival of Suzy.

So he do like her, what do I do now? She thought as she plays with her food using her fork.

“Are you alright?” Kai asked noticing Luna spacing out.

“Huh? Ahh.. Naee I am fine.” She said forcing a small smile.

Kai looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “I am sure you’re not.” He said.

She shakes her head and smile at Kai. “No, I am really fine I think I just ate something bad so my tummy doesn’t feel good.” She reasoned out.

“Are you alright? Do you want to go to the clinic?” IU asked in a worried tone.

“It’s alright, I’ll go down on my own just finish your lunch.” She said.

“I’ll come with you.” IU said standing up and helping her walk out of the cafeteria. “I’ll just see you guys later in the usual hang out place we go to.” She said before completely leaving the cafeteria.

When they are far from the Cafeteria IU looked at Luna and sighed. “I am sure you’re tummy is just fine, what happened to you?” IU asked.

Luna let out a deep sigh knowing IU didn’t buy her excuse. “You know I like kai right?” She starts and IU nodded. “Well I just felt bad that I thought we were going somewhere, I mean he acts like he likes me too, he said he enjoys dancing with me, he said he loves me being his dance partner and now I feel like it’s suzy after all.” She let out a deep sigh.

“Well you should’ve asked him first who he likes before falling deeply for him.” IU said

“It’s not that easy.” She said softly.

Guilt crept on IU’s emotion as she puts herself in Luna’s place, she too didn’t ask who Myungsoo likes yet she fell for him deeply.

She let out a deep sigh as well and nodded. “I understand you, I know it’s not that easy.”

“I guess I have to brace myself again for me not to be hurt.” Luna said letting out a little smile.

“Well from what I heard from Suzy she doesn’t have an interest in Kai, plus you know who she likes.” IU said.

“Soohyun, the mighty Soohyun who is too naïve to see how she feels for him.” Luna said shaking her head. “Why are boys so slow to catch up on the feelings of the girls?”

“Same goes to Myungsoo.” IU said pouting.

“I don’t really know what you like in that guy, Sure he is good looking and talented but he’s also as cold as Ice.” Luna said.

“He’s trying to change though.” IU defended him.

Luna just shrugged and sighed. “Oh well look at us girls, our love stories.. It can be compared to the story I am reading online.” She said.

“What story is that?” IU asked.

“Love Never Noticed” She said.

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Chapter 20: Woahhh. Please finish it ???
Thank you for the updates!
Chapter 18: Welcome back, please finish it❤️
Hi, welcome back, I hope you adjusted well in your new country! It'd be nice if you could continue the story, I want to know what happens next > ~ <
Hi, welcome back, I hope you adjusted well in your new country! It'd be nice if you could continue the story, I want to know what happens next > ~ <
Chapter 16: will you ever come back with this fic, I miss it :(
OMG, I just found this amazing fic..
pls don't go hiatus too long,,
Chapter 17: We are still waiting. I love this fan fic so much i read it a couple of times but still cant get enough. I'm myungzy shipper forever.
KEYroro #8
Chapter 17: Im waiting! :)
Chapter 17: Update soon:D
Sonyabalkis #10
Chapter 16: Will wait for the updates!