Chapter 3 �

That Light



` (    That Light, Is Shining Bright   )

chapter Three : Party





Seems like this lesson is dedicated for day dreaming. I look up one more time to see the teacher staring at me. “Ji eun-shii, you have been daydreaming too much today! I guess that calls for detention!” The teacher spits out. “No but miss--” “NO BUTS!!” I sink down my chair, ignoring the snickers of my classmates around me. Today is going to be a long day. The bell rings already and I stay seated. Just then a boy walks past me then drops a piece of paper on my desk. I open it carefully then start reading. “ Ji eun-shii, could you come to my party, today at 6:00 pm? I would love if you could come ;) My address is ******* *****” I look up to see who the boy is but he is already gone. *Hmm weird*.

Detention is over and i head back home. It’s already five o'clock and I don’t know if I should go to the party. I mean, it’s my first time since someone invited me to a party so, it won't cause any harm. I go back to my apartment that omma and appa bought for me before they died. Yeah, they died, but they treated me like their real daughter, I owe them so much.

Anyways. I walk to my room and open my closet and take out my one and only dress. This part could be fun. I should just have fun, right? I wear my dress then apply a tiny amount of makeup to my face. And I dont forget to wear my Bracele’t. I take out the paper the guy gave me and I take a taxi to his house. The taxi was like 1 km away and I could hear the blasting music swimming through the neighborhood. Just then my phone rings. “Where are you?” The message says, from an unknown number. “Who is this” I type back, but couldn't press enter because we already arrived at the guys house. “Here’s your change” I say giving the taxi driver his money.

The taxi driver looks at me before speaking up. “You shouldn’t be here young lady” I make a face. “Why?” I ask back. “You seem too innocent to be here” I look back at him with a smile. “what’s the worst thing that could happen” I say before closing the door and walking towards the guys house. Just then two men appear in front of me. “So you came” one of them says, talking step towards me. I back away. “Aww, Mir you're scaring her” The other one said. He takes me by the arm then said “Don't worry, I wont let Mir hurt you…” He pauses then looks at me in the eye. I fell my heart thumping hard. “But I will” He says his lips before ripping my dress off. I scream. I dont know what to do and my mind is blank. The guy start kissing me hard before i push him off causing him to fall. I pick up my dress and run as fast as I could to an alley. Just then I hear footsteps behind me. Oh god no. My feet can't take it any longer, So I just give up. What’s the use of living anyway. Everyone hates me and my beloved ones are gone. The boy comes up to me and pushes me into the wall the slaps my face. “Think you could get away huh!” He growls. He then touches my bracelet. “LET GO!” I say whipping my hand off him. No one touches the bracelet. The man comes up to me then whispers in my ear. “You chose the hard way huh”. I shiver. He then steps back and takes out a gun from his hand. I scream, Crying and sobbing at my end in front of me. “Any last words?” He asks smirking. I then wipe off my tears and confidence is built up in me. “Yes.” I take my braclete off and kiss it then whisper “Byun Baekhyun, I love you”. I let the bracelet drop causing it to break but then suddenly A huge strobe of light comes toward me. I squint my eyes but then everything was a blur.





AUTHOR'S NOTE : New layout lol. Am i Confusing you? Hehe sorry for the short update so yeah. carry on supporting me <3 thank you ^^



credits to fallen angel



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Chapter 2: Excited for your story.
Update soon :D
Chapter 2: I hope baeku will meet soon :)
Update soon.. :)
BaekU.. ^ ^ looking forward.. update soon...
BaekU again XD
Thank U so Much authornim ^^
Excited for this story