Work, food, work... And food again!

Pineapples and Grapes

“Great, Ahrim! Tilt your chin down just a little bit,” the photographer, Tao, says.

Ahrim does as the older man with exotic blue hair says. She clenches her teeth and curses in her head.

Is it done? Four hours and you’re not done? Hurry up!!

Jiwon watches on the side with a coffee in her hand. She can almost imagine Ahrim’s stomach growling. The supervisor comes in and interrupts the shooting with… 10 boxes of pizza for all the staff. He walks over to Ahrim and Jiwon who is giving her water.

“Hey girls! I got pizza! And here’s for you, Ahrim. I know you don’t eat greasy stuff, so I got you a mango salad!” Supervisor Heo hands a plastic box to the model but she does not accept it. She was standing still. Jiwon quickly sees that and takes the box.

I posed for four hours. All you give me is… salad… are you kidding me! SALAD! I want pizza too!

“Thank you! She’s going to love it! Oh, look, my stomach hurts today. I don’t think I’ll be eating pizza. Ahrim, you’re coming with me? We’re going to buy food” Before anything else happens, our super manager drags Ahrim out of the studio.

“Did you see that? He was going to give me salad… How salads can feed me!? Unacceptable!”

“What do you think?! Of course they think you only eat salad! You’re Jung Ahrim, the innoncent, fragile and sweet princess. You don’t eat pizza!”

“Unnie…” Ahrim fakes some tears.

“Let’s go, I’m going to buy some hamburgers and we’re eating in the car.” Jiwon shakes her head.

“You’re the best!” Ahrim quickly follows. She’s happy if there’s food.

Ahrim plays on her phone while Jiwon goes to buy food. She goes on her school’s forum and reads every topic about her.

Goddess Ahrim is a queen!

            Jung Ahrim is so pretty!

            I’m so lucky I’m in the same school as her.

            She’s so fake! You guys are all blind!

            I saw her eating salad. So majestic!

            Of course, our goddess eats salads. She doesn’t eat meat like you foolish peasant!

            You! 4th comment! What did you say! *preparing my knife*

What people didn’t know is that Jung Ahrim is a regular netizen! Our princess is as much of a gossip as anyone else. After threatening everyone who badmouthed her, she moves on to others topics.

Anyang’s representant: Park Chanyeol

Ahrim was about to click on it when Jiwon enters the car with the nice smell of French fries and hamburgers. She throws away her phone and looks at her manager like a puppy. Jiwon gives her the paper bag and sits down in the car.

“Unnie, you’re seriously the best! You even ordered brownies for dessert!”

“Right, right, eat slowly. I don’t want you to choke like last time.”

Jiwon continues to sip on her diet Nestea because she is not like Miss Jung Ahrim who can eat whatever she likes and not get fat. Kim Jiwon has to diet! Ahrim nods while eating. Mayonnaise is all over her face. Jiwon sighs loud again! She can’t wait for someone to discover Ahrim’s real personality and to take away her food! Of course, she does not mean that for real. She has worked for Ahrim for a year. She grew attached to this food monster who everyone worships as a goddess.

The rest of the day went on quite easy. The photo-shoot carried on better than the first half. Maybe it’s because the staff satisfied their stomach with pizza. Ahrim was also full so she poses better than ever.


Ahrim is trying hard to listen. She is trying very hard! The meeting is just really boring. She is in a conference room with Mrs. Yang who is the ultimate boss of the agency. She got the company after her husband died. She did her best to be one of the top’s model agencies and she made it. There’s also, of course, her manager, Kim Jongin and Kim Junmyun. Kim Jongin is currently the hottest model in the city. Everywhere, we can see his commercials and runways. Junmyun is his manager and the potential enemy of our lovely Kim Jiwon. Also, other young models are attending the meeting. Compared to Ahrim, Jongin is a full-time model, but as they are the two hottest models in the agency, they are always in competition. Ahrim does not really like Jongin. Maybe it’s because they are as popular as the other. Maybe it’s because she just does not like her dark skin.

“So, folks, it’s winter very very soon. So the agency is announcing a winter photo book! Hurraay!” Mrs. Yang announces in her clear but too deep voice for a woman. Everyone claps even though we can see the annoyance in their eyes. Ahrim is crying inside as she thought she could finally take vacation from work and school. But no! She has to work. Mrs. Yang continues with more details. The theme is youth. Obviously, as every model in this room is in their teens. The oldest is actually Kim Jongin. Being 24 years old, he looks young for his age. This must be why he is so popular. Seducing all those noona fans is an easy job for Jongin. An hour later, Mrs. Yang finally walks out of the room. A few models gather up to catch up as they don’t always see each other. Ahrim was still sitting in her seat when a few girls approach her and greet. She has to be polite and sweet as her image makes her. She puts on her work’s smile and talks with them. On the other hand, Junmyun walks over to Jiwon,

“Hi, Jiwon! How are you doing lately?”

Better before I met you

“Of course, I’m doing good and you?” I hope you get ran over by a car! Jiwon thinks

“Not bad, Jongin is having a lot of schedule so I’m in a lack of sleep. But that’s all fine.” Junmyun replies with his million-dollar smile.

Seeing her manager holding a tight fist under the table, Ahrim quickly cuts her conversation short and goes to the rescue of Jiwon. She drags her out of the meeting room and they go to Jiwon’s office. Once inside, Ahrim makes sure to close the door.

“Have you heard him! “lack of sleep” pfft!” Jiwon imitates with a mentally-retarded face. “He came to rub that on my face! That’s an insult!”

“Breath, unnie. He isn’t worth of your anger.” Ahrim knows what to do in these cases. Insult Kim Junmyun as mean as she can. “He must be trying to beat you! That’s why! Look at you, you’re beautiful and energized while he is old and covered in dark circles! And you still beat him even if you sleep a lot.”

“Shut up!” Ahrim makes a gesture of a zip on .

“It’s because you don’t work enough! No, I have to get you another schedule! Let me call that shopping mall.”

Unnie… I’m only working part-time. Ahrim pouts but still accepts whatever her manager proposes. She prefers to work than going to school anyway.

Ahrim closes the door of Jiwon’s office while the older makes the important to the shopping mall. Suddenly, she smells an odor, a delicious odor. Trying to maintain her image, she follows the smell in a subtle way. She reaches the waiting room. Ear on the door, she heard a voice, an angry one.

“What are you doing? Eating fried chicken! Jongin, you’re on a diet! I’m confiscating the chicken!” Junmyun cries as Ahrim can imagine Jongin holding thigh on the chicken. In her heart, she gives the chicken-lover label to Jongin. Everyone who loves chicken is a good person.

“Hyung, let me eat. I’m hungry!” Jongin says with a pouty voice. Ahrim is surprised that the great Kim Jongin makes that voice. Before she can continue with her spying, the door is suddenly yanked opened. Ahrim is still. Junmyun is still. Jongin is… crying for the loss of his chicken. Junmyun is holding the famous box.

“Ah, Ahrim, what are you doing?” Junmyun says with a sincere smile. Ahrim quickly puts on her model persona.

“Nothing, Junmyun-sshi, I thought you were arguing so I thought…” Ahrim doesn’t finish her sentence and plays with her fingers to make it seem that she feels bad for eavesdropping.

“Ah, it’s fine. Nothing happened. Jongin just tried to sneak chicken. That boy. Hahaha” Junmyun shakes his head as he lightly laughs. “Ah, Jiwon and you haven’t eaten, right? Take the chicken! Jongin just ate a leg. Take it!” He kindly offered.

“Why don’t you eat it?” Ahrim wondered. Junmyun comes closer and whispers to her.

“Because Jongin is on a diet. I can’t eat chicken and let him eat salad and tuna.” Junmyun chuckled.

Good! You’re a good man! Ahrim thinks in her heart.

“Ah… thank you Junmyun-sshi. I don’t eat any oily stuff but unnie will eat it well.” Ahrim bows and laughs evilly inside. Muahaha! I’m eating it! She takes the box and goes back to Jiwon’s office.

“Ahrim-ah, I got you a catalog shooting for the spring/summer season of the Time shopping mall. They are doing a promotion in the spring season so they need a model to promote. I almost refused last time but now, you have to work harder than the two Kims!” Jiwon lifts her head off the screen and sees… Ahrim eating again like a pig… Jiwon breaks her pencil in two pieces. Ahrim is still devouring the last leg when she realizes she might be in trouble.

“Where did you get that?”

Oh oh, it doesn’t sound good.

“Hehe, unnie, Jongin gave me that…” Ahrim foolishly smiles. Don’t say that it’s Junmyun-sshi.

“Kim Jongin gave you that? It means Kim Junmyun also knows. Then it means Kim Junmyun gave you that!! He wants you to get fat and lose some job opportunities!!! Stop eating!!!!”

“No, unnie!! Give me my chicken back!”

They are lucky that the walls are sound-isolated.

So that's the chapter for today! I'm doing some shopping for black friday today but i may update later in the night also!

Stay tuned and leave comments! Thank you and enjoy! See you tomorrow (or tonight)

;) xoxo

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sueyue_zoey #1
Yes I did! and I liked it so much! I read the manga and I also watched the drama hehe