Wait she is a what!?

Can you Handle the Truth?

Oh man that was scary! I thought JR was gonna hang me for talking to Ren but instead he bro hugged me!? And now I am sitting in this circle of friends eating my lunch. So I found out that this group of friends wernt a gang after all. Whew lucky me they were just a group of friends who formed a band together. The Band was called Nu'est and it had a total of five members. JR who was the leader and rapper, Baekho the childish boy with mutant lungs as they say, Minhyun a tall boy beautiful enough to be a model (turns out he actually is a model), Aron the funny one that came from America and last but not least Ren who was the youngest of the group (so cute!). I started to daze out while the group were talking about the different countries they had been to and the contries that they want to visit. "Hey Jason! What is China like?" Snapping out of my daze I turn to the owner of the voice only to come face to face with Ren who is a lot closer to me than a little while ago. Apparently she leaned over so she could get my attention with out being to loud. Her eyes filled with curiosity as she awaited an answer. So freaking cute there is no way there can be a human being as gorgous as her and not have a boyfriend. Blushing a deep red because of our close proximity I immediatly turn to the rest of the group who where now all looking at me waiting for an answer to the previous persons question. "uh. . um well I come from a little town in China, and I never really travelled much so im not to sure what the city and tourist attractions are like but the places I did go have all had beautiful scenery and nice people." God way to keep your cool man, did your voice crack a little? "Huh but isn't your mom a famous lawyer though? Wouldn't she of had to be in the big cities to work?" Ren looking a little confused with my answer I carry on to clarify "Yea it is true that my mum had to work in the bigger cities, she used to be gone for about a month or even two monthes at a time. But I never really liked going to overly crowded areas, specially when the only transport is public transport to get you from place to place. I really can't deal with being cramed in between sweaty strangers" dude don't tell them your lifes story! that was way to long and uninteresting. "Oh so you don't like crowds much. I feel the same way! In fact we all do. you're gonna fit right in with us" Ren gave me a brilliant smile. It wasn't a big toothy grin but a small closed smile. but to me it might as well of blinded me it was so radiant. 

*bell rings*

"well thats our lunch over I have P.E what have you guys got?" JR lazily got up from where he was sitting and stretched both arms upward making his top rise a little showing his well decent abs that I wouldn't of knowen about if his top didn't rise. "Me too!" Ren said as she quickly averted her eyes away from JRs nicely sculpted abs. "Naw man I have history!" Baekho moaned while pouting and pulling at Minhyuns sleave. "Why complain to me I have History too." Minhyun shoke Baekhos hand off not in a mean way but as if he has done that same task way to many times. "What do you have?" Laughing at the scene of baekho and Minhyun obviously very close friends I turn to Aron "I have P.E as well. What do you have?" "Man why am I the only one that has a different class than everyone else? I have freaking Geography!" Aron now pouting at the thought of going to his next class alone picks up his bag and heads off. "Oh come on you are such a drama queen!" JR shout to the slumped retreating figure. Arons reply to that was just pulling the middle finger to his now grinning friend who has one of those dazzling smiles that I could even melt to. (Even though I'm a guy I know). 

I started making my way to the changing rooms to get ready for P.E. Ren ran ahead leaving JR and I alone. "Aaah isn't Ren just cute" JR stated. "Do you two go out?" JR looked at me like I asked him the most bizarre question onthe face of the earth. "What I'm just curious" "Na man we aren't dating I don't swing that way" "Oh really!?" almost sounding way to happy than I should be "So your into guys?" JR suddenly bursts out laughing holding onto his stomach while bending over. "What is so funny?" "Oh man dude you will know why soon" he was almost in hysterics now. " before entering the changing rooms JR finally calmed down from his laughing fit but still had a very mischevious grim plasterd on his face. Opening the door thinking that now he has calmed down "Have you finally stopped laughiggg~HUH!" Frozen in place with JR now back in his hysterics and crouched down on the floor "Ahaha you haha should *gasp* see your face hahaha it is the best" Ren who was in the mens dressing room was in the middle of changing shirts turns around to see what the comotion that JR was sturring up "Um are you alright? It looks like you have just seen a ghost?" Ren came closer still shirtless to feel my forhead to see if I was feverish. My cheeks are now a burning red from what I had just descovered! "Oh man Ren it has happened again!" "JR what are you talking about just spit it out" " Dude he asked if you and I were dating *giggle* so I told him I don't swing that way! Ahahaha so *giggle* he thought I was gay! Bwahahaha" Ren now also a deep shade of red walkes back and puts his shirt on turns back to go out the door but immediatly stops. "I'm really sorry I thought you were a girl cause well. .you are just so beautiful" Ren now an even deeper shade of red if that was even possible looks to his feet. "It's alright a lot of people mistake me with a girl, I should of mentioned it sooner. . ." "are you alright? I didn't offend you right I didn't mean to" " should I take it as a compliment then?" "huh?" "You calling me beautiful, can I take it as a compliment?" "Um yea ofcorse I didn't mean it any other way!" Ren finally looking up give me the smallest smile cheeks still that little bit red. JR finally getting to his feet pats me on the shoulder "So to answer your earlier question, no, I'm not gay." and walks off still laughing to himself as he starts to undress "You know I think you will get on just fine with us" He say while glancing at me before putting his sports shirt on. 





Sorry for the short and late chapter guys but don't worry the next chapter won't take as long to be updated


Don't be a silent reader ya hear!

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Chapter 2: That was funny omg XDD
Can't wait for the rest ~~♥
Hwainting author-ni!
Chapter 2: Just love this story ♡
Uppdate soon author-nim ♡
I'll be waiting :3
Chapter 1: OMG loving the first chapter ,moe moe i need moe lol ♥
Another Jaren yes! ♥ Subscribed!
the story sounds interesting. n the first chap is nice.. :D
can't wait to read the next. it's hard to find JaRen fic,tho.. this ship is kinda new. lol
update soon authornim.. =D
excited for the first chapter. sure its going to be great. first comment yay ;p