First Day

Can you Handle the Truth?

Waking up this morning was a mission in itself. I did not want to leave the nice warm comfort of my bed, but it had to be done. Getting out of my bed, still in a half sleep daze, I trip over some video game cases and game consoles as I make my way to my bedroom door. "I shouldn't of played till morning, I should have gone to bed earlier", I mumble to myself while opening my door only to be met with a messy bundle of long curly brown hair heading to the same destination as myself. "You too huh?" The girl turns slowly to look at the sorce of the question, eyes half closed, half opened. "I almost had him last night! If he hadn't of cheated I could have won!" The girl ranted as she messed her hair even more out of annoyance. "Yea, yea I know how you feel Wong Yi, just go have a shower already and be quick I don't want to be late on my first day okay?" She waved her hand in reply heading for the bathroom before closing the door she turns around and and gives me a fake glare "And don't call me that! If I have to call you Jason, you have to call me by my english name!" "Alright fine,  Kayley, better?" "Better but since your my brother and I love you so much just call me Kay" she said with a huge smile and continuing to close the bathroom door.

I love my sister, she is like a best friend to me we get along really well, playing video games together and joking around a lot. I can also talk about anything to her even though she is a year younger than me and she can give amazing advice. I go downstairs to have breakfast while Kay is having her shower. Mum has already left for work and dad has still locked himself in his study. He says that he has finally got the insperation to write an award winning novel this time. He always says that but none of his novels have ever won a prize of any sort, don't get me wrong some of his novels are pretty popular, while others not so much. Mum is basically the one that makes all the money to pay rent and feed the family. She is a famous lawyer in both China and Korea. So our family lives pretty well and dad doesn't really have to worry to much if his books don't work out.

After eating breakfast, which was just toast with strawberry jam and a glass of milk, I head back up stairs to the now empty bathroom to have a shower.After having finished my shower, while walking back to my room drying my hair with a towel I hear a loud crash from the study like someone had fallen face first into the floor. The door beside my bedroom opens and Kay comes out Hair still dripping wet from her shower. "He must be having a writers block again." She says as she sees me standing by my door looking in the direction of the study. "Don't worry about that. You should really dry your hair when you get out of the shower or your gonna get sick" I placed my towel that I was using to dry my hair on top of her head. "Okaaay! You know you are more like a mother to me than mum is." she started rubbing the towel on her head while giving me a huge grin. She can be so cute sometimes and I can't help but to worry like a mother around her. Smiling back at her I enter my room and head to the closet. "Now what to wear?" Questioning myself I stare blankly into my closet. I have a lot of clothes Thanks to my sister who just loves to by clothes for me. She's like my own peronal stylist. "You should wear your black leather trousers with the white shirt and the baggy gray jumper I bought for you the other day" I turn to look at the door to my room where all I can see is my sisters head looking into my room, seriously how does she alway know what I'm thinking? "yea thanks, now can you close the door I know we're siblings but I still need my privacy you know." "Not my fault you left the door open." She gave me a mocking smile before obeying and closing the door behind her.

Thank god I live so close to College only a fifteen minute walk that means I don't have to take the bus. I hate buses, being in an overly crowded stuffy moving vehicle is one of the things I hate the most. Before I know it I am at the reception waiting for my timetable to be printed out along with a map of the college. After being handed my timetable and the map, by the really pretty receptionist, I head for my first class, I was really early because I didn't want to get lost and be late on my first day. There was hardly anyone here. There was still about forty-five minutes before class starts so why would anyone lose precious sleeping time to be that early. But like expected I got lost. Seriously I'm really bad with directions. Fumbling around with the map I accidently drop all my stuff on the floor. *sigh* "looks like today is gonna be a bad day" Bending down I start picking up all the books that fell out of my bag when it hit the ground. Being to preocupied I didn't notice the person who just happened to be walking by stop to help pick up my stuff. Reaching for the map that had managed to fall out of my hand and float a meter away I notice a very delicate pale hand pick up the paper before I had the chance to. "Oh thanks-. . " when I looked up to see who the owner of such a delacate hand was, I froze to see that a very beautiful girl had gone out of her way to help me. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.

"Hey are you alright?" Her voice was so soothing I couldn't help but be mesmorized by this beautiful girl standing infront of me. Remembering I have a girlfriend back at home in China I snap out of my daze. "Yea I'm fine, thanks for your help. I'm Jason I'm kinda new." I flashed her my brightest smile while I bowed my head to greet. " It's alright Jason, I'm Ren and I can kinda tell, your lost aren't you?" She bowed her head back while she said her name. Even her name is pretty, Kay would really love to meet her being her fashionista self I can just see her picking many different outfits for her and doing her hair and make up. Laughing at how she new my exact situation, I rub the back of my head and smile sheepishly "That obvious huh?" "Yea very obvious, if you want I can show you around? We have plenty of time before classes start." "Yea sure. Man I'm lucky I thought I was gonna have a bad day till you showed up." she looked at me and smiled while motioning for me to follow her.

Her hair was tied in a pony tail leaving her fringe loose falling to the side of her beautiful face, it was an amazing shade of chocolate brown that shimmered as the pony tail swayed in time with her footsteps as she walked a couple steps ahead of me. Ignoring the fact the she was wearing boys clothes she was still the most beautiful person I have ever met. I am looking forward to studying with her in the future and also looking forward to getting to know her more. Who knows maybe she would make my life a whole lot better than it was.

I hit the side of my head with a fisted hand. Idiot stop thinking that. Seeing how pretty she is, she most probably already has a boyfriend. Hitting the side of my head again. I.D.I.O.T you have a girlfriend so it doesn't matter wether she is taken or not just focus on where your walking. And just as I was thinking that I bumped into her like on cue. I didn't notice that she had stopped talking about the college and telling me what's what and had stopped in her tracks looking at a group of well dressed boys walking their way. "I'm sorry I didn't notice you stopped walking." She turned round with a smile and pointed to the door beside us. "That is the room your first class will be held." "REN!" A guy with short grayish hair called out when he spotted Ren waving franticly like a little kid who just saw their mother after finishing a day at preschool. He stood beside three other guys now all looking and no bee lining to us. Turning around Ren replied with a smile and a wave back "Hey guys why are you so late?" Her smile now forming a fake pout. She looked so cute! "Hey we aren't the late ones here, where have you been?" Now coming from the guy standing next to the child like one. He looked really stylish I'm sure Kay would adore what he was wearing white jeans with a white T-shirt underneath a denim jacket with a beanie proped just leaning to the side of his head showing his thick dark brown fringe. "Come on JR you know I'm never late I just got side tracked thats all" They continued to talk while a whole lot of things where going through my head.

Why was she so close to all these guys? Are they a gang or something? No that can't be right they don't look threatening at all. But you never know looks can be deceiving. But they are all so stylish, are they gay? No stop judging by looks jason your stylish and your not gay it's just your sister that picks your clothes out for you. But I could be wrong. But still why is she friends with so many guys and they were talking about being late just before. Are they in a club of some sort or are they planning to do something to her. What if they are trying to buy her out for ion they must be forcing her with something. But why would she look so happy with them just being around. Jason! just stop jumping to your over active assumptions geez! One of them is most probably her boyfriend and the rest are just their friends. Yea thats it, that sounds a lot more believable. Damn so she is taken there goes my one shot of being happy at this place. Wait I have a girlfriend stop thinking like that. I can just be friends with these guys right? Yea I love my girlfriend and I am lucky to have her.

"So Ren who is that guy anyway?" Everyone pauses what their doing and looks at the focus of JRs question. Well I'm pretty sure thats what Ren called him earlier on. Oh man I'm screwed what if her boyfriend was JR? And what if he gets the wrong Idea!? Oh man oh man what sould I say. "Oh he's new Today is his first day and I was just showing him around" Ren points in my direction. Smiling and bowing quickly I greet them. "Hey I'm Jason I just moved to Korea from China." Everyone was quiet and just stared at me. Why was this so nerve wrecking for me they were just guys around the same age as me and it's not like I did anything wrong, right?

The guy who I presumed was JR stepped forward. I was right he must be her boyfriend. He walked up to me with a serious face no sign of happyness. He stopped just in front of me and stared me up and down. A smile then crept on his face "Hey you have awesome style, I'm JR nice to meet you"




Done My first chapter to my first ever fanfic hope you guys like :)


By the way this is what everyone was wearing:


Ren (except his hair ain't blond)



Thanks for reading :D

now it's time to

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Chapter 2: That was funny omg XDD
Can't wait for the rest ~~♥
Hwainting author-ni!
Chapter 2: Just love this story ♡
Uppdate soon author-nim ♡
I'll be waiting :3
Chapter 1: OMG loving the first chapter ,moe moe i need moe lol ♥
Another Jaren yes! ♥ Subscribed!
the story sounds interesting. n the first chap is nice.. :D
can't wait to read the next. it's hard to find JaRen fic,tho.. this ship is kinda new. lol
update soon authornim.. =D
excited for the first chapter. sure its going to be great. first comment yay ;p