Well that worked out well.

Can you Handle the Truth?

"Man I totally wasn't expecting my first day to be like this!" I sigh in relief that I made it through my first day of school. "I'm sorry it must have been really awkward for you to find out that I am actually a guy" Ren looks down to his feet making himself look focused on where he steps. "No it's not bad really, it was a bit of a shock yea, but it is totally my bad for thinking you were a girl it just never occured to me that you were a guy. And a really pretty one at that" that made Ren look away from me while muttering something barely audible for him to actually be heard. "Come on guys! stop your flirting and hurry up! I am so hungry" JR brushes past us just to stand in front of us faining stomach pains because of lack of food. I couldn't help but laugh at how dramatic he could be "Come on now we arn't flirting, besides I don't think my girlfriend would be to happy if I started flirting with a guy" I said while letting out a little chuckle. JRs face goes blank as he stops to stare at me, in fact everyone is now just staring at me except Ren who is now looking very depressed. "Woah you have a girlfriend?" "Um yeah. . " "You sly dog! why didn't you tell us" JR now has a huge grin while he walks beside me and drapes his arm on my shoulder. "Well you didn't ask" "Well don't just stand around show us a picture" Baekho copies JR by draiping his arm on the other shoulder. "Okay just a sec let me get out my phone." "Woah dude she is gorgous!" "Huh?. . ." JR snatched my phone out of my hand as I was looking for the photo. "Well done Jason!" who would have known you could get a girl like that!" "Well actually th-"  Baekho being to excited couldn't stop looking at the girl in the photo then at me "Never would have guessed she was your girlfriend, what do you think Ren?" Baekho shoved the phone towards the petit brunette. The brunette just turned around and in a very dejected voice "she is pretty. . ." huh what's wrong with Ren? Turning my attention back to Baekho I grabbed my phone out of his hand "Oh for the love of all that is holy, I have been trying to tell you that this isn't my girlfreind!" "What? Knew that was to good to be true" JR smirked. "Seriously guys listen before you jump to conclusions. This is my sister Kaylee!" JR snatched my phone away from me again "How in the hell is this gorgous girl your sister" "ughh. . .you don't have to say it like that" JR wouldn't stop looking at my sisters picture for the rest of the time we hung out, so I couldn't show anyone a picture of my girlfriend yet.

I finally got my phone back as we parted ways. Apparently Ren and I live in the same direction so we started walking home together. Ren was looking to the ground his cheeks an obvious red, "Hey Ren are you feeling alright?" Ren looked up at me really shocked "W-what n-no I'm f-fine." "You sure cause you don't look like you are feeling well, we should get you home quickly so you can rest up." "N-NO! umm I mean it's fine, I'm fine we should just take our time" I notice his cheeks go a slightly darker shade of red as he looked down at his feet. Is he not compfitable around me now, is it because I mistook him for a girl? "Okay, if you are alright we can walk slower"

~Rens POV~

I can't look at him. My heart it just won't stop banging on my chest, and my face! My face is so red even a colour blind person could tell I am blushing. "Hey Ren are you feeling alright?" His voice invading my ears sounded really soothing and very tempting, but with the state I'm in my heart started beating even faster, "W-what n-no I'm f-fine." "You sure you don't look like your feeling well, we should get you home quickly so you can rest up." He noticed my flushed face oh god it must be very obvious then. I started to panic, if we got home faster that means we have less time together. "N-NO! umm I mean it's fine, I'm fine we should just take our time" Oh man I didn't mean to sound desperate he must have noticed by now. Ugh I'm doomed he even has a girlfriend for gods sake Ren. " Okay, if you are alright we can walk slower" I was so happy hearing him say that but at the same time confused. He doesn't mind spending more time with me? "YES! You smiled!" "Huh?" "I thought you were angry with me thinking you were a girl. But I'm happy that I can make you smile still" Jason gave me the biggest smile I have seen since I met him. But it wasn't that charming smile that made me start liking him. I fell for him as soon as I saw him drop all his stuff in the hallway. I never thought that I could fall for someone that fast, but, I did. I am really happy right now that we can walk home together. "But I really am sorry for thinking you were a girl, but how could I not, you are a lot prettier than Mei. I'm actually still finding it hard to believe how someone so beautiful could be a guy." ". . ." "OH! I'm so sorry you most probably don't wanna hear that either. Man I am an idiot" Jason couldn't stop face palming himself, which was good for me cause I think that my emotions are going so wild that I think they are showing on my face. "I-it's fine really I-I don't mind. By the way you said Mei before. Who is she?" "Oh Mei? That is the name of my girlfriend" "O-oh" My heart instantly sunk in my chest and I started to feel really heavy. Right now I wish I was a girl so Jason can look at me as a potential parnter, no, like he would look at his girlfriend. Jason suddenly went quiet he looked like some of his spirit was instantly drained from him. Did I say some thing wrong? 

A few minutes ago Jason and I parted ways and since I'm in a down buzz of a mood I went straight to my room. Good thing having parents that are rarely at home it means that I don't have to hide my feelings. And I wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone. Why did I have to be a boy that looks like a girl! Why does the first person I like have to have a girlfriend. Ugh I don't want to deal with these feelings! I lay on my bed while staring at my ceiling letting my mind just wonder. Funny enough even though I just met Jason, his face keeps popping up. All his different expressions that I saw and all that I learnt about him I just cant stop thinking about him.

Jasons POV~

I am seriously and idiot why couldn't I just shut my mouth about the whole Ren looks like a girls topic, uggh. As I walked through the front door of my house I noticed that no one else was home yet. "I should probably call Mei I haven't talked to her in a while." I really don't feel like talking to her I feel like we have become very distance with the short time I left China. Taking out my phone I was about to look up her number when my phone started ringing. "wow thats kinda ironic" I swiped the green button on the screen "Hey there I was just about to call you." "oh you were" Mei answered with a depressing tone. Oh god what now have I done something wrong? "Hey why do you sound like that whats wrong?" "Look Jason we need to talk" "Well when you say that I can pretty much guess where this is going." "Please don't get mad at me?" "Why would I get mad at you Mei?" "Well Jason you remember that guy I told you about? The one that I met at the school festival that I said you would get along with really well?" Yea I remember and now I definitly know where this conversation is going." "Let me explain, it's just that I feel like we have drifted quite far apart in such a short time and I definitly know that this relationship will never last with us living in different countries now, please understand!" I couldn't help but chuckle a little at the desperation in her voice. "Look Mei I honestly thought that this wouldn't work out either and truthfully I think I might actually like someone else too, so don't feel to burdend." "Oh! I hope she is nice you deserve someone nice. I am glad this worked out well. But we can still be friends right?" "Ofcorse!! I wouldn't want a girl like you to be completely out of my life. Make sure to send me an invite okay." "Invite? To were?" "to your wedding ofcorse!" "Oh my god Jason! You are to much!" I heard Mei having a laughing attack on the other end of the phone. "Hey I'm serious! I wanna be the one to threaten the groom that if he hurts you he will never see another sunrise" another burst of laughter came from the other end of the line "Oh I am really glad we are still friends then, but you don't have to prepare your warning speech just yet there is still a lot of progress to be made in the relationship" "Well thats good to here cause honestly I am completely stumped on how to open the speech" "Oh Jason I hope the girl you likes laughes a lot at your jokes and you are happy with her. You are a really good guy. Hey I have to go mum needs help in the kitchen." "Okay give my regards to your mum and tell her that I miss her cooking so much I think I might die." "Jason your such a drama queen, but will do, bye" "bye". Well I feel a whole lot better after talking to her. I heard what I needed to hear and my feelings are as clear as day now. I actually do have slight feelings towards Ren!

"Soooo you broke up with Mei huh?" I jumped at the sudden question from behind me "Kaylee what are you doing here I thought I was the first one back. What were you doing anyway?" Kaylee rubbed the back of her head while looking at the text that she just recieved. "Well I was playing Guildwars 2 on my PC when I heard you talking on the phone to Mei. Such a shame she was a nice girl, I'm not surprised she was snatched by another man." she replied while still looking at her phone with a poker face. "Yea well I am happy for her, I don't really feel anything of that kind towards her anymore, but we are still friends." "Well thats good I guess. . ." Kaylee looked up from her phone now with a strange glint in her eyes. "So you like someone else? who is she? does she go to your school? is she pretty? does she like gaming, come on bro don't keep me in the dark!" "Gezz okay okay. Yes I kinda might like someone, we are friends, we attend the same school and is an absolutly gorgous human being that has beauty of no compare and not sure about gaming yet." "Well just because she is pretty doesn't mean I approve. I she likes gaming then I might be persuaded." "Haha okay Kaylee it's good to know what makes you happy." all I got was a smile as a reply as she walked back into her room, probably to get back to her game. I think I will probably go and play Dynasty Warriors I feel like playing something nostalgic. 



Well there you go guys hope you enjoyed this chapter it may be a little squashed together but I am honestly super tired and have work early in the morning. I now have a job where I work 7 hours a week I swear im gonna die soon. But I decided to update this just for you guys hopefully the next chapter isn't as bad. Look forwad to hearing what you think :)



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Chapter 2: That was funny omg XDD
Can't wait for the rest ~~♥
Hwainting author-ni!
Chapter 2: Just love this story ♡
Uppdate soon author-nim ♡
I'll be waiting :3
Chapter 1: OMG loving the first chapter ,moe moe i need moe lol ♥
Another Jaren yes! ♥ Subscribed!
the story sounds interesting. n the first chap is nice.. :D
can't wait to read the next. it's hard to find JaRen fic,tho.. this ship is kinda new. lol
update soon authornim.. =D
excited for the first chapter. sure its going to be great. first comment yay ;p