Good Morning, Now Let's Go!

Money Can't Buy Me Love, But I Can Rent It

“Get away from my pudding!” I swat the hand and mumble as I groggily lay in bed. Someone was trying their hardest to wake me up, and it wasn’t working too well for whoever it was.

“Yah!” The hand lightly slapped my arm, “I’m going to be late!”

“Five more minutes, mommy,” I mumble, taking the second pillow, which I was hugging ever so tightly, and covered my face.

“I’m not your mom!” The next thing I knew, I was being pulled up. I open my eyes and blink; Junhyung was now on the bed and pulling me to sit up. My mouth dropped opened and I remember where I was and what was going on.

“We need to get going,” Junhyung sighed, “I have practice.”

“And why do I need to go?” I asked, did he really have to wake me up for something like this?

“There’s two things to that,” He said, “One, you need to look like my girlfriend, and my real girlfriend would have to be supportive of my busy schedule.”

“There is fault to that,” I say, “Even if I’m not your real girlfriend, I still wouldn’t like the idea of my boyfriend, whomever that may be in the future, being away for too long.”

“Whatever,” He sighed, then continued, “And the others found out. That’s the second thing.”

“The others?” I ask, then my mouth dropped, again. By others, did he by chance mean the other members of BEAST? Oh boy…rumors spread way too fast.

He nodded and I asked, “How? How’d they find out about me? Hopefully through you and they know that I’m not your real girlfriend?”

I sigh and hold my head as he shakes his head. “Some fans found a way to contact them,” Junhyung said, “And some of those fans were there when it happened.”

I nodded and sighed, “I guess I’ll get ready then. So out!”

Junhyung nodded and stopped the door before I could close it shut, “You only have ten minutes to get ready, ok?”

“You never limit a girl when it comes to getting ready,” I pouted.

“Make that five then,” Junhyung smirked, “Little Miss Pouty Face.”

“Fine, fine,” I say, “Ten minutes!”



“You took forever,” He teased. He got up from the couch as he saw me walk into the room, “And what’s with the strange getup?”

“This is how I dress, why, you don‘t like it?” I asked, crossing my arms. He held his hands up to defend himself.

“I never said that,” Junhyung said, grabbing his car keys off the coffee table, “And I didn’t imply it either.”

“It sounded a lot like you were,” I pouted, following him out the apartment and to his car.

“I didn’t mean it like that, Little Miss Pouty Face~” He teased.

“Don’t call me that! I don’t pou—” I caught myself and stopped pouting, choosing to playfully glare at him.

“Sure, sure,” Junhyung laughed.

For a charismatic, cool, and somewhat intimidating idol, he was pretty friendly. I don’t know many people that would hire a girlfriend and be so friendly to them…well I don’t know people that would hire a girlfriend, period.

“So where are we going?” I asked, sitting in the passenger seat of the car. I pulled at the hem of my tan shorts, and looked down at my feet, clad with pink converse; I also wore a pink jacket over a white shirt.

“To Cube’s building,” Junhyung said, starting the car, “I said I had practice, right? That’s where you‘ll meet the others.”

“Oh, cool!” I grin, “So I’ll meet my handsome AJ?”

Junhyung raised an eyebrow, “I guess so.”

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Still love thisssss
Chapter 52: I haven't been commenting since I'm on a road trip and internet keeps disappearing but- when was your note written to me?!?!?! I- I'm so confused I thought this story was posted ages ago or did I read this ages ago before?!?!?! Omg-
memoria_99 #3
Chapter 57: Chappie 55: woww!! This story is really good...
memoria_99 #4
Chapter 56: Chappie 54: happy ending,, right??..........
It is a happy ending... hihihi
memoria_99 #5
Chapter 46: Chappie 45: what is so young's misunderstand??
memoria_99 #6
Chapter 33: Chappie 33 : ouch.... they're so lovey dovey... hihihihi....
memoria_99 #7
Chapter 6: Chappie 6: both of them sound really close...
Haha,, it's funny although they just met..
memoria_99 #8
Chapter 3: chappie 3: woww...... this girl is really not cheap......
memoria_99 #9
Chapter 2: chappie 2: woowww!! i like this story....
I just finished reading it! It's awesome *insert cute emoticon here*