Yee Rin is different!!!!

Jjak Saranginikka (because this is one side love)

“Chansung-ah, do you want to look for Jeonggam again today?” Chansung’s mother asked him.

“Oo, of course Omma, I need to find him, right away, it’s been 4 days, I am so worry something bad may happened to him.” Chansung sighed in front of the mirror, he buttoned his shirt and looked at his face once again before turned his body around. He kissed his mother’s cheek. “Wish me luck,” he whispered.

“Oo~ I wish you can find him soon.” That old lady replied, almost cried.

Chansung then made his way to the main road, he often travelled around Seoul lately to look for his missing cat.

“Jeonggamie, odiya neon? (where could you be?)” Chansung whispered to himself while his eyes were wandering around the street.

Chansung pulled over his car, he got out the car and took a heavy long breathe. “Hahhhh.. jebal,, Jeonggami bogoshipta~ (please,, I really want to meet Jeonggam)”
In a meantime___
Yee Rin lowered her head. “Sssttt.. Jeonggamie, Kaman isso (stay where you are) we are almost there, I am going to give you back to Chansung then at the same time, I also make my way through his life!!!!” Yee Rin clapped her hands once, big smile was  shown in her pretty face.

“Ooohhhh,, I can imagine when I meet with Chansung oppa later.. Oo?! What should I say?? How should I greet him? Should I call him Chansung ssi? Or can I call him Chansung oppa directly___ or Chakia??? Ha ha ha…” Yee Rin __ again__ blushed into red by herself. She walked pass the west block and made her turn to the bus stop. She was almost there when suddenly she saw Jeonggam jumped out from her bag and without warning crossed the street, at the same time the traffic light changed color. Jeonggam’s life was in DANGER!!

“OMMA!!!” Yee Rin felt so shock. She wanted to run after Jeonggam but the car passed by in a high speed made her afraid to do so.

“Andwae Jeongggamie!!!” another big bus was coming trough. Yee Rin didn’t have other choice, she had to help Joenggam. Without thinking Yee Rin crossed the crowded road.

“Jeonggamie!!!!” she screamed.

“Jeonggam??” Chansung turned his head. He was pretty sure he heard someone calling for Jeonggam. He then run toward the sound and shocked when he saw Jeonggam was running between the cars, behind him there was a girl who looked so worried and once again calling for Jeonggam.

“What’s happening?” Chansung was not fully awake to what was happening. But the bus was getting closer if he didn’t make a move, both of Jeonggam and the girl would hurt.

Chansung took some step but it was too late the bus was about hit Joenggam little body.

“ANDWAEEEEE!!!!!!!!” Chansung screamed! Almost cried, his little brother was standing in front of the fast bus.

“CHIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTT!!!” the sounds of breaks and tired covered their ears. And the next second, “BRUKKKKKK!!!!!!”

Chansung couldn’t believe what he just had seen. The girl___ the girl he saw running after Jeonggam___ she…. She saved Jeonggam. Both of them saved from the bus and lied on the street.

Chansung hold his breath. He walked toward Yee Rin. “Gwenchana???” he asked hurriedly, his eyes quickly scanned Yee Rin’s body.

Meanwhile Yee Rin still couldn’t lift her head. Her arms felt numb and as well as her heart. “Chansung oppa___ Chan.. Chansung oppa is now touching my shoulder,” hear head talked to her. Yee Rin almost cried and laughed at the sametime, but sound of Jeonggam awaked her.

“Miauwww~” Jeonggam peeked between Yee Rin arms.

“Jeonggam-ah?” Chansung heard so worry.

“Miauwww!!” Jeonggam called again, his first reason for jumped out and crossed the street crazily was because he saw Chansung across the street. Jeonggam jumped to Chansung arms.

“You’re here!!! Where have you been!!! I ‘v been looking for you all day and night!!! I missed you!! Uri omma do!! (so does our mom)” Chansung talked emotionally with his pet.

Yee Rin felt something hit her heart. “what did I do?? Did I just…. Did I just hurt my lover? Why would I do that,,, pabo chorom naega!!! ( I am so stupid!!)” Yee Rin talked in her heart. Without knowing tears fell down from her eyes.

Chansung looked at her. “Ommo? Why are you crying? Do you hurt somewhere?” Chansung grabbed her arms worriedly and at the same time Yee Rin screamed a little. “Akh!”

Chansung stopped her hand and pulled Yee Rin’s jacket gently. Chansung shocked when he saw a long bruise in her arm. “You hurt, byeongwon kaseyo (lets go to the hospital)”

“an.. aniyo, gwenchanayo~ (no, it’s ok)”


“Jinjja gwenchanayo.. (it’s really okay)”

Chansung hold his breath. He saw so many people gathered around and even took pictures of them. He then looked at one coffee shop in front of him. “arasseoyo, iltan kaseyo (ok then, but first lets come here)” Chansung helped Yee Rin stood up and entered the coffee shop, security blocked fans who also wanted to jump in.

Yee Rin stepped her foot in, and in a second everything has change, she was different from other girls who screamed out there, she was different with those pity fans who only can fantasize Chansung on internet. She was different!!! She was here, standing next to her eternal love! She succeed make her way to enter Chansung life. And in no time she will reach all of her dream!!!!

To be continued..

Yuuuhuuuu got damn lucky youuu SHIN YEE RIN!!!!! I want to kill you now!!! hahha

Anyways this is the 4th part,, I will update it soon,, keep reading hottest!!! I love youuu


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