chapter 8

Bad Boy (Yulsic version)

 Yul was drinking his cup of vanilla late while entering Jessica’s gallery. When he reached the front of the building, Krtystal was about going out from the building. She notice him and starred confusedly as she reminisce who he is. When they were passing eachother, Krystal was realizing something. She was hurrying her steps then hiding at the behind the wall while taking a glance towards him.



“oh my gosh! He? Solma…? Wait I’ve to make sure that he’s really eonni Jessie’s brother!”

She mumbled as she spying him entering the building. She bought a cup of coffe while she was waiting for him to comes out. When she was about spying while sneak up trough the front building, Yul cames out from the Gallery and walking trough the sidewalk. She immediately run and took another opposite way then pretend to walk towards him. When they’re passing eachother, Krystal crashed herself towards Yul and made the coffe spilled on his clothes.



“omoo!! I'm sorry!”

She said as she trying to act innocently. Yul just sighed and wiped the coffe but it already made a spot on his white clothes. Krystal approached him while apologizing,



“it’s okay, really..”

Yul said as he wipping his clothes and looked at her.




“you? Han Yuri-sshi?”

Krystal asked as she smiled cutely at him. Yul was shocked when she called him ‘Han Yuri’


How does she knows? – Yul




“so about the last meeting,well  I’m sorry since I don’t know that you’re eonni Jessie’s brother.”

Krystal said shily as they walking side by side. Yul just smiled and looked straight on his way. Krystal still didn’t know that Jessica was lying about Yul. But since Yul was the ex-Han Yuri, he want to playing with this girl and pretend to be Han Yuri that she meant. Yul already knew that she wanted to firlt the real Han Yuri and crashed the coffe purposedly.

This woman are so unbelievable.. but it’s so interesting to see your reaction when you know that I’m not Han Yuri – Yul


Yuri just chuckled as he thinking about the woman next to him.



“ehmm, about your clothes I can wipe the spot if you want me to..”



“huh? No, really it’s okay. Don’t worry about that.”




“*pout* but it’s still, I feel guilty since It’s fully my fault.”



Really, you are so interesting, Miss Coffe! – Yul



“haha.. okey then. Let’s go to my house and you can use the wash machine.”

Yul said as he chuckling at her acted. She smiled brightly when He accepted her offers.


Good, Krys. It’s the first step to get closer to the Hans. Hihihi – Krystal




“excused me, you are suit well together. May I take your picture?”

Suddenly a photographer cames and offering a picture of them.



“huh? No, thankyou we are in hurry. Sorry ajusshi..”

Krystal said as she make an excused to go and dragged Yul within.



“wait, Miss but you two really a suit couple. Don’t you want to take it as a memory of your picture with your boyfriend?”

The phorograper-man suggesting. Yul just chuckled and almost giggling.



“but we are not a cou-,”

When Krystal was about complaining the pothograper’s taught, Yul dragged her and wrapped his hand to her shoulder made Krystal surprised and looked at him.



“let’s take a picture togheter. Ajusshi, please take a best picture of us.”

He said as he smiled at the camera while Krystal just looking at him confusedly.







25 missed calls

19 unread messages


From Han Jessica :

Oppa, why you didn’t call me?

Are you bussy?

Oppa, let’s have a dinner togheter!

Saranghae <3

From Han Jessica :

You’re not answering my call *pout*

Are you really tha bussy?

Hmm.. okey, I just want to say



From Han Jessica :

Oppa.. I miss you so much <3

Please call me, after you read this message..



Yul shiged after he read the messages and just put his cellphone back in his pocket to ignore it. He was standing at the edge of the bridge as he looking at the bright skies. He closed his eyes as he laying his hands and strect them away while enjoying the tender wind.






“omma.. catch me if you can! Hehehe..”

The little Yuri was running at the backyard of a small cottege in a village.


“Yuri-ah.. wait for omma!”

His mother said as she catch him from running.



“appa!! Come her and saved me from omma! Hehehehe..”

The little Yuri was running towards his father who was busy making a stable for their dog.


“aiii,…ommre.!amed ani a hooss!”(Yuri, come here! I made Hani a house!) His father said as he signing his son that he made him a stable for Hani, his beloved dog. Yes, Yuri’s father was a mute and a deaf, but Yuri can get cominicated with his father with a sign language. Even though he wasn’t his real father, but Yuri loves him so much.





“omma.. appa.. I don’t wanna go!”

The little Yuri as crying when his parents brought him to the Hans.



“but he is your father, Yuri-ah.. and he can make you happy, you wanna go to school, right? Omma can’t raised you well since your father has everything, you’ll live better with him.”




“no, omma! I’m happy with omma and appa! Appa.. please say to omma that I don’t wanna go!”

The little Yuri crying and beg to his father. His father was crying so hard when the little Yuri rejecting to come in.



“et ott opp me! Aai ate uuuu! Uu ar a naggty boiii!” (get off of me! I hate you! You’re a naughty boy!”

His father said to the little Yuri harshly as he hold his tears for crying to make him go. He took the little Yuri out of the truck  to the front of the gate as he brought Hani with him and leave him alone the rode the truck.



“omma! Appa!”

The little Yuri crying hardly as he wanted to cacth them but some bodyguards hold him. While his parent gone.


“how can they said that I’m a liar! They’re the one who was lying to us! They said that they want to take a good care of him!”

Yuri’s mother said as she and her husband rode a truck to go to the Han’s mansion to take Yuri’s back since they got information that Yuri was kidked out for lying about his status.


Along the way in their truck, Yuri’s omma and appa were crying as they felt guilty. His father hold his mother hand to calm her down.


“I feel guilty to leave him like that. We can’t let him there alone. How if they treat him bad? We should take him back soon!,”

Her husband hold her hand thighten to calm her, but in a sudden another truck was in front of their truck. Yuri’s father didn’t notice, then he shocked and truned his truck to the left, but when he tried to step on the brake pedal, the brake was tension.



Yuri’s mother screaming as the truck didn’t want to stop and hitting the fence and the truck fell inside the ravine.



After he got dumped by his father, little Yuri was found by a couple wife-husband who have a kindhearted and raised him as their own child.


“omma..appa.. why didn’t you two come to pick me up? I’m afraid to be alone..”

Little Yuri said as he sat on the bed while holding his kness and crying.


Yuri has been raised by his new-parents, they brought him to US and sent him to school. But he decided to comeback to Korea and live independently since he want to take his revenge towards Hans. And he was setting up a plan to destroy them.


~end of flashback~



Yul was reminiscing his past while enjoying the air around him. Then suddenly his cellphone vibrated. He tought that it was from Jessica then he ignored it, but he decided to have a look and the other name’s caller was appeard. He immediately picked up the phone.



“hello, Yul-sshi. I’ve got the information about the bodyguards who knows the incident about your parents death.”



“send me his number then, and set up a meeting with him. I’ll go to meet him.”



“okay. Good luck!”



As he hang up the call, he walked in hurry with a fire on his eyes.




“Miss. Jessica, please eat your lunch. You’ll get sick if you won’t. please or else madam Shin will mad at me.”

The maid begged to her master and persuade her to eat since she has passed her breakfast  already.



“no! I just want Yul oppa! I want him to be here with me, then I will eat my lunch!”

Jessica said stubbornly. The maid just shighed frustratedly while taking back the plate. Tiffany noticed the scene in his sister’s room then she just sighed as she went in to her sister’s room.



“don’t be stubborn! Just eat your lunch now!”

Tiffay felt irritated of his sister’s childish acts.



“no! I won’t!”

Jessica still being stubborn.



“*sigh* okay then. I’ll let you starving here! And I’ll tell omma that your stubbornness is coming again!”

Tiffany said harshly as she made her way out of the room and left her alone.



~few hours later~

Jessica was getting a fever since she doesn’t want to comes out of her room and passing her meals for a day. She’s lying unconsciously and her face looked pale. She’s sweating a lot and she keep mumbling. Tiffany was worrying her sister’s condition then she called a doctor to check her sister.


“Jessica, please get well soon. You are so stubborn!”

Tiffany said as she wipping the sweats on her forehead with a towel.

“Yul oppa..”

Jessica keep mumbling Yul’s name in her sleep. Tiffany saw her worriedly and concernedly.




Yul was walking limped along the way his back from the meeting with the bodyguad’s of Hans. He crying and want to exploded when he remember what that man said about his parent’s death. His tears full of anger and sadness.




“your parents’s death is not caused by a pure incident, but It was setting up by someone.”

The man said as he sitting in front of Yul. Yul was shocked after hearing his confession. His eyes widened and full of anger.


“what do you mean!! Tell me who is the one behind all of this!!!! Tell me now!!!”

Yul shouted at him angrily. There was a fire on his eyes, like he was ready for punching someone.



“madam Shin. She command the bodyguards to tricked your parent’s truck to kill them. as your parents on their way to pick you up.”

He said with a deep voice felt guilty.


“if you already knew abot her evil plan, why you didn’t stop her!!!!!”

Yul said as he grabbed that man’s clothed and clenched it thight. The man just starred at him with a guilty face.




“sorry, I can’t do anything since she was hostaging my wife and my daughter and and threatened to kill them. I’m so sorry.”

The man confessed as he crying hardly. Yul just released him and hold his anger. Then he grabbed a chair and threw it madly.





He yelled angrily as he crashed it to the wall. The man just looked dwon his face didn’t dare to face him.

~end of flashback~


Yul kneeling down as he keep crying and pitying his messy life. He felt the world was so unfair to him. He was mad, angry, sad, and exploded.


(a/n. Please listen to this song when you read Yul's part) :D –


I’ll destroy them one by one mercilessly! – Yul



"Madam Shin, he is here."




"oh, okay let him to come in."



the secretary nodded and bowed as she went out of her room. then a guy was appeared with a suit of black coat from the back door. madam Shin sat backing him on her chair. then she turned around and face him with a mocking face. but she was a little bit surprised when she looked at his face, she felt so unfamiliar. but soon she managed to calm and started to talk.


"well, you know why i asked you to come here? well, i just want you to stay away from my daughter since i've setting a marriage for her with a CEO of a big company. i warn you to go after you done my husband's command to bring that little dumb backs from Japan."

she said with a scornful face.


"okay, omma."

he answered shortly and gave the old woman a smirk. while the old woman widened her eyes and shocked after hearing the way he called her.



"what the!!!!!"

she yelled angrily





~to be continue~

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Chapter 11: So bad.... i want you to continue this. Where have u been???
forgotme #2
Chapter 12: Where are you?? Hoping for you to continue this..
Nice one author! I was planning to do this remake of Bad Guy/Nappeun Namja but you came first. Hahaha! I'll support you on this, good luck! :-)
leesonekyu #4
Chapter 12: update soon author ssi :D
very cool oppa ^^!
Chapter 11: It's interesting :)
Update soon :)
Chapter 1: hayyyyy ! hehehe i'm just adding some pictures from the drama so you guys can get what i mean in every scene.hihihihi
see ya :)
Chapter 11: Aigoo, Yul is really a bad boy. A bad boy indeed. He's a player, murderer (?) and he wants revenge! I'm feeling bad for Tiffany and Jessica TT~TT oh please, Yul, stay with Jessica :3 stop your plans too -_-

Thanks for the updates, author-ssi!~
Chapter 9: Did I understand this right? Im Yoona was the Han Yuri now? OTL my mind should fix itself if I'm wrong.
I'm so confused of Yul's feelings for Sica too~ why is he so complicated? XD